Chapter 235 235 Keep Running

"Nothing!" his voice tore through the wind from up ahead; "Keep running! Don't look back!"

An alarm bell- louder than the rage of her own beating heart, rang in violent peals- at the back of her mind!

Don't look back? she repeated mentally- echoing it over and over again.

But Nexus' warning proved entirely counter productive. 

What was behind them? That was all she wanted to know now! So, as she slowed down- trying to navigate the same bend he had negotiated, her wavy curls lapped in the wind as she jerked her small head backwards.

On her pale oval face, the girl's eyes went round in shock! A shriek and a gasp- together- escaped her throat!

WIREWORMS!! A fuck ton of them!

At the zenith of the hill above- right from the very spot they had fled from, the heavy white slugs appeared- slushing towards them in folds of meaty white flesh. Stacy gasped again- forcing her head forwards before she could stumble- or worse. 

"Master!" she cried into the darkness- and Nexus knew she had turned back; "It's the wireworms! ALL OF THEM!!"

She wasn't wrong.

It was all of them.

"Damn it I told you not to look back!" Nexus cursed into the air; "Keep running!"

Stacy had no acidic reply this time. Her palms burned into the folds of her long skirt. The flames quietly ate into the material- stopping at her thighs- till it became a mini skirt.

Without the burden of the long fabric anymore, her hands thrashed the air in wild tandem motions- synchronizing with her bounding feet. Poor girl. Her pale face turned blue. As a fire mage, the night moon weakened her.

From the top of the hill- behind Nexus and Stacy, the giant monsters poured out in flowing white streams- gushing out like an infestation of horse sized maggots. 

The cylindrical-tubed-shaped monsters didn't come out in ones, or twos- poured out by the dozens! Stacy gasped- and gasped again. Cold sweat soaked through her garments. Her pale face went even paler under the crescent moon.

'Where did they come from?!' she wondered. 'Were they there this whole time?!'

The intestines in her guts twisted and twisted in knots.

'No wonder master warned me against charging those the wireworms!' she wondered;

'We would have been dead if they had all come out. . .'

Under the light of the crescent moon above- the moist white of their membranes shimmered with a sticky silvery glow. 

They made no noise- and yet, they covered the entire hill- slithering down in hosts of terrifying white! Like a nightmarish host, their gigantic white forms came seeping out- squirming and slithering, moving way too fucking fast for a bunch of worms.

There was so many of them, the thickness of their slime ran down from the top of the hill- dripping in slithering drops- cascading all the way to the bottom.

Stacy nearly stumbled a couple of times,

And each time, she pictured getting eaten alive by a thousand massive worms. And immediately, a fresh surge of fight would grip her- forcing a burst of energy- quickening her legs into wild leaps;

"Master!" she shrieked; "Let's take them!" she panted; "I know we can!"

But almost immediately, the truth dawned on her.

It would be damn near impossible. There were dozens of them. And more was still coming. Fighting an uphill battle at night- against an army of bloodthirsty monsters, well, that was suicide.

"No," Nexus thundered from ahead; "There's. . .too. . .many. . ."

Stacy noted Nexus' monosyllabic answers. Maybe he's trying to save his breath- she thought excitedly; maybe he's thinking of some kind of plan! 

As the duo tore down the hill- they shadows danced in front of them. Behind them, the looming monsters raged towards them in pools and pools of slime. The organic putrid stench of their moist bodies curled into the air- overshadowing every other smell around. 

It reminded Stacy of the first three from earlier on.

Her round eyes widened in their sockets. 

Wait a minute- that's it!

"Master Ni Yang!!" her squeaky voice screeched: "This is revenge! It's because we stole their eggs didn't we?!!!"

Ahead- with his back to her, and her, and his twisted face facing forward- Nexus made no move to even reply her.

She yelled out again:

"Do I give them back?!!" the girl screamed desperately; "They're clearly mad at us!!"

"We're not giving back!" Nexus hollered with a note of finality; "It won't do shit!"

"Oh shit, oh shit-" she wailed, nearly stumbling over a small rock: "We're gonna die aren't we?!"

The panic continued to rise in her voice- spreading through her body and mind;

"They finna eat us alive!!"

Stacy could literally picture her bones getting torn off her limbs. She would bleed out, or pass out from the shock- if she didn't suffocate first from the wireworms sliding all over her- blocking her nostrils and mouth from breathing!

She jerked her head up- scanning ahead.

Downhill was still afar off!!

"Master! I love you! But we may need to fight! They're not taking me alive!!"

At this point- Nexus' face strained.

Thin lines appeared under his eyes as his chest bulged in and out. She was right!

Flying sword came into his mind- hovering gloriously in his mind's eye. But that ray of hope was snuffed out completely when Nexus remembered the overwhelming numbers he had seen!

'Seriously-' he cursed: 'All this rage- just for some damn eggs?!'

His own fear began to grow into rage- cold bottled rage.

Hurtling through the darkness- racing towards the bottom of the hill, Nexus wished more than ever that he could wield a thousand flying swords at once!! Yes. That was what he needed. A hell storm of blades- preferably dipped in flames of fire!!

'Yes, that would show them! That would-'

Two feet to his left- from uphill, a swooshing wind suddenly raged past him in a blur of white!

Stacy screamed. Nexus' mind froze.

'What the fu-'

Again it came- this time, hurtling right past from with a violent blast of wind. The girl screamed again. Nexus' eyebrows shot upwards in an instant- defying gravity completely.

Then, one by one, like stars falling from heaven, the fleshy white monsters bounded from the top of the hill- rolling head over heels, tumbling down the steep slope of the hill- crashing right past him and Stacy.

The ground vibrated- in tune with the rumbling all around. Bits and pieces of soil and rock broke off, following the stampede with a storm of cascading debris 

All the way down, they came crashing from the top- rolling, and rolling against the dust rocky surface- sending up clouds of dust into the cold night's air. Stacy's screams rang through the night- slicing through the stillness.

Nexus angled his head forward and picked up his pace. The monsters were leaping off the cliff? Just for them?

His hoarse deep voice boomed above the rumbling all around him.


An overwhelming surge of urgency snatched through Nexus. His nose pumped air out of his nostrils- forcing them out in raging gusts.

'Crazy sons of bitches!' he rasped; 'They're really throwing themselves off the hill?! Just to cut us off?!'

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