Chapter 478 Chapter 478

?Like a charging bull, the nine foot beast had its head craned forward, its arms shredded the open air, and its massive feet pounded heavily on the soil, lurching TOWARDS DRACULA!

Holy shit! Nexus cursed; Is that Tiffany?!!!

The air around her seemed to shimmer. The rage in her beastly form radiated waves and waves of terror. Dracula stood there, eyes bulging, watching the rampaging beast hurtling towards him.

Terror budded, shooting his brows upwards.

Excitement swept through Nexus gut.

At that speed, he thought; No one can outrun her. . .

Tiffany swept across the courtyard- inching closer and closer towards the astounded Dracula. Her powerful shoulders bulldozed through the static army of werewolves. Her massive clawed hands munched through their fur like hotdogs.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" Dracula bellowed at his minions; "Get her!! Get her!!"

With trembling hands, her fumbled the black iron horn- hurriedly raising it to him lips, and blowing into it weakly.

At one, the entire courtyard burst into life. The statue-like werewolves burst forward energetically. The collective pounding of their footsteps shook the earth, as their shadows fell forward, swarming Tiffany.

Abby cried from Nexus' arms; "Run Tiffany!! RUN!!"

Naive girl.

She thought Tiffany was trying to escape.

She hadn't realized she was raging to crush her grandfather.

Nexus' eyes squinted- running calculations. Tiffany seemed to have kept her wits. He didn't know how, but that was not as important as why exactly this was happening! She was also exceedingly large- bigger than all the werewolves!!

Dracula, also realizing it, began to slowly back up- nervously floating away while fixing his eyes on the storm of black fur.

Like a bear raging through a field of dogs, Tiffany's beastly form tore through the weaker werewolves. Her heavy muscled shoulders shoved a few. Her swinging elbows knocked a couple of heads. But it was her powerful jutting knees that did the most damage.

crack- crack- THWACKKK!!

Jaws slammed into her knees- breaking upon impact- like a legs version of an uppercut.

Awestruck, Dracula's face continued to whiten by the second. Their attacks against her were failing abysmally! So, feeling his stomach lurching, and he bellowed;

"You useless bunch! You good-for-nothing herd of swines! Defend me you idiots!! Protect your master!!!"

Nexus smiled.

Dracula had realized it too late by switching to defense.

Ahead, a dozen of them had quickly rushed to form a defensive wall. Elbow to elbow, with their deathless eyes gleaming, and their different shades of black fur fluttering in the night breeze, they positioned themselves.

Thump- thump- thump!

Bloody entrails dripping from her claws, knees, and elbows, the female monster raged toward the wall of fur. Nexus narrowed his eyes. Abby held her breath. And Dracula said his prayers.

The steady crunching of her massive feet got closer and closer, and finally, the rippling muscles on her tendon tensed- she's gonna jump- Nexus whispered under his cold breath. She's gonna-

But she didn't.

Like an arrow, she hurled her full body mass- straight into the wall of werewolves! A blur of black fur, quicker as lightning, whizzed through the curtain of blackness that was the nighttime. Her powerful heaving shoulders cracked two separate werewolves- forcing them to double backwards.

Tiffany's snout shaped jaws separated- creaking open- revealing her golden yellow teeth. Nexus and Abby watched, eyes wide open, as her powerful jaws, dripping with drool, caught one head!

Before any of them had time to be amazed, a terrible crack echoed- followed by the ridiculous wail of a werewolf getting his skull chewed open! At once, she broke through the wall- throwing her massive arms in sweeping arms.

Dracula's face paled even more.

'This was NOT the plan,' he thought quietly; 'This was not the plan at all. . .why's she so damn big? How is she still in control of her mind?!'

Nexus' curved eyebrows, ridged forehead, and open eyes showed he was thinking the same thing!

The ground shook- and the air trembled.

From dead throats, their guttural growls kept streaking through.

Muscles gleamed under battle ready, furry arms. The blackness of their eyes glistened.

But only for a few glorious moments. One by one, Tiffany's sharp claws tore out their necks- grunting, and biting. Her arms were longer. So, her reach was wider. Nexus counted seven dead already. A dozen wounded. And another dozen still encircling the pile of bodies.

Her thick neck twisted around, and her flashing eyes- full of fire, swept through her surrounding. Her teeth barred once again, and the next couple of moments passed by in a blur. In a hurricane of bloodied fur, mangled guts, chewed skulls, and freshly torn limbs, Tiffany raged through the pile of werewolf corpses.

Nexus, still holding his breath, clung to Abby- gripping her a little to tightly.

Tears welled up the younger girl's eyes.

Realization lit up her cheeks.

"She's going to kill him- isn't she?" she mumbled; "She's going to kill grandpa Drac?"

Pangs of sorrow laced each words. Unconsciously, she slunk further into Nexus' embrace- watching as Tiffany single- handedly mowed down the remaining werewolves. Despair, like hot iron, crept into Dracula's eyes.

His proud gait dropped even lower- and his blazing eyes seemed to have dimmed.

"ENOUGH!!" he hollered- throwing his shoulders back; "You want vengeance?"

He thundered- raising his fingers, pointing at Tiffany;

"You want a piece of this?! Then come get me!" his big vein was pulsing wildly on his face; "Come and replace out if–"

Surprise and shock seized the rest of his words.

Tiffany- a good fifteen feet away, shocked everyone by leaping high in the air. Her large shadow fell forward, eclipsing Dracula's face completely. Her drooling fangs glistening, arms stretched out, and muscled chest heaving, she hurtled through the air- towards the dark robed man!

Gravity took over.

Dracula didn't even have time to swallow.

The looming shadow crashed through the air- wailing like a banshee. Her claws struck out. Dracula lifted up his arm- struggling to protect his face.

"Run you idiot," Nexus cursed- deepening his own growl.

But Dracula was no amateur. From his raised arm, a burst of golden light beamed! Slowly, it took on the shape of a shield- buzzing with a low vibrations. It was smooth- clean.

But it lit up his exact location.

From the brilliant light, everyone could finally see Tiffany's eyes. They were bloody red- big and round- like a drunk bear. Dracula gasped, and just in time- muttered an incantation- gifting him a shimmering sword!

Without wasting time, Tiffany's knees bent- and her upper body shot forward.

shit, she's quick!

His right leg moved instinctively- sliding to the right- forcing his body to lean. A terrifying blast of wind brushed past him, missing his bearded face by an inch! A savage growl curled out from his lips as he swept his left leg behind- arching it in a sweeping curve along the ground.

Tiffany quickly regained her momentum.

The bulging muscles on her back tensed- and Dracula held his breath.

Through the cold air, her right arm came swinging- packing a heavy punch at his face!

The old man grinned. He lifted his glowing shield up, and arched the tip of his sword, thinking he had read her attack.

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