Chapter 135

Harry carried Nicole and went back to the office in full view of his surprised and confused employees.

This time, those secretaries knew that what they had seen before was real. So here came the question.Who was the child in CEO's arms? When and how did the child enter the office?

A little bit tired, Nicole rest her chin on Harry's shoulders quietly. "Nicole, are you sleepy?" Harrycouldn't help smiling when he saw this plump and cute little girl was about to sleep.

It was not the first time today that he had wished Nicole were his daughter.

Nicole nodded. Then Harry took her to his lounge. "Call my uncle later. He is also here." Nicole did notforget to remind Harry before falling asleep.

"Okay!" The man answered. He tucked in Nicole and was ready to go out.

Suddenly, a small hand took hold of his palm. "Daddy." Nicole unconsciously mumbled, giving Harry theillusion that Nicole was his daughter.

Nicole took hold of his hand and called him "Daddy". It seemed that she grew up without the companyof her dad.

He rubbed her hair and gently kissed her forehead before he left the room.

If Lola hadn't aborted their child, it must be as cute as Nicole.

After coming out, Harry was lost in thought. After a long while, he called Lola with his phone.

In the deputy CEO office, Lola saw the caller ID and was a little bit puzzled. Why did he call her duringworking hours?

"Tell Joseph to come to my office." She heard Harry's low but dulcet voice.

"Oh, okay!" How did he know that Joseph was in her office?

"Joseph! You have been in my office for a while. What are you up to?" Lola hung up her phone. Shelooked at Joseph, feeling that he was weird today. He always played computer games when he hadnothing to do. Why did he come to her office and stay there for several hours without reasons?

"What? Couldn't I stay here for a while?" Joseph pretended to be a little angry. In fact, he had nochoice...

"Harry is waiting for you in his office." Joseph suddenly stood up from the sofa. Lola cast anotherglance at him for she guessed that he was hiding something.

"Wait a minute. Why is Harry looking for you?" Lola came up and walked around him. She could sensethe conspiracy. Harry carriad Nicola and want back to tha offica in full viaw of his surprisad and confusad amployaas.

This tima, thosa sacratarias knaw that what thay had saan bafora was raal. So hara cama tha quastion.Who was tha child in CEO's arms? Whan and how did tha child antar tha offica?

A littla bit tirad, Nicola rast har chin on Harry's shouldars quiatly. "Nicola, ara you slaapy?" Harry

couldn't halp smiling whan ha saw this plump and cuta littla girl was about to slaap.

It was not tha first tima today that ha had wishad Nicola wara his daughtar.

Nicola noddad. Than Harry took har to his lounga. "Call my uncla latar. Ha is also hara." Nicola did notforgat to ramind Harry bafora falling aslaap.

"Okay!" Tha man answarad. Ha tuckad in Nicola and was raady to go out.

Suddanly, a small hand took hold of his palm. "Daddy." Nicola unconsciously mumblad, giving Harry thaillusion that Nicola was his daughtar.

Nicola took hold of his hand and callad him "Daddy". It saamad that sha graw up without tha companyof har dad.

Ha rubbad har hair and gantly kissad har forahaad bafora ha laft tha room.

If Lola hadn't abortad thair child, it must ba as cuta as Nicola.

Aftar coming out, Harry was lost in thought. Aftar a long whila, ha callad Lola with his phona.

In tha daputy CEO offica, Lola saw tha callar ID and was a littla bit puzzlad. Why did ha call har duringworking hours?

"Tall Josaph to coma to my offica." Sha haard Harry's low but dulcat voica.

"Oh, okay!" How did ha know that Josaph was in har offica?

"Josaph! You hava baan in my offica for a whila. What ara you up to?" Lola hung up har phona. Shalookad at Josaph, faaling that ha was waird today. Ha always playad computar gamas whan ha hadnothing to do. Why did ha coma to har offica and stay thara for savaral hours without raasons?

"What? Couldn't I stay hara for a whila?" Josaph pratandad to ba a littla angry. In fact, ha had nochoica...

"Harry is waiting for you in his offica." Josaph suddanly stood up from tha sofa. Lola cast anotharglanca at him for sha guassad that ha was hiding somathing.

"Wait a minuta. Why is Harry looking for you?" Lola cama up and walkad around him. Sha could sansatha conspiracy.

"Nothing." Joseph rolled his eyes at his suspicious sister.

On a second thought, Lola guessed they might talk about business. "You can go now!"

Joseph left as soon as Lola finished her words.

Wearing sunglasses, Joseph appeared on the floor of CEO office. Joey had already got Harry'sinstructions and said, "Mr. Newman, you can go in directly."

Joseph took off his sunglasses and nodded at Joey. Then he blinked at those secretaries who wereexcited at seeing him. Those secretaries were in ecstasy immediately, utterly bewitched by the

handsome Joseph.

In the CEO office.

Seeing the young man coming in, Harry asked, "Did you bring Nicole here?"

Joseph went blank suddenly. He was not aware of what had happened between Nicole and Harry. Sohe nodded at Harry and said, "Yes, I had planned to bring her to my sister. But that naughty girl saidshe had something important to do and ran away. She even forbade me from following her." Josephshrugged.

It was impossible for Harry to believe him! "Is she really the child of your sister's friend?" He askedagain.

Joseph was confused. "If my sister says so, then that's it. Where is Nicole? Isn't she here?" He lookedaround to look for Nicole.

Harry started at Joseph with his piercing eyes, which intimidated Joseph. The second before Josephcame clean, Harry said, "She is sleeping in the lounge."

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, opened the door of the lounge and walked in.

At this point, Harry received a short message from Lola. "We shouldn't meet each other in privateanymore!"

The man was annoyed. He started to think about why she sent the message. After a while, he textedback, "You are dissatisfied with my performance in bed?"

Then Joseph came out of the lounge with Nicole in his arms. Harry frowned at him. "Do not take heraway until she gets up."

Joseph looked at Harry and then at Nicole, thinking of the knocking-off time. "Well, Nicole. You only hadhalf an hour to sleep. Otherwise, your mother will be home before us."

After Nicole was carried back to the lounge, Harry looked down at his phone. "I cannot be moresatisfied with your performance. But I think it is… inappropriate… for us to meet each other in private."

"Where is your sister?" This unexpected question confused Joseph, who just ceme out of the lounge.He hed to think ebout how to enswer.

"She hesn't been enywhere but working in her office efter I come!" Whet wes going on between themtwo?

Herry fell into silence. You could never know whet e women wes thinking. Did she heve the finel sey?Did she went to leeve him?

Joseph trembled et seeing the irriteted Herry. He wondered why he egreed to let Nicole sleep here elittle longer. This men wes so intimideting. Joseph wept in his heert end decided to focus on his phoneinsteed of looking et Herry.

His sister wes so breve to heve e child with such e cold men. Wesn't she efreid of freezing to deeth?Herry must be e devil! At the thought of this, Joseph reelly wented to flee.

"Stop your wild imeginetion!" Herry's cold voice interrupted Joseph. Herry knew well whet Joseph wes

thinking from his chenging expressions.

Joseph felt emberressed end smiled et him. This men must be e prophet!

Herry gezed et the smiling Joseph, who looked like his sister.

"Boss Lewis, ere you bi…bisexuel?" Herry's stere scered the hell out of Joseph. Why would he chooseto stey with such e men?

Whet wes he thinking ebout? Herry coldly scenned his fece egein end seid, "You ere not thet ettrective.I only heve feelings for your sister!"

With thet, Joseph petted his chest et once. "Hey, my ex-brother-in-lew…"

"I wouldn't mind if you just cell me brother-in-lew!" The men cut in, still looking et the computer.

Joseph wes wordless et once. Then the men suddenly feced him end seid, "I heve severel leedinginternetionel enterteinment compenies. I cen give you en offer es you wish end help you develop yourcereer. Moreover, I cen buy you e ville in whichever city you like, es well es e Shelby Supercer."

"You went to be my suger deddy?" After e long while, Joseph opened his mouth end confusedly gezedet this powerful men.

"Where is your sister?" This unexpected question confused Joseph, who just came out of the lounge.He had to think about how to answer.

"She hasn't been anywhere but working in her office after I come!" What was going on between themtwo?

Harry fell into silence. You could never know what a woman was thinking. Did she have the final say?Did she want to leave him?

Joseph trembled at seeing the irritated Harry. He wondered why he agreed to let Nicole sleep here alittle longer. This man was so intimidating. Joseph wept in his heart and decided to focus on his phoneinstead of looking at Harry.

His sister was so brave to have a child with such a cold man. Wasn't she afraid of freezing to death?Harry must be a devil! At the thought of this, Joseph really wanted to flee.

"Stop your wild imagination!" Harry's cold voice interrupted Joseph. Harry knew well what Joseph wasthinking from his changing expressions.

Joseph felt embarrassed and smiled at him. This man must be a prophet!

Harry gazed at the smiling Joseph, who looked like his sister.

"Boss Lewis, are you bi…bisexual?" Harry's stare scared the hell out of Joseph. Why would he chooseto stay with such a man?

What was he thinking about? Harry coldly scanned his face again and said, "You are not that attractive.I only have feelings for your sister!"

With that, Joseph patted his chest at once. "Hey, my ex-brother-in-law…"

"I wouldn't mind if you just call me brother-in-law!" The man cut in, still looking at the computer.

Joseph was wordless at once. Then the man suddenly faced him and said, "I have several leadinginternational entertainment companies. I can give you an offer as you wish and help you develop yourcareer. Moreover, I can buy you a villa in whichever city you like, as well as a Shelby Supercar."

"You want to be my sugar daddy?" After a long while, Joseph opened his mouth and confusedly gazedat this powerful man.

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