Chapter 479 Chapter 479

?But he didn't. He saw the first arm, and nearly died when he finally saw the second arm raging in from the left.


He cursed- dropping his precious head.

The swishing wind rushed right over him. And his gut dropped.

damn it!!

He had dropped to his knees, in an effort to dodge. But that brought him face to face with Tiffany's powerful legs.

Air tinging with excitement, the arch of her right knee jutted forward- cracking like thunder and fast as lightning. Dracula instantly rolled over- taking advantage of the ruckus by extending his sword.


The glowing plasma blade sliced into her right leg- igniting a dreadful roar from her throat! Abby's face turned purple- and she screamed;


But at this point, neither was interested peace. Both their faces twisted in rage. Dracula was up on his feet- jumping in excitement. Tiffany stumbled for a moment- swaying unsteadily from her new wound.

Dracula, eager for win, leapt at her- sword pointed straight- aiming for her heart.

But it proved to be a serious miscalculation.

Dracula's eyes widened in shock as she leaned forward- instead of ducking! Her blood red eyes glowed as she closed in on him, slowly stretching out her thick furry arm- unfolding her stubby claws, reaching for his head!

Nexus tensed.

Of course she wasn't gonna dodge!

She wanted him dead- more than she wanted to be alive!

So, as the three foot sword, (still glowing brightly), pierced through her fur, the daggers in Tiffany's eyes pierced through Dracula's soul even before her claws slashed his face.The slicing pain cut through his brain- and his right eye closed.

From his throat, a deep cry of agony spattered through;


Blade still lodged in her chest, she lurched forward- bringing her second arm swinging down on the left part of his skull.


Nexus winced- that's gotta hurt.

And then, Tiffany- trembling in fury, began to let out a combo of attacks on the smaller man. In a haze of punches, slashing claws, and upper cuts, she molested his body- ignoring the three foot blade in her heart!

From Dracula's mouth, several teeth broke off.

One eye went blind. His low hanging jaws dropped, and a vicious open wound appeared on his right shoulder. He tried to twist the sword, but she cut his strength with a powerful slash to his shoulders.

Nexus winced again- narrowing his eyes, trying to figure out why Dracula was still–

"This stubborn old man!" he cursed, gritting his teeth; "Let go of the damn sword already! She's going to kill you!!"

Abby heard him, and cried bitterly- screaming in between sobs;

"Please. . .stop. . .I beg you. . .please. . ."

Under the pale moonlight, Tiffany's skeletal face bent over her prey- thrashing him with all her might. Dracula, arms stretched out- still gripping the sword's hilt stubbornly, spat out blood, taking dozens of powerful punches in that short minute.

His arms, and shoulders were naked.

His bloodied cloak had fallen forward, like his battered head. Finally, Tiffany's movements began to slow down. Her head jerked with a violent cough, and the alchemist's lips moved, uttering a single word;


Nexus' hairs rose up! Quickly, his right palm moved- covering Abby's eyes, protecting her from being scared forever.

At the same time, from the tip of his sword inside Tiffany, lighting sparked, and a violent explosion erupted. Swirling peals of flames lit up the compound with a brightening glare- blinding everyone. The brute force tore them apart.

Nexus bowed his head down- closing his eyes briefly.

At the same time, Tiffany shrieked as the flames seared her insides- sending her flying upwards. The flames died out in an instant, and like a dropping stone, she came streaking down from the skies- crashing down to the earth with a sickening thud.

The police courtyard was plunged once again into an abyss of silence and darkness.

"Get off me!!"

Abby snapped with irritation, pushing his hand away;


She bobbed her head forward- calling into the din, squinting her eyes as she tried to peer into the cloud of smoke and dust.

"Grandpa are you there?" her voice was choking with fear and uncertainty; "Please, say something."

Nexus grabbed her wrist protectively;

"Wait, it's not safe yet. She might still be–"

"DEAD?" Abby retorted; "Dying? What could possibly go wrong that hasn't already?!"

Suddenly, a slight wheezing sound- barely audible above perception, cut through the stillness. Together, at the same time, both their heads jerked up- cocking in the direction of the smoky ruins.

They paused- waiting with round eyes.

It came again- like before- faint, distant, and barely audible. Abby's face, still puffy, glanced at briefly at Nexus- shooting him a questioning gaze. But she got no answers from there. His face was contorted in uncertainty- black eyes glinting beneath the curve of his tufted eyebrows.

"Dracula?" he called carefully; "Old man- are you there?"

Thankfully, the southern breeze picked up at that moment- sending the smoke away in gusts of wind. Nexus eyes tore into the darkness- searching. A sound- like a whisper came, and he instantly cocked his head towards the far right.

Almost immediately, he gasped.

Alarm blared in Abby's ears. Frantically, she interrogated him; "What is it? I can't see anything! Tell me what you see! Is my grandfather okay? Is she okay?"

Nexus lifted his hand, and pointed ahead;

"There, on that boulder up ahead- do you see those two shapes?"

Her eyes widened; "W-w-what?" she stammered; "But how did they get that far?!"

"Must be the explosion. Come on, let's go check it out."

A couple dozen meters later, southeast of their previous location, they came upon the boulder. A thick smell of burnt flesh hung in the air. The ground was burnt black. Pillars of smoke rose up from several columns.

Hot tears, like burning coals, formed on Abby's eyes.

They both laid there- still as statues- blackened from the smoke.

"She turned back." Nexus spoke; "Look, she's back to her original form."

"So is grandpa. . ." she muttered; "Do you think-? Do you you think they're still aliv–"

Nexus cut her short; "Come, let's help them up."

On their feet, they scampered towards their separate bodies, Nexus to Tiffany's, and Abby to her grandfather. On Tiffany's chest was a deep hole- slowly spurting out dark rich blood. Dracula was the same, except he was covered in multiple holes- chest, arms, and face.

"She's hurt," he announced- placing his finger below her nostrils; "And somehow, still breathing."

By Dracula's side, on her knees, Abby's teary eyes roved across his still body- afraid to even touch him;

"Grandpa. . .you there?" she wailed weakly- turning her head to Nexus;

"Nexus he's not moving. . ." she whispered painfully; "Why isn't he moving???"

He opened his mouth to answer, but his right ear twitched uncontrollably. His thin lips pressed together in alarm- and instinctively, just as he rose up from the ground, there came the low sounds of a dozen feet pattering on the ground.

It came from the far east, from inside the main building- all at once, several doors seemed fling open at the same time-

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