


The Universal Realm of the Main House System is divided into three parts namely;

[Lesser Floor] where most of the agents and world-hoppers resides and within this floor where most of the tasks was distributed and taken commissions from it.

[Central Floor] where most of the Leaders and Higher Councils resides and most of the meetings and discussions are being held on this floor.

And the last but definitely not the least;

[Upper Floor] is where the residence of the Lord God of the Universal Realm, Jules, resides and he is the only one who occupies that place and no one else.

Also, in this floor, no agents, world-hoppers, even the Leaders and the Higher Councils aren't allowed to step inside in this floor, unless the Lord God permits to.

Only a handful of his trusted aides are allowed to step inside within this floor with the Lord God's permission. One example is the Higher Council from the World-Hopping Department and Eclipse's superior, Red.

Right now, after the Lord God Jules descended from his abode because of the sudden system error within the Main House System triggered and ordered around the agents and world-hoppers to do their respective jobs, he was invited by Red after that and both of them had a discussion in regards of that matter.

< .... "Do you really think I won't be able to decipher Eclipse's true identity that you kept on hiding from me?" ... >

After that, Jules left him alone to think and honestly, the Lord God wasn't that mad about Red hiding something important since this relates to Eclipse.

'To be honest, I understand what Red was trying to do but in order to make that happened then, that brat needs to face countless challenges in his life.'

Jules thought as he sighed because he could get the gist of the situation.

About that emergency deportation from the last worldline where the last mission task Eclipse has taken place before that sudden world crumbles, Jules managed to retrieve some clips that was automatically stored within the Origin Archive and observed the situation.

From what he observed, it seems to him that the last protagonist, no, maybe the soul inside that protagonist knew about Eclipse since he even mentioned his real name before the clip ended.

'Also, the reason for Red to reincarnate Eclipse back to his original world was, aside from the fact that Eclipse needs to hide for the meantime to take time in restoring his soul energy, from what I know, Eclipse's original worldline is something unique that even I haven't discovered yet.'

Eclipse was transmigrated back to his original worldline in order to keep him safe for the time being as per Red's instructions.

Red didn't need the Lord God's permission since Jules had given full authority on him as he is the one who took care of Eclipse and Jules only stood by on the sidelines when that happens.

However, even if that was the case then, the Lord God still observed Eclipse through the universal cosmos within his abode.

He wouldn't interfere, of course but if the Lord God detects something that could put Eclipse's life at risk, he would have no choice but to interfere himself.

Even if that means, he would be exposed to [them].

"Are you sure about this?"

Jules snapped from his thoughts as he looked at the other person that resides within his abode since the Upper Floor of the Universal Realm of the Main House System is his personal space and where he abode lies but there are other who doesn't know about the other existence within the Upper Floor since this person doesn't like crowded places.

'Well, frankly speaking, this guy doesn't like humans at all but not to the extent that he truly despises them. It's just…. Another form of like rather than hate.'

"I know you favored Eclipse a lot ever since that brat joined the Main House, no, that's not the right term. You favored and observed him for a long time before he even joined as a world-hopper."

Jules looked at the other person who resides with him and the Lord God could tell that he questions his motives the way he said those words.

'Well, he might hate all living things in life but there are times he was fond of them, no, not only him but I as well.'

"Not only that, out of the successor candidates that was handpicked by some of your trusted aides as you ordered, you, yourself took upon on granting Eclipse that successor spot that makes the others dissatisfied because of your decision."

And after that, he keeps on ranting about other things that would make his head explode in anger because of (he quoted) a certain person (which is him, of course) who keeps on doing things without even consulting him first.

'Well, how should I supposed to consult with him if his temper is similar to an active flame dragon that keeps on roaring flames whenever he got angry or would lose his temper?'

As he thought of those things within his mind, Jules didn't notice how the other person stopped on ranting when he noticed that the Lord God wasn't paying attention to him.


'Ouch! My ears! Geez! This guy sure has a lot of temper boiling inside him! Is he Eclipse's ancestor or something? Both of them seems sure had similar temper with each other.'

Jules almost fell down to his seat because of how that guy shouted out loud as if the world was ending. Thank goodness he regained his composure as he sighed and then looked at the other person with a bored expression written on his face.

'I don't know why I let this person within the Upper Floor if he couldn't contain his temper and if someone heard him shouted like that, they would think that I tamed some temperamental beast without manners.'

As he thought of that, Jules almost chuckled because he is imagining this guy as some sort of beast that he just handpicked during one of his travels outside of the Universal Realm.

However, this time, because of that accidental chuckle that he let out from his mouth, the person with him became even more angrier than ever.

"Is this the time for you to laugh something serious about this matter, Lord God Jules?!"

'Ah. Not again! My poor ears! Aigoo.'

The other person, on the other hand, tried to compose himself as he didn't intend to scold Jules that much but there are times that his temper wasn't that great, and it almost cause a trouble for the other Gods out there.

'Who wouldn't be able to contain their anger if a certain God here who just keeps on doing whatever he wanted without even consulting to me first!'

He thought as he glared back at Jules because it seems like this moronic idiot of a God couldn't contain himself from laughing out loud.

He flinch in anger as he gritted his teeth because it seems like the Lord God himself is still busy laughing as the Lord God hold his stomach for excessive laughing that he almost fell from where he seated.

'This idiot of a God—'

Before his temper would flare up once again and gave a mouthful of scolding for this pathetic excuse of a living creature, Jules cleared his throat as he halt from his excessive laughing as he cut him off immediately.

"Well, it's true that I favored Eclipse a lot before he even joined the Main House System and giving him the successor spot is also my own doing. You asked me why?"

Jules said in a bitter manner that even the other person noticed the shift of the mood quickly and he also understood it as well.

'Ah. That's right. I almost forgot that.'

He thought as he looked at the Lord God who sighed as his shoulders slumped down and then stood up from his almost-like throne bed and then he saw how the Lord God walked over at the center where an orbit-like object was spiraling around and watched the other worldlines under the Lord God's command.

"You should know how it was back then. If you could still remember, that is."

As the Lord God spoke about a certain experience from who knows how long from that time but even if that was the case then, both of them still remember what happened back then.

'Back then from that time, the decisions that both of us made lead to this happened and now, it seems like a similar outcome would happen in Eclipse's place.'

There is no saying about what the outcomes is.

However, he knows that no matter what happens then, he would just put his trust to the Lord God.

Just like how he used to be….

'That doesn't matter anyway since as long as I'm still here then, no matter what challenges or the consequences would come, I'm pretty sure we would be able to overcome this, just like before.'


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