Please Come Back, Honey!
Please Come Back Honey! Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Crystal leaned closer to Trevor as she spoke. Deep down, she was overjoyed as she did not expectEmma to be the one initiating the divorce. She was glad that Emma ended things in such an uglymanner with him. Furthermore, she had regretted her decision to break up with Trevor in the past.Of course, she did not genuinely want to break up with him then as she assumed that he would waitfor her. However, he had gone off to sleep with Emma before eventually getting married to her. Assuch, Crystal nearly lost her mind back then. In the past three years, she kept convincing Arianna toreplace fault in Emma. Crystal wanted Arianna to start a fight between Trevor and Emma so that Trevorwould start to despise Emma. Having known him for so many years, Crystal knew how arrogantTrevor could be. Therefore, she was certain that Emma and Trevor would get a divorce after howEmma had shamed him. If Emma had not asked for the divorce, Crystal would have asked Arianna toreplace ways to tear Trevor and Emma's relationship apart.

However, it looked like fate was on her side this time as Crystal was about to defeat Emma withouteven having to put in any effort. Susanna protected Emma from the crowd and led Emma into theMPV the moment she left the stage. Once Emma hopped in, she slumped into her seat as she felther limbs turning weak. She had been so terrified earlier in a worry that she would chicken out andbe too afraid to throw the documents in Trevor's face. Susanna wrapped her arms around Emma asshe comforted her, “You were so cool just now, girl.” “Really?” Emma asked weakly. She did notintend to appear charismatic or cool on stage. All she wanted was for the act to succeed inconvincing Trevor to divorce her without any hesitation. Subsequently, Susanna pulled her phoneout. “I'm serious. I even recorded the whole thing for you.” Emma was speechless for a moment.Susanna seemed pleased as she watched the video she had recorded. “Oh, you have no idea!President Bateson looked as if someone had just punched him in the face. I bet he has never felt soashamed after his years and years of glory.” Emma felt a twinge of pain in her heart as she watchedthe man’s face darken in the video that her friend had recorded. This is the last time I'll be lookingat him.

In the future, I'm just going to treat him as a stranger. Since the announcement she had made onstage earlier, the Civil Affairs Bureau was filled with a bunch of reporters the next morning. Theywere all present to witness Trevor's divorce. Indeed, he showed up at 8.30AM sharp at the CivilAffairs Bureau. His large sunglasses helped to conceal any hint of emotion in his eyes. The reporterskept taking photographs of Trevor, but they could not seem to replace Emma anywhere. Aas she wasdressed in a bright red dress in the pictures that were released the night before, all the reporterswere waiting for a woman like that to show up. At about 9.30AM, a woman dressed in baggyclothes, a baseball cap and a face mask rushed into the Civil Affairs Bureau. The reporters frownedas there was a strong stench of alcohol being emitted from her figure as she brushed past them.What is this alcoholic doing here? Why is she here at the Civil Affairs Bureau at this hour? They hadno idea that this “alcoholic’ was the “Mrs. Bateson’ that they had been waiting for. In actuality, Emmaand Susanna had gone out for drinks until 3.00AM the night before.

They were celebrating Emma's freedom from her suffering, but they were also drinking her sorrowsaway. After all, she had been in love with Trevor for three years. She could not just stop herself fromloving him completely like a push of a button. Back to the appointment, the Civil Affairs Bureauprepared a private room for Trevor due to his high profile. When Emma hastily rushed herself intothe room, she gave him an apologetic look. “I'm sorry. I drank a little too much last night.” He gazedat her for a long while as a sour look took over his face before he raised his eyebrows to herapology. “You didn’t go out for drinks because you were sad about our divorce, did you? If that'sthe case, I can always—"

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