Chapter 236 236 Is Something Wrong?

"Master Ni Yang!!" Stacy called out from behind him.

Damn it. He was running too fast! He spun his head around- checking to see if Stacy was in trouble.

But he ended up looking way past her- over her shoulders- to the din behind.

His flashing eyes burned in his sockets. The hinges of his jaw slackened- forcing his mouth into a low hanging opening. The wireworms! They covered the entire mouth of the hill! Undler the light of the crescent moon, their gleamy white bodies shimmered like an infestation of giant maggots.

No wonder they were throwing themselves!

There was hardly any space between each slithering creature!

Nexus took a mental snapshot of the image, and jerked his head back- wishing he hadn't.

A flashing moment later, Nexus suddenly realized something was wrong. In his mind's eye, he went over the image- again and again as his own feet blasted forward in long heavy strides. Their line of trajectory- it wasn't making sense at all!

As each wireworm came tumbling down- it rolled way off course- completely missing him and Stacy.

'Are they missing us?' he wondered; 'Or are they simply just dumb?'

He jerked his head to the right as another low rumbling sound came booming underneath his feet. He tensed- ready to duck out of the way if need be.

He didn't need to.

Through the light from the moon above, his eyes found the body of rolling wireworm- some twenty yards to his right Both his eyes flickered. That was off- way off! Seriously, it's like they were trying to miss them on purpose.

Mentally, Nexus readjusted himself. It was time to test just how lucky he was.

"Stacy!" he yelled above the rampaging sound; "Follow my lead!"

The girl's eyes gleamed! Finally- A PLAN!


A couple of moments later, with the crescent white light still dangling in the sky, amidst the low rumbling in the bowels of the rocks, Stacy's gleaming eyes widened even further- in shock.


She screamed inwardly.

Instead of hurtling down the slope- straight towards the bottom- at a normal person should. Nexus' black clad form veered towards the left in a sharp srpint. His black coat flapped flippantly in the wind- rustling against his body- as cold wisps of air came streaking out of his mouth.

Behind him, Stacy followed- thumping her slender legs under her mini skirt- with eyes bulging in shock- watching as Nexus (Master Ni Yang) circled the base of the hill! 

Like a human sized black wolf, Nexus dashed wide- jerking his lower body to the far left- sprinting in the opposite direction of where he was supposed to be fleeing!

Stacy gulped nervously- feeling the violent rage of her beating heart in her chest. At the corner of her, the could see them clearly. In a thick throng of white glittering molds of flesh, the gigantic monsters were sliding down the hill with a furiousness.

They were still tumbling down! They rolled themselves in balls- curled their massive leaking cylindrical tubed bodies- and came tumbling down- rolling across the steep slope of the hill like land based asteriods. 

In the dark, Nexus' eyebrows peaked on his face.

The sides of his eyes twitched- as his arms swung by his sides in full sprint.

"STACY!" Nexus called out loud and sharp- enough to be heard by the creatures; "They're still rolling down over there!!!"

Six feet behind him, breathing down Nexus' heels, the York girl's face contorted even further in confusion;

"Master???" she breathed. The urgency all around them shot up through her.


Her master was yelling- even though he was barely a few feet ahead of her.

Nexus knew the creatures were blind. He was testing them- trying to see if they would pick up on his voicce. But they didn't. In ones and twos, the giant worms arched down the slope- crashing down in speeding blasts of winds- glittering under the silver moonlight.

"They're not chasing us!" he yelled to her; "They're not chasing us Stacy!!"

The curvatures of both her brows flipped upwards. Nostrils pumping, and lower lip drooping low, she jerked her head to the side- allowing the rushing wind sweep away the strands of hair on her face.

Was he right?

In their sockets- her curious eyes snatched furtive glances at the tumbling molds of flesh.

With the dreadful low vibrations in the earth, and with the formations of heavy bodies lining up the top of the hill, Stacy fought to push aside the terror gripping her heart.

Gawking- she finally caught on!

Reprieve descended on her with the refreshing coolness of rain on a hot summer's day. On her tautened face, the contracting tense muscles began to relax and relax- stretching out the worrying lines beneath her glowing eyes!

"IT'S TRUE!!" she shrieked; "They're really not!! Look, they're still falling like that!! They're not chasing us!!"

Suddenly, Nexus' swinging arms dropped.

He spread them outwards- like beating wings, steadying his sprinting form- slowly, decelerating, until he finally grinded to a hot halt.

Behind him, coming in at full speed, Stacy nearly bounded into him. The soles of her boots screeched against the rocky grounds, as her hair leaped up and down behind her in heavy bundles.

Stopping shy of a few inches from him, Stacy dropped to her knees before collapsing to the ground in a soft thud. Panting loudly, and with her hands on her chest, her eyes throbbed in her sockets. In her chest, her heart pounded with powerful gyrating thud- thumping and thumping like it was about to bust open.

Rolling her eyes, she cursed out loud;

"FUCK!!" she echoed;; "I never had to run so damn fast in my entire damn life! I'm a York for heaven sakes!! No one should be able to make me run!!"

She shut her eyes tight- working her nerves, willing her heart rate to slow.

Underneath her, the low vibrational tremors in the earth bounced through her skin- rattling her bones beneath.

When she finally opened her eyes, the blackness of the starless night sky greeted her. And to her left was her master. He didn't look too happy. Narrowing her eyes, she forced herself to sit upright.

"Master?" she called softly; "You don't look too excited that we aren't being chased. Are we good?"

In fact, Nexus looked like he was the opposite of excited.

With his side profile facing her, and with a circle of hills in the landscape over his shoulder, he kept his gaze trained upwards- to the top of the hill- squinting his eyes into slits. His hands curled into fists beside him, as his face contorted and contorted.

Focusing her eyes on him, Stacy leaned forward- flattening her palms on the bare earth as she pushed her body up.

"Master?" she crackled nervously; "Is something wrong?"

Nexus' shoulders slumped as he exhaled deeply. Without turning to face her fully, he spoke;

"They're not chasing us." he said in a quiet and sombre tone; "Why do you think that is Stacy?"

"Master, when the universe throws me a life raft, I take it. I don't ask questions."

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