Chapter 454 Chapter 454

?"Sir, there's been an unusual development at the police station. Detective Tom and a substantial number of officers have left the police station." the butler reported

Reaves, eyebrows furrowed in contemplation, "Where are they heading? Did our spies manage to gather any information?"

"Indeed, sir. They are headed to the hospital." the butler, maintaining an air of deference, informed him that the spy network had indicated their trajectory toward the hospital.

The revelation sparked a flicker of realization in Reaves' eyes. He needed to act swiftly. The butler stood respectfully in Reaves' office, awaiting further instructions.

Reaves, his mind engaged in deciphering the unfolding events, queried, "Do we have any additional information on the nature of their visit? Is there a specific target within the hospital that they might be focusing on?"

"Our spy network hasn't provided detailed information, sir. The focus appears to be on the hospital as a whole, and the cemetery nearby." the butler responded

Reaves nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the limitations of the available intelligence. He is swift to discern the significance of this information. Reaves recognized the urgency of the situation, sensing Tom's actions and understanding the potential ramifications, he decided to take matters into his own hands. "Prepare my coat. I need to see this for myself."

The butler swiftly moved to retrieve Reaves' coat, sensing the urgency in his employer's demeanor. As he handed over the coat, he ventured a question. "May I ask, sir, why the hospital? Is there a specific connection to the ongoing investigations?"

Reaves, now clad in his coat, considered the question before responding. "Charlie's death is shrouded in mystery, and the attack on Tiffany is still under investigation. If Tom believes there's a chance his body is hidden here, it's worth investigating."

The butler, ever the embodiment of discretion, merely nodded in acknowledgment. With a final word, Reaves conveyed his intentions. "Keep an eye on our spies. I want real-time updates on Tom's movements. And ensure that Nora remains well protected."

"Of course, sir. I'll attend to it immediately." As Reaves made his way to the hospital, the butler busied himself with executing the instructions.

As Reaves arrived at the hospital, a subtle tension hung in the air. The usual bustle of the medical facility seemed to yield to an undercurrent of secrecy. Spotting Tom in the vicinity, with an air of determined focus. The absence of uniformed officers did not escape Reaves' notice; they were undoubtedly present but concealed in the shadows.

Approaching Tom, Reaves, with a calculated demeanor, inquired about the purpose behind this clandestine operation.

"Detective Tom, what brings you to the hospital, and why the clandestine operation?"

Tom was surprised to see Reaves at the Hospital, meeting his gaze, Tom responded, "I received information from Angel. We believe the murderer may have hidden Charlie's body in the hospital or cemetery."

Reaves with his tone carrying a blend of curiosity and caution, questioned further, "And why did she involve herself in this matter? What drives her to pursue it with such fervor?"

Tom with his unwavering gaze, responded, "I don't know why she involved herself in this, but I believe Mary Kay want to use this opportunity to free herself from the suspicions and I need any help I can get. Charlie was my friend, and his death was shrouded in mystery. I believe the person who killed him and the one who manipulated his body are not the same. I seek justice for him. The necromancer may have hidden Charlie's body here. We're watching, waiting for any sign."

"Indeed, Mary kay suggestions may be right, Necromancers always work in the night when the sun no longer shone" Reaves, considering Mary Kay's theory, suggests that necromancers typically operate during the night. The logic aligns with the nocturnal activities of supernatural beings.

However, Tom, relying on the information Dracula provided him, counters this claim. "I don't really think so. According to Dracula, necromancers are accustomed to dozing off during the night, a fact that contradicts the conventional understanding of their behavior.

Reaves, scrutinizing Tom's expression, leans forward slightly, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "Tom, you seem pretty certain about what Dracula told you. But Mike told me something different. He said necromancers are active at night. So, which one of them is lying?"

Tom, maintaining a cool composure, retorts, "Reaves, I trust Dracula, we all do. He's been around for centuries and has seen it all. Necromancers dozing off at night makes more sense than them prowling around."

Reaves, unfazed, counters, "Mike is a well-respected alchemy master as well and Dracula finest disciple, and he's been around the block too. Why would he lie to me about something like this?"

Tom, now with a hint of frustration, shoots back, "Maybe he has his reasons. Dracula has more experience dealing with supernatural beings."

A charged silence hangs in the air as the weight of their conflicting narratives becomes undeniable. The realization that one of them might be protecting information or, worse, may be the murderer, casts a shadow over their conversation.

Reaves, with a steely gaze, breaks the silence. "Tom, we need to get to the bottom of this. If one of them is lying, He is not just protecting himself, but also he is obstructing justice."

In a sudden realization, both Reaves and Tom confront the unnerving possibility that one of them must be harboring a lie.

A sudden, eerie movement disrupts the stillness of the cemetery as a figure emerges, clawing its way out of the earth. Tom, Reaves, and the surrounding police officers tense visibly.

Tom, in a hushed tone, his voice barely above a whisper, issues a command, "Stay hidden, and don't make a move until I say so. We need to figure out what's going on here." urging everyone to remain hidden and forbidding any premature attacks on the reanimated form of Charlie. The atmosphere becomes charged with anticipation as they observe the macabre spectacle unfolding before them.

The entourage, comprised of police officers, trails silently behind Charlie as he navigates the shadows of the inner-city residences. Tom, his mind working like a well-oiled machine, observes the surroundings with a heightened sense of vigilance. It is at this moment that a realization dawns on him—

a realization that this could be a diversionary tactic employed by the cunning murderer.

"This isn't a straightforward resurrection; it's a diversion. The puppeteer behind the scenes is manipulating Charlie's body to mislead us." Tom thougt.

He moved closer to Reaves muttering to him, he said "This doesn't add up. It feels like a distraction. The real killer might be leading us away."

Reaves, his brow furrowed in contemplation, responds, "A diversion? "

"Exactly what we need to replace out," Tom replies. He motions to the officers, signaling them to follow Charlie discreetly while maintaining a safe distance.

As the undead procession winds its way through the city streets, Tom and Reaves discuss their strategy. "We can't be lured away," Tom asserts. "We need to split up and check other potential locations. The real killer might be hiding in plain sight."

Reaves nods in agreement.

The officers continue to shadow Charlie's manipulated form, while Tom and Reaves break away from the group, venturing into different directions to investigate potential alternate locations.

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