Mission: Seduce the Master!
Chapter 66: Returning to the sect

The next morning, Xie Qing, Yu Yang, and Xie Meiling packed up all their belongings and placed them in their spatial ring before leaving.

They had no problems leaving. The guards let them pass when the young man showed his disciple token.

"Disciple of the Heavenly Sect? Alright, you can leave," the guard said, returning the token, and then ordered the gates to be opened: "Have a good journey!"

"Of course. Thank you very much."

Xie Qing smiled and thanked the guard, then left the capital with the two women. The guards watched this and gritted their teeth, finally spewing out their envy.

"Damn, two beauties! And with such figures! I'm so envious..."

"As if it wasn't enough that I was born ugly, now this curse has fallen on my head. The heavens are unfair!!"

"...you'd better work!"


The journey home took a day, as in the last hundred years, the sects and the Dynasty had spent a lot of money to build various teleportation formations. Although not everyone could use these conveniences, for Xie Qing, who was rich, this was not a problem.

Inhaling the cold evening air, Xie Qing looked around, ignoring the slight nausea from the teleportation. His gaze swept over the high and green mountains, which were like peaks reaching to the heavens.

He was in a small village where the nearest teleportation formation was located. Xie Qing's expression changed when he first heard about this.

"I... wasted time overcoming the long road to get to the city?" he thought then, and his downcast face looked funny.

This village was located at the foot of the mountain range where the Heavenly Sword Sect was located. They were protected by the sect, as they were within their territory. Many mortals from this village came to work in the sect, and this had been going on for generations.

Looking at the seemingly simple village, Xie Qing found nothing interesting here, except for the beautiful mountain scenery.

Turning to Yu Yang and Xie Meiling, he smiled and said,

"Welcome. If we go up the bridge, we can reach the Heavenly Sword Sect. But for the inner court disciples, there is a special elevator," Xie Qing said, and then told them to follow him.


These two nodded and curiously looked around. Xie Meiling had been here before, but she had gone directly to the sect without having to overcome the mountain.

Looking around, Xie Qing, together with the two women, approached the mountain, and from a distance, they could see a platform that, with the help of the formation, would allow them to fly up.

Two main courtyard disciples were on guard. They wore red clothing and looked arrogant and proud.

Protecting the formation was respected work, so they happily did this work, and the pay and benefits were incredible. When the two disciples saw Xie Qing, dressed in inner court disciple clothing, and noticed the two women accompanying him, they frowned.

When Xie Qing approached close enough, one of them drew his sword and aimed it at the young man, who did not like it.

"Halt! Inner court disciple, why have you brought strangers with you?" the disciple asked arrogantly, not even wanting to lower his sword. The sword blade gleamed dangerously in the rising sun.


Xie Qing narrowed his eyes, feeling dissatisfaction with the behavior of the main courtyard disciple. According to the sect rules, a disciple did not have the right to act so radically, let alone point a sword at a fellow disciple - this was punishable by a strict reprimand and a fine, and for repetition, one could end up in prison.

Moreover, Xie Qing was not an outer court disciple, who was considered almost disposable. He was an inner court disciple and a potential main courtyard disciple!


Xie Qing involuntarily laughed and shook his head, making the two disciples in front of him think that this inner court disciple was mocking them.

Of course, this caused a strong reaction.

"Laughing, freak?!" shouted the disciple who had previously pointed the sword at Xie Qing.

"Freak? Where do you see a freak here?" Xie Qing calmly reacted and then cracked his neck. His eyes lit up with a golden glow, and the disciple's sword began to be covered with cracks, eventually turning to dust.


The disciple was stunned and looked at the hilt. This was all that remained of his beautiful spiritual sword, which he had bought for 100 Spiritual Stones! His heart bled with pain.

"Oh? What happened... how tragic! Maybe the Heavens were offended that you used your power incorrectly and punished you? Oh, how tragic!" Xie Qing said with a pretentiously disappointed tone and smiled, adding: "Ah, yes, pointing a sword at sect disciples is punishable by a reprimand, but if I try, I can also ensure you a good fine. What do you say?

A good idea!"

The two disciples looked angrily at Xie Qing, but now there was caution in their gaze. This was not because of his threats, but because the sword had turned to dust! Such power was not available to everyone.

"Who are you? You can't be an inner court disciple," the disciple whose sword had been turned to dust finally spoke.

"You only now realized that you should check my identity? The first word that should come out of your mouth is to ask me to provide the disciple token, and you pointed a sword at me," Xie Qing analyzed the disciple's behavior with a calm face, tilting his head to the side: "And you pointed a sword at me. How stupid."

"Y-you... how dare you insult a main courtyard disciple?!" the disciple shouted in anger and looked as if he wanted to attack, but in fact, he was already pouring Qi into the communication token.

"You look like you're ready to fight to the death, but you're already pouring Qi into the communication token... a pitiful sight for a main courtyard disciple. I was excited when I thought I would soon become part of the elite," Xie Qing muttered disappointedly and shook his head: "I think it's the fault of the elder sister that she allowed the existence of such lowly worms.

The sect has been too passive for a long time. It's time to get up off our knees."

Xie Qing accurately analyzed the situation of the sect and could say that it was in decline. The only thing that kept it in the position of the four main sects was the respect of the cultivation world for the founder, who was Xu Mei.

This fact Xie Qing had understood long ago. One did not have to be stupid to solve the "1+1" problem.

And while the two disciples tried to call the elders, he without hesitation released his aura and stunning the two disciples, stood on the platform.

"Let's go. I think I need to discuss the sect's problem with my elder sister," Xie Qing said, looking at the two disciples who had collapsed in a shameful pose.

Picking up the sword hilt that lay on the platform, Xie Qing made several strikes, as if it were a ball, and then, like a true football player, kicked the hilt and sent it into the goal.


Of course, the goal was the disciple's testicles, who had pointed the sword at him. In such matters, Xie Qing was a very petty person, so he took revenge when there was an opportunity.

"Hehe... he will suffer for a month," Xie Qing thought with an evil smile. He had put Sword Aura into this strike, so if the disciple was not treated as soon as possible, he would lose his offspring.


The two women exchanged glances, losing their speech. They did not know that their son/young master was such a petty person! But they liked it!

"Cool!" thought Yu Yang, raising her thumb.

"Petty, like his grandfather," thought Xie Meiling with a neutral expression.


Xu Mei rolled her eyes. She appeared in the air as soon as Xie Qing used the teleportation formation.

Her face became strange when she heard his words. In essence, they criticized her, and this made the woman's heart sour.

"You're criticizing your Master? Damn, that sounds even more offensive considering that it's true! I am too lazy!"

"...and my younger brother is a cruel person," a slightly sleepy voice sounded, and in the air next to Xu Mei, Lian Lin appeared, whose face was displeased and embarrassed at the same time: "But his words are true.

Our sect has been insignificant for a long time due to the lack of the necessary cultivation technique, which you refused to replace because of your laziness and preoccupation with your own life, Master,"

"Ugh... now you're criticizing me too? I created the sect to rob rich investors. I didn't have enough pills..." Xu Mei complained.

"Any of the elders, hearing your words, will lose their respect for you, Master," Lian Lin said and yawned, then arched her back, watching Xie Qing. She suddenly muttered: "Lian Xin? Ah, right... this girl is hovering around my younger brother, a foolish girl in love. How cute."

"Pf! Another leech who wants to suck the energy out of my disciple!" Xu Mei disapprovingly commented with a sour voice. It was clear that she was jealous.

"Oh? "My disciple," you say? I thought you would say "my hubby"... ugh! M-master, don't squeeze my head, it hurts!"

Ignoring Lian Lin, who was writhing in the air, Xu Mei coldly looked at her disciple, and her eyes flashed with anger.

"Lately, you have been very disrespectful. How about I show you the meaning of the word "filial piety"? What do you say? Hmm, I think it's an excellent idea. Hehehe..."

Lian Lin lowered her head and submitted to her fate. When the Master is angry, she suffers!

"But you called him that yourself," Lian Lin wanted to say, but thought better of it, not wanting to worsen her position.


"Disciple Xie Qing!"

As soon as the young man appeared at the entrance to the sect, a joyful female voice approached him.

Raising his head and distracting himself from the mountains of the two women, he saw Lian Xin in front of him.

"Elder Lian!" Xie Qing exclaimed with a smile: "You came when you heard I was back? I'm so happy... do you want a hug?"

"E-eh... w-what are you saying, disciple Xie Qing. You're such a joker, ha-ha-ha-ha..."

Lian Xin dryly laughed and blushed, and her back was covered in cold sweat. She could feel the intense gaze on herself, and of course, it was the witch Xu Mei!

However, she could not fail to admit that this was a profitable offer. And while she was thinking, a sudden feeling of warmth distracted her.

No, it's not what you thought. Xie Qing hugged her in a friendly way, not lowering his hands, as a very jealous kitten was watching him.

"I missed you so much, Elder Lian Xin. Did you miss me?" Xie Qing said with a smile, teasing the woman. She blushed to her ears and could not say anything, looking like a broken robot.

"I-I-I... this... um..."

The woman blushed and could not understand how to answer. Smoke appeared from her wheat-colored hair, and Xie Qing could not help but laugh, ignoring the three piercing jealous gazes on him.

Lately, he had realized that teasing jealous women in this way was fun. Although he had to restrain himself, in case he woke up and found the inscription in front of him: "You have died, and the Nexus has imprisoned your soul. You cannot escape the Nexus".

One way or another, he finished teasing Lian Xin and released her from his embrace. Xie Qing patted her on the head, pressing the reset button, and only then did the woman come to her senses.

"E-em... let's first register the two ladies to avoid problems," Lian Xin said with red cheeks, avoiding the gazes of these two women, who looked at her with suspicion. She coughed and said: "W-we're heading to the Administration Pavilion."

"Of course."

Xie Qing smiled carelessly and did not change his expression, even when his mother pinched his waist.

"Mom, it hurts."


"No, nothing..."

The young man shook his head and smiled. He enjoyed teasing these women!

...At this rate, you really will die.


Thanks to Lian Xin's help, Yu Yang and Xie Meiling quickly and without any headaches registered. If Xie Meiling received a guest token, then Yu Yang asked to register her as Xie Qing's servant.

"Servant? Are you sure?" Lian Xin asked and narrowed her eyes, looking at Yu Yang with appraisal. Seeing her chest, the woman thought that she had finally found a worthy opponent.

"Yes. I want to serve the young master in the sect, as always," Yu Yang answered with a working expression on her face, emphasizing the word "always."

"Here it is..."

Lian Xin smiled friendly, but between these two, a spark appeared. Xie Qing, who was watching this, thought that he had overdone it a bit, but...

He liked it! Since there was no hatred between them, everything was fine, as long as it was simply jealousy. He would just pamper them until they forgot about their jealousy.

Noticing the smile on Xie Qing's face, Xie Meiling shook her head, wondering why her son had become like this.

"You remind me of my father. Although he was not as handsome as you, he had a similar character," Xie Meiling said with annoyance, suppressing her jealousy.

"Oh? Grandpa? What are we similar in?" Xie Qing was interested, his eyes sparkling.

His grandfather was a legendary figure. He was a talented cultivator. Seeing Xie Qing's interest, Xie Meiling looked at him from bottom to top and then answered:

"He also had the same libido as you. He was called the chief pervert of the Northern Continent!"

Xie Qing admiringly exhaled, and then dreamily looked at the sky.

"So my grandpa was also a man of culture."

"No, I'm telling you, he was a pervert"

Ignoring Xie Meiling's correction, Xie Qing prayed for his grandfather's soul. He was sure that in heaven, an old face appeared, which winked at him with a smile.

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