Mission: Seduce the Master!
Chapter 67: MY disciple, MY son

After registering the two women in the sect, Xie Qing returned to the pavilion where he lived with Xu Mei. As it turned out, Master was waiting for them right at the gate and looked indifferent, glancing at the two women. Xie Meiling also adopted a neutral expression, which was unusual for Xie Qing.

"Greetings, Lady Xu. I must say, it has been many years since our last meeting, and you are still as energetic and agile as ever," Xie Meiling politely nodded in greeting.

"What are you saying, what are you saying? You flatter me, Lady Xie Meiling," Xu Mei replied in a neutral voice and looked at Xie Qing, who was smiling brightly, and snorted: "It seems that MY disciple has caused you some inconvenience, hasn't he? Well, forgive him, he's a bit mischievous with ME."

"Ha ha ha, what are you talking about, Lady? MY and BELOVED son would never cause me any trouble," Xie Meiling replied with a dry laugh, shaking her head.

Watching this, Xie Qing lost his speech, seeing how these two jealous women met. Even Yu Yan, who was jealous of Elder Lian Xin, had already calmed down and decided to step aside, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire.

Fortunately, Xie Qing did not have to intervene, as these two knew their limits and decided not to cause unnecessary problems. After a short conversation, Xie Meiling and Yu Yan were sent to their rooms, and Xie Qing was dragged into the master's room.

Sitting on a chair, Xie Qing looked at the girl in front of him with a smile. His beloved master always looked cute and young, like a twenty-year-old girl, and her behavior, which was sometimes cute, charmed him. And now she pouted, looking offended. Her gaze occasionally fell on Xie Qing's face, but seeing his calm smile, she blushed and turned away, not wanting to meet his eyes.

There was a small silence between them. Xie Qing sat, admiring her face, and Xu Mei gradually forgot about her jealousy, which was replaced by a strange embarrassment.

"Master..." Xie Qing was the first to break the silence, finally getting up from his place. With slow steps, he approached Xu Mei, who was sitting on the bed, showing her slender waist. The young man sat down next to her and touched her waist, and his mischievous hand slipped under her hanfu, touching her bare and warm skin.

"Ch-ch-what are you doing? D-don't come near me, stupid disciple..." Xu Mei whimpered from his touch and puffed up her cheeks, looking like a cute little chipmunk.

"Ha ha ha."

Xie Qing gently smiled and laughed at her expression, then kissed her on the cheek, and then on the eyelashes. His chin rested on her shoulder, while his hands caressed her soft belly.

"M-m-m... s-s-stop..."

Xu Mei blushed with shame, and her eyes filled with tears from strange sensations. She looked at Xie Qing with resentment, and when she saw that his face was turned towards her, she kissed him on the lips.


With a soft moan, Xu Mei tried to struggle and break free from his strong embrace and kiss, but Xie Qing resolutely pressed her to him, kissing her.


There was shyness and helplessness in Xu Mei's eyes when she stopped resisting and helplessly fell into his arms, allowing herself to be kissed. Soon, Xie Qing's tongue entered her mouth, and began to lick her gums and tease her tongue.

Xu Mei's face turned red, and her breathing became heavy. Her eyes rolled back with pleasure, and tears appeared in the corners of her eyes. When Xie Qing stopped kissing her, the girl helplessly fell on his chest.

"Haaa... haaa... haa...."

Her breathing was heavy, and sometimes Xu Mei paused to come to her senses. Her head was buzzing, and her thoughts could not form a coherent sentence. She looked at her man with resentment and love, while her gentle lips kissed his clavicle.

"Haaah.... Stupid disciple," her offended voice sounded, full of loneliness.

"Mei-Mei... I love you," the young man whispered in her ear, and Xu Mei shivered, and the tips of her ears turned red. Seeing this, Xie Qing could not help but smile. He suddenly wanted to tease her, and in the next moment, he showered her with compliments and whispered sweet words.

"I love you so much. You're my flower."

"You're so beautiful. Can I kiss you?"

"My Xu Mei... I love you so much, you know? You're my fairy..."

In the end, Xu Mei, out of shame, hid her face on his chest, not wanting to show her expression, which had a stupid smile, and her cheeks were filled with redness from excitement. Her ears were completely red, and her heartbeat was accelerated. Each sweet word of Xie Qing sounded to Xu Mei like a divine message, and she enjoyed it, and her jealousy began to disappear.

She rubbed her forehead against his chest and hit him as if expressing her discontent. From such cute behavior, Xie Qing's heart melted.

"Sweetie..." he thought and pinched Xu Mei's cheeks, then lifted her head by them, leaning in and kissing her.


This time, Xu Mei did not resist, but on the contrary - she was very active. Her tongue slipped into Xie Qing's mouth, and she actively explored his mouth, passing over his gums, over his palate, and intertwining her tongue with the tongue of the young man.

Her hands tightly gripped Xie Qing's neck, and she, like a queen, sat on Xie Qing's knees and because of this kissed him when Xie Qing's head was a little lower than hers.

After five minutes, she finally calmed down and looked satisfied. She lay in Xie Qing's arms, gently hugging his back and pressing her cheek to his chest, inhaling the scent of his body.

"My dear Master is so jealous, isn't she?" Xie Qing whispered with a smile, stroking Xu Mei's long hair.

"Hmph! I expected all kinds of things from you, but who would have thought that by saving your mother, you would hook up with another girl!" Xu Mei said angrily, again showing a jealous look, and then cunningly smiled: "But, if you think about it, I am the main wife, so I am still above them. Hehehe..."

"What a sly one, you're like a cute fox, huh? I think I need to treat you," Xie Qing laughed at her cute and cunning words. Although they were not yet married, Xu Mei was already sure that the position of the main woman would be taken by her.

Xie Qing also did not object, as he had spent the most time with her and was closest to her not including Yu Yan and Xie Meiling, but with them it was a different case.

"Although personally for me, there is not much difference," Xie Qing thought, but did not voice his thoughts aloud. Looking at the happy Master, who had already forgotten about her jealousy, Xie Qing sighed with relief. It was not easy to calm down a hungry tigress. If she lost control of her Qi, it would be a disaster.

After Xie Qing calmed down Xu Mei, he decided to check on his mother, who was also another jealous woman. Finding her was not difficult. She was settled in the room where Xie Qing had lived for a long time.

There were several posters with his favorite cultivators of the cultivation world, such as Lu Yin (heiress of the Sect of Nine Pills), the Sword Empress, and two paintings - in one of them, he was with Xie Meiling and holding flowers in his hand.

In this painting, he was six years old, and at that time, with the help of Yu Yan, he bought flowers and prepared a surprise for his mother's birthday. That day was very fun, and Xie Meiling even cried, her mask of indifference and coldness disappeared, allowing young Xie Qing to see his mother's beautiful smile.

And in the other painting, there was him and Xu Mei. It was his birthday, he was fifteen, and the Master could not come up with a better solution than to give him the famous white hanfu, which fit the size of the user and protected him from attacks. There he stood, still young, but insanely handsome, dressed in that same hanfu, and next to him was Xu Mei with a strict face.

Entering the room, Xie Qing saw that Xie Meiling was looking at these photos and was distracted when he came. "Are you done?" she asked, nodding and putting the photo with her on the nightstand, covering the photo with Xu Mei.

"Yes..." Xie Qing bitterly smiled, seeing her behavior. Noticing this expression on his face, Xie Meiling felt awkward and returned everything as it was.


Coughing to change the subject gracefully, Xie Meiling moved away from the nightstand and approached him. "Thank you. I wanted to say this since we came here, but I didn't replace the right moment," Xie Meiling whispered, and her eyes sparkled with tenderness when her gentle hands embraced Xie Qing's back, and she pressed herself against him with her whole body.

Her embrace was full of care and warmth. Xie Qing involuntarily relaxed and weakly smiled, stroking her hair. "This young gentleman has not yet completed his mission, lady. When I personally make the walls of the Xie family estate turn red... Only then can you thank me," Xie Qing laughed, but his laughter was a little cold.

Hearing his words, Xie Meiling raised her head and hungrily smiled. She squeezed his cheeks and then kissed him on the nose. "Of course, my boy. I believe in you."

The next day, Xie Qing decided to finally start taking his improvement more seriously. He grabbed a sword and stood in a stance in the middle of a beautiful and elegant garden, filled with flowers of different species and different price categories.

However, they were previously protected with the help of formations, as each plant here cost countless money, and some were something that could not be bought for any money - a rarity of ancient times.

Each of his swings was filled with a special aura. Even though he used an ordinary wooden sword, his movements were filled with sharpness and danger. As if a predator, ready to erase its prey into dust.

In the distance, several women watched this - Xie Meiling, Xu Mei, and Yu Yan. They watched as Xie Qing gracefully swung his sword. "Wow..." Yu Yan admired, captivated by the movements of Xie Qing's legs and body: "This... it looks like a dance."

"Of course, for you, it looks like a dance," Xu Mei replied and smiled, her eyes gleaming with pleasure: "But I see a series of ruthless blows that could turn even a Core Formation cultivator into dust."

"Hm, although I am not a Sword Master, I do have some knowledge in this area. Moreover, my eyes are very insightful," Xie Meiling said and with a neutral face began to make an analysis: "His Sword Aura is very unusual, I've never seen anything like it. It's not so noticeable, rather almost hidden, and you can only detect it when it has already hit you, which in some moments can be too late."

"I praise you for your insightfulness," Xu Mei said, and when she saw Xie Meiling's proud nod, she cunningly added: "However, you are not entirely correct - at least, you are not entirely correct."

"Hm? I'm interested in your words. Please enlighten me." Xie Meiling was a little saddened by the fact that she was wrong, but realizing that next to her stood a legendary figure and one of the strongest swordsmen in the world - the Sword Princess, she fell silent and began to listen.

"Of course. Although it seems to you that his Sword Aura is very hidden... I am forced to correct this remark," Xu Mei said and narrowed her eyes, adding: "His Sword Aura... is very aggressive."

In the eyes of the others, Xie Qing did not even release his Sword Aura but fought purely with his bare physical strength. However, this was fundamentally wrong, because in Xu Mei's eyes... His sword was surrounded by a thick layer of Sword Aura. Not only his sword but his body. Like a thick layer of armor, if someone came closer than five meters, their body would be torn to pieces.

This was terrifying but within Xu Mei's expectations. She understood that his Sword Aura would develop to such a level, and considering the legacy of the Sword Empress, Xie Qing was currently the most promising swordsman. He was just inexperienced.

"Time... time will tell," Xu Mei thought and cracked her neck, watching his training: "I need to ask Lian Lin to prepare a smart person to replace the manager of the Xie family, and then fully engage in his training. Damn, how I've sweated..."

Xu Mei licked her lips, and her previous innocent girlish feeling disappeared, replaced by a seductive and adult aura. The girls around her just watched this, losing their speech. "She's definitely crazy. Guys, let's not mess with her."

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