Chapter 453 Chapter 453

?The night draped in an eerie silence, Abby found herself trapped by the tendrils of fear, the tales of vampires circulating through the city casting a shadow on her solitude. She had locked herself indoors, the walls of the mansion offering a semblance of protection against the imagined dangers that lurked in the dark.

Dracula who was ever watchful of his Granddaughter, sensed Abby's apprehension. He didn't understand why she had been so cautious all day but he could feel the weight of her fears permeating the air.

Dracula knocks on the door but he doesn't receive any response from Abby, he knocks again after a while but he still doesn't get any response. After knocking for the third time, he felt concerned and opened the door. Entering the room, Dracula saw Abby sitting warily across the bed, he adopted an air of casual inquiry as he moved closer to her, "How was your day, my dear Abby? What activities kept you occupied within these walls?"

Abby, whose gaze was fixed on the flickering candlelight, hesitated. "Grandfather, I've heard unsettling rumors. Stories of vampires stalking the night, draining the life from those unfortunate enough to cross their path."

Dracula, feigning curiosity, inquired further, "And what, pray tell, are these rumors suggesting, my dear?"

With a tremor in her voice, Abby revealed the chilling narrative that had gripped the city. "People say there's a vampire on the loose, preying on the unsuspecting, killing them and draining them of their blood. The mere thought sends shivers down my spine."

Dracula, maintaining a facade of interest, absorbed her words. In the dim glow of the room, Abby continued, "I beg you, Grandfather, do not go outside. Promise me. You are my sanctuary in this world, and I cannot bear the thought of losing you to such horrors."

A parental smile played on Dracula's lips as he approached Abby. "My dear Granddaughter, you have my word. I shall not venture outside into the night, for your peace of mind is of utmost importance to me." His words, a soothing melody, sought to ease the tumult of emotions that swirled within Abby's heart.

Abby, reassured but still clinging to the remnants of fear, whispered, "Thank you, Grandpa. You are my protector, and I couldn't bear to lose you, Grandpa, I promise you I won't disturb you in the house."

Abby, nestled in the safety of her grandfather Dracula's lap, "Grandfather, they say the vampire has killed entire herds of cows, and even the shepherd fainted out of fear."

Dracula's cold, slender fingers gently stroke Abby's head, a comforting gesture meant to soothe the fears that had taken residence in her young heart. His voice, a velvet whisper, resonates with reassurance as he urges her not to be afraid.

"Do not let these rumors trouble your heart, my dear Abby. The night has a way of inspiring tales that may not align with reality."

Abby looked at her Grandfather with a shiver in her voice "But Grandfather, they say it comes out every night, and people have seen him, it is said to be a creature of darkness taking lives."

"People often see what they fear, Abby. The night can play tricks on the mind. Rest assured, you are safe within these walls."

As Abby's words faded into the room, her eyelids grew heavy with weariness. Dracula continued his comforting gestures, his voice now a soothing hum.

She yawned as she asked her Grandfather, "What if these rumors are true Grandpa?"

Dracula smiled and tapped her cheek softly "Fear not, my child. Truth often hides behind the veil of legend. Now, rest. I am here with you."

Abby, lulled by the rhythmic cadence of her own voice, eventually succumbs to the weight of exhaustion. She drifts into a peaceful slumber in the protective cocoon of Dracula's presence. The old man continues to stroke her hair, a gesture both tender and timeless.

As Abby's breathing becomes steady in the embrace of sleep, Dracula shifts his gaze upward. The moon, a silent witness to the unfolding narratives, hangs in the night sky. It is not yet completely full, a subtle reminder of the passing phases of time. Dracula, his thoughts veiled in the impenetrable shroud of ageless contemplation, lets out a sigh that echoes with the weight of centuries.


The next day unfolds with a sense of urgency as Angel pays a visit to Tom at the police station. Driven by Mary Kay's directive, she was there to share a deduction that could potentially lead them to the whereabouts of Charlie's body.

Angel enters the police station, her presence a blend of determination and purpose. Tom, engrossed in his work, looks up as she approaches.

"Angel, what brings you here?" Tom asked

Angel nodded her head in greeting "Hello Sir Tom, Mary Kay sent me. We've got a lead on Charlie's body.

Tom's brow furrows with a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "A lead? How?"

"I can track people through scent no matter how far away they are from me. However, I and Lady Mary Kay walked the city, trying to pick up on Charlie's scent but we gained nothing."

Angel paused and looked around, she continued after a second "That's when Lady Mary Kay figured that the necromancer might've hidden the body where the death scent was strong, and Hospitals and cemeteries fit the bill.

Tom glanced at Angel with an intrigued expression, he exclaimed internally, trying to make sense of what Angel told him.

Though Tom is initially skeptical of such extraordinary abilities, he still acknowledges the peculiar nature of their world. In a realm where necromancers walk among them, the supernatural is not easily dismissed. He sees the logic in Mary Kay's deductions and, understanding the gravity of the situation, decides to act swiftly.

"Tracking through scent? That's... unusual," he said.

Angel smiled and replied, "In a world where necromancers exist, Detective, unusual is the new normal."

"Fair point. So, what's the plan?" Tom chuckles at the irony of their situation. Her words are just the same as his thoughts.

"We wait for nightfall. I will sense if Charlie's body is near, and then you'll have your lead." Angel replied enthusiastically.

"Alright, let's be ready. We'll gather a team and stake out the hospitals and cemeteries. If your ability pans out, it will be of great help and we might finally get a break in this case." he ordered.

Gathering a contingent of police officers, Tom orchestrates a plan to stake out the major hospitals and cemeteries during the night. The objective is clear, wait for any indication from Angel that may lead them to Charlie's resting place. The city becomes a silent battlefield.

As night descends, the police officers, armed with both conventional and metaphysical understanding, stand ready. Tom, with a steely resolve, anticipates the moment when Angel's supernatural senses will guide them to the hidden truth. The air was thick with tension, and the city, shrouded in darkness.

In the hushed ambiance of his office, Reaves, the influential figure of the city, sat in contemplation, and his thoughts were interrupted by the entrance of his butler, who bore a piece of crucial information from their spies.

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