Lord Of Succubi:Transmigrated As A Dual Cultivator In Isekai Of Magic
Chapter 188 188 The treatment’s already working

Chapter 188 Chapter 188 The treatment's already working

"My methods were trademarked Selina. As a businesswoman, I'm sure you can respect that. But sure, let me indulge you–"

He retracted his arms from her abdomen and faced her squarely;

"–I am officially telling you this now, this massage is only going to get a whole lot more physical."

On her rosy round cheeks, a red dash of color bloomed. Fighting to keep her embarrassment at bay, she asked;

"Just how physical are we talking about Ni Yang?"

Shrugging, he said;

"Physical enough to be deemed intimate- and intimate enough to give me access to all your unmentionables. Yes, even down there."

His words snatched the air out of the room.

Nexus could almost hear her jaws slacken as her eyes flared wide- in surprise.

Still on the bed- seated upright, and with her back against the headboard, Selina's heart skipped several beats- drumming wildly against her chest as her mouth went dry.

She definitely hadn't seen that coming! Intinctively, a towering wave of rebellion surged upwards- manifesting in her cloudy eyes as a flame of resistance- flaring up, and raising up ALL her mental walls,

But- almost immediately, they came crashing down.

'Think about it,' her inner voice nudged her; 'The treatment's already working. . .'

She could feel the budding heat- like the comfortable warmth of an open campfire in winter. Like the red hot glow of burning coals at a hearth. Plus- there was something else- something she just couldn't lay her hands on.

Was she– enjoying this?

Before she could ride that train of thought, Selina blinked twice- rapidly and simultaneously. In the same breath, her lungs collapsed- letting out a deep gust of air;

"Well then," she announced softly; "It certainly looks like I don't have a choice- do I?"

He shook his head; "No, not really."

"Then there's nothing more to talk about. . ."

She sank into the white sea of cotton sheets- rustling noisily as she slithered all the way down;

"Get on with it mister Ni Yang. Do the thing."

Nexus peered at her- looking for any signs of fuckery.

But there wasn't any. Instead, just before she closed her eyes- briefly, just briefly- there was a flash of shyness that streaked through.

At once- Nexus' mind began to work super fast. His gaze shot around the open space- isolating everything that could possibly not make this work smoothly.

The curtains-

It was too damn bright.

Swiftly, he very nearly hurtled out of the bed- bounding straight for the curtain rails just five feet away from him. He skidded across the room to the opposite wall- drawing the fiber close- shutting the blinds completely.

With the glow of the midday sun blocked by the curtains, the previously dazzling white walls paled. Nexus turned. The room had been plunged into a dimmer version of itself. He glanced over at the woman lying on the bed- still and peaceful- waiting for his touch.

A familiar lump of emotion crept up his throat- forcing him to swallow.

He approached the bed- striding confidently as he undid the buttons of his coat.

Eyes still fixed on the beautiful woman on the bed- he stretched out his hands like a scarecrow- and hoisted himself out of the long black trench coat- freeing his upper body from its thick fabric.

As he escaped the garment, he announced softly;

"I forgot to add one more thing–" lies- he didn't forget; "–at any point in time you begin to feel uncomfortable, all you need to do is say the word, and I'll call it off. Okay?"

She nodded slightly- still keeping her eyes closed.


The coat fell to the ground.

From the system's space, Nexus pulled out his favorite aphrodisiac- a vial of lavender oil.

Breathing slowly, he lifted the finger-length bottle, and tilted it sideways- letting it pour into his open palm. As the thick liquid slithered into his hand- a rich cloud of perfumed scent enveloped the room- taking Nexus all the way back to that night at the castle.

He shook his head- focus!

On the left side of the wide bed, just a few inches away from her arm, Nexus lowered his butt and sat down- sinking his weight into the feathered mattress.

As he rubbed his palms vigorously against each other, he eyed the voluptuous Selina.

The universe had really thrown him a curveball.

She was as rare as they come.

Her long curly white hair, like strands of snowy wool- framed her oval face. Shoulders tense, and chest barely breathing- Nexus' palms landed on her stomach once again. Arms parallel to his shoulders, and face twisted in seriousness, his fingers dug into her body- deeper, with a more sensual touch this time- feeling her up.

Her gown was white and flimsy- with a thin strip of rope just under her belly button. Eyeing it- Nexus tugged on the cord-


The rope came through- sliding noiselessly under Nexus' thumb- giving way to the pale sight of her naked bare stomach- and above it, were two pale breasts- huddled together closely like two large gallons- milky.

Burning with eagerness, and fighting the urge to lower himself onto her, Nexus oiled up palms began once more.

Focusing his gaze on her body- he started from the sides of her stomach- massaging rubbing tenderly on the fleshy folds above her hips. his oily hands began to work upwards in careful precise motions.

Mouth half open, and lips quivering slightly, Selina's soft moans snaked out of her throat- and came out in short gasps- in intermissions as Nexus' hands rubbed down on her stomach- inches away from her heavy breasts.

The rich smell of lavender permeated the air, and the sounds of rising breathing echoed in the dimly lit room.

Teasing her, he picked up the folds of her skin between his fingers- and sent them down in delicate palpations- watching every single reactions on her face. Her groans came out in trickles as her lips trembled slightly.

Her pain was lessening.

So, Nexus moved on to the next stage.

Pulling on the white rope on her chest, the tight corset fell loose immediately- and Nexus felt his jaw drop.

Her full breasts- round, and milky-white, bulged on her chest. Nexus swallowed. Her tits were massive- spanning wider than the width of his open palm. They were deliriously full- jiggling as she gasped- standing firm and round, defying gravity despite their massive size.

Her nipples stood gloriously at the center of each tit- pink and perky- like strawberries on top a bowl of cream.

Blood raged through Nexus' pants- and his tongue went dry in his mouth. Eyes bulging, he peeled his gaze away, and slid downwards- towards the southernmost part of the bed.

The remaining length of the gown covered her ankles completely. So, clutching her two small feet, and with her perfectly pedicured toe nails grazing his fingers, he held up her legs, and slowly spread them apart.

The two pillars of bone and flesh skidded across the white sheets in soft ruffles. From the hems of the gown, he began to pull the white fabric upwards- from her ankle, to her calf, stopping just below her knees.

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