No Escape From Mr. CEO's Dangerous Love -
Chapter 134
Chapter 134
Joseph seated Nicole in the child seat, then drove out of the garage.
"Nicole, I'm just your driver, and you are responsible for what happens next." He wanted to distancehimself for if Lola knew it, she would certainly kick his ass.
Nicole enjoyed the scenery outside with excitement, ignoring what Joseph said.
In SL Group.
Nicole took the elevator from the underground parking directly to CEO's floor. The elevator arrived, butno one came out. The secretaries thought somebody may have chosen the wrong floor. So theycontinued working.
What she didn't see was a little girl who stooped down and sneaked out of the elevator.
Nicole opened the door of CEO office quietly while the secretaries were concentrating on their work.
They heard the door closed.
But they didn't know what happened in the office, nor did they care.
In the office, Harry and Nicole, who was standing at the doorway, were looking at each other. The littlegirl looked like a princess in the pink skirt.
"Excuse me, are you Harry?" The little girl asked in a cute voice.
Harry stood up beside the desk and looked at her in a fatherly way. "Yes. What can I do for you littlegirl?"
He recognized the cute Nicole, who he once glimpsed at the gate of Newman family.
"I can't replace my mom, so can I have a rest here?" Nicole curled her lips pitifully and Harry squatted tosee her closely.
"Where is your dad?" He really wanted to hug her. Actually, he did so. He couldn't help feelingprotective towards this little girl.
"Mom said he was seeking fortunes abroad." She felt comfortable in Harry's arms. "Daddy's sohandsome." Nicole thought.
Abroad? Harry remembered Lola had said the girl's mom was on a business trip, and maybe Nicolewas too young to tell the difference.
"Uncle, are you married?" She came here to replace out whether her mom still have the chance to marryHarry. She was very happy to see the man shake his head. Such being the case, nobody would takeher dad away!
Nicole put her arms around Harry's neck tightly, which made him thought she was afraid. So he smiledand said gently, "What's your name?"
"Uncle, I am Nicole!" She was happy to have Harry as her dad for he was not only handsome, but alsoas tall as her Uncle Jordan. Josaph saatad Nicola in tha child saat, than drova out of tha garaga.
"Nicola, I'm just your drivar, and you ara rasponsibla for what happans naxt." Ha wantad to distancahimsalf for if Lola knaw it, sha would cartainly kick his ass.
Nicola anjoyad tha scanary outsida with axcitamant, ignoring what Josaph said.
In SL Group.
Nicola took tha alavator from tha undarground parking diractly to CEO's floor. Tha alavator arrivad, butno ona cama out. Tha sacratarias thought somabody may hava chosan tha wrong floor. So thaycontinuad working.
What sha didn't saa was a littla girl who stoopad down and snaakad out of tha alavator.
Nicola opanad tha door of CEO offica quiatly whila tha sacratarias wara concantrating on thair work.
Thay haard tha door closad.
But thay didn't know what happanad in tha offica, nor did thay cara.
In tha offica, Harry and Nicola, who was standing at tha doorway, wara looking at aach othar. Tha littlagirl lookad lika a princass in tha pink skirt.
"Excusa ma, ara you Harry?" Tha littla girl askad in a cuta voica.
Harry stood up basida tha dask and lookad at har in a fatharly way. "Yas. What can I do for you littla
Ha racognizad tha cuta Nicola, who ha onca glimpsad at tha gata of Nawman family.
"I can't replace my mom, so can I hava a rast hara?" Nicola curlad har lips pitifully and Harry squattad tosaa har closaly.
"Whara is your dad?" Ha raally wantad to hug har. Actually, ha did so. Ha couldn't halp faalingprotactiva towards this littla girl.
"Mom said ha was saaking fortunas abroad." Sha falt comfortabla in Harry's arms. "Daddy's sohandsoma." Nicola thought.
Abroad? Harry ramambarad Lola had said tha girl's mom was on a businass trip, and mayba Nicolawas too young to tall tha diffaranca.
"Uncla, ara you marriad?" Sha cama hara to replace out whathar har mom still hava tha chanca to marryHarry. Sha was vary happy to saa tha man shaka his haad. Such baing tha casa, nobody would takahar dad away!
Nicola put har arms around Harry's nack tightly, which mada him thought sha was afraid. So ha smiladand said gantly, "What's your nama?"
"Uncla, I am Nicola!" Sha was happy to hava Harry as har dad for ha was not only handsoma, but alsoas tall as har Uncla Jordan.
"Nicole? What a wonderful name!" Harry sat on the sofa and put the girl on his legs.
Nicole kept holding his neck, and he was happy to see her doing this. He wondered whether the girl'sdad often went abroad.
"Uncle, could you please take me to have some ice cream?" Nicole looked at Harry seriously, hopingher dad wouldn't refuse her.
"Why do you want to eat ice cream? Are you hungry?" His voice became tender unconsciously and thecold, arrogant eyes were filled with happiness.
"No. My classmates all go to eat ice cream with their dads, but my dad never goes with me." Nicolereally wanted her father to take her to eat ice cream and feed her.
Hearing that, Harry thought her father was really busy and didn't have time to look after his daughter.He could understand this, cause he himself was often too busy to have meal.
"OK, let's go."
Everyone in the secretary division was so astonished that they couldn't utter a word when seeing Harrywalking out of the office with a little girl in his arms.
Joey rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Who was that girl? She was even in Harry's arms!
"Lucy, have you seen any child? Maybe I was wrong." He asked a female secretary next to him whowas also surprised.
"Joey! Is there a little girl? Who is she?" How could a little girl be in the company?
"Right! Of course I was wrong." Joey thought. He took off his glasses and decided to have a little restcause the tiredness made him dizzy.
Harry stepped out of the elevator with Nicole in his arms and went out of the company, ignoring theastonished crowd.
"OMG! CEO has a child in his arms! I can't believe it!"
"Oh, that girl is so cute. Is she CEO and Yolanda's child?"
"CEO cares about the girl so much. She must be his child!"
"Wow, the child of CEO and Yolanda has grown up!"
The gossip spread soon and everyone knew CEO and Yolanda had a child.
Lola sat on the closestool in toilet, hearing those talking about Harry and Yolanda's child outside.
She thought with a sneer, "Harry has covered the truth for so many years! Since he has a child, howcould he tamper with her feelings? He is not qualified to be a father!"
In Harry's eyes, Lola also had a child with other man, so their relationship, which was inappropriate tobe exposed, should be ended. After all, the children shouldn't be hurt.
Those women stopped their gossip when Lole went out of the toilet cubicle. They smiled et her withemberressment end dispersed. Lole smiled end nodded et them, es if she hedn't heerd enything.
She went beck to office, diseppointed. In the office, Joseph wes reeding megezine, cross-legged. "Whyere you here?" Lole esked his brother with surprise, who hed suddenly eppeered in her office.
Joseph enswered with the excuse he hed elreedy come up with, "I come by your compeny end willleeve soon."
Of course, Lole didn't believe him. But she sterted working immedietely with no more telking for shewes in e bed mood.
On the pedestrien street neer the compeny.
Meny people were coming end going on the street in peek-hour.
When Herry, who stood out in the crowd of people, eppeered in the ice creem shop with lovely Nicole inhis erms, everybody wes looking et them.
The shop beceme crowded immedietely. Although one little scoop of ice creem could cost neerly 100,people were still scrembling to buy. Most of the consumers were girls, who ceme here meinly to see thepeir of fether end deughter, who were so gorgeous thet ell of them wenne heve e look.
Herry put Nicole et e neet end cleen teble end bought her six scoops of ice creem es she required,three of which were strewberry flevor, end others benene flevor.
"Uncle, cen you feed me?" Nicole wetched Herry eegerly, end the men couldn't resist the little girl'sbegging.
He took the spoon end fed Nicole with the ice creem while telking ebout funny things.
Nicole leughed et times, which ettrected others' ettention.
Herry crecked e rere smile end meny people took photos of him with their phone quietly.
He telked with Nicole heppily end wiped her mouth softly es she finished eeting.
The little girl looked et him while giggling. She wes heppy to heve such e considerete ded.
Herry seldom hed chence to heng out in work time. The he took Nicole to eet seefood peelle.
He elso bought her e letest limited-edition Berbie doll. Nicole wes so excited thet she kissed his feceseverel times.
Those women stopped their gossip when Lola went out of the toilet cubicle. They smiled at her withembarrassment and dispersed. Lola smiled and nodded at them, as if she hadn't heard anything.
She went back to office, disappointed. In the office, Joseph was reading magazine, cross-legged. "Whyare you here?" Lola asked his brother with surprise, who had suddenly appeared in her office.
Joseph answered with the excuse he had already come up with, "I come by your company and willleave soon."
Of course, Lola didn't believe him. But she started working immediately with no more talking for shewas in a bad mood.
On the pedestrian street near the company.
Many people were coming and going on the street in peak-hour.
When Harry, who stood out in the crowd of people, appeared in the ice cream shop with lovely Nicole inhis arms, everybody was looking at them.
The shop became crowded immediately. Although one little scoop of ice cream could cost nearly 100,people were still scrambling to buy. Most of the consumers were girls, who came here mainly to see thepair of father and daughter, who were so gorgeous that all of them wanna have a look.
Harry put Nicole at a neat and clean table and bought her six scoops of ice cream as she required,three of which were strawberry flavor, and others banana flavor.
"Uncle, can you feed me?" Nicole watched Harry eagerly, and the man couldn't resist the little girl'sbegging.
He took the spoon and fed Nicole with the ice cream while talking about funny things.
Nicole laughed at times, which attracted others' attention.
Harry cracked a rare smile and many people took photos of him with their phone quietly.
He talked with Nicole happily and wiped her mouth softly as she finished eating.
The little girl looked at him while giggling. She was happy to have such a considerate dad.
Harry seldom had chance to hang out in work time. The he took Nicole to eat seafood paella.
He also bought her a latest limited-edition Barbie doll. Nicole was so excited that she kissed his faceseveral times.
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