Reborn as an Extra
Chapter 55 The Book Incident- Fade’s POV

While Rio and other students were still training in the hall with Jin, Fade was suffering from problems of his own.

Due to a certain someone a certain book appeared in Fade's bag…



Prison Cell

"Now that I think about it, everything started with the mysterious appearance of that strange book in my bag…" (Fade)

'It was the day when Jin first appeared, also the same day when the book first appeared in my bag mysteriously out of nowhere… could it be that guy noticed that I was pursuing Ms. Anna, thus he took revenge on me this way…' (Fade)

'Tsk! That bastard! Once I become a strong person I must take my revenge on him, just you wait I will pay this humiliation back to you hundred-fold no million-folds!' (Fade)

Even though Fade never confirmed that Jin truly was guilty or not he directly judged him guilty just because he was jealous of Jin being able to talk freely with Anna…


After Fade left class that day his wristwatch had a notification:

[Student Fade you are summoned to the principal's office, please reach the office immediately by yourself otherwise, security would be sent to escort you here- The Principal]

"O-oh! Oh my god! Is it finally the day when I would be able to see my idol, the great and almighty Raji, I must go there! I must go there right now!" (Fade)

"Hey brother Jiang, I have an urgent thing to do today, so I will get going! See you later!" (Fade)

"Bu-but you promised to help me breakthrough today! Brother don't go if you don't help me I would not be able to control my mana and will not be able to breakthrough! Brother Fade please!" (Jiang)

(By the way here's the quick intro of this side character, Jiang is a fat side-kick type character who comes from a wealthy family and is the only friend of the protagonist Fade, Just like every protagonist has a fat friend who can't get any girls, Jiang is that guy. Today he was going to breakthrough with Fade's help since his own potential is low, but Fade promised that he have a secret way to help him)

(Ever since Fade told him that, Jiang has been helping Fade with numerous amounts of supporting materials, like money, mana stone, skill scrolls, etc. Just so that his potential can be increased from the original D rank.)

"Eh, when did I promise? I never promised that, and you can break through on your own, I have a very important thing to do today bro, I HAVE TO MEET MY IDOL TODAY!! So I can't help you, don't waste my time I am going, I would help you later on some other day, I am going now!" (Fade)

After saying that Fade immediately ran towards the main building, obviously going towards the principal office…

"No! Brother Fade, if I don't break through today they would expel me from the academy tomorrow! I am the only person who is still in the D rank out of the whole class…even my family has run out of all the money, just because I gave you all my resources….please come back….." (Jiang)

Tears started to run down Jiang's fat cheeks and he had a mental breakdown at this moment, but Fade didn't come back, all the passing students avoided him like the plague. And of course, he was kicked out of the academy the very next day.

(Don't complain to me about this, this was bound to happen if not now then in the future he would have been kicked out of the academy to cover up the wrong things done by the protagonist being blamed on him instead.)



Principal's office

"Ms. Anna are you really sure about this? Because if it is true then it could be a huge problem for the academy… and if it's wrong… then, you know what will happen to you…" (Raji)

"Believe me, principal, it's indeed true, if you don't believe me, let him come and you could see it by yourself" (Anna)

Drops of sweat were running down Anna's face, no one outside could imagine that Ms. Anna who is always so indifferent and arrogant outside is in such a state right now, while she is talking to Raji.

'She is as cold as ever, her title 'The Princess of Cold' is really fitting for her, not to mention she is the greatest Frost mage there ever was in the human's history, even her personality is as cold as an ice.' (Anna)

'I could feel the pressure in my bones, if I even said a single thing wrong she's gonna kill me…' (Anna)

"I see….he's here…" (Raji)


While Anna was stressed out from Raji's cold stare, the gate was kicked open and a young kid walked inside with an excited look on his face.

Fade looked around in excitement and when he spotted Raji, he ran as fast as he could and directly sat on the seat nearest to Raji, even Raji was confused by seeing him so excited.

While Fade was excited, Raji was confused, Anna was having a heart attack looking at the daring Fade, she couldn't believe that someone would be so disrespectful in front of Raji that they will kick open the door and barge in without any respect…

'This guy would not only get himself in trouble, but he would also get me in trouble for this… if only I could have beaten some sense into him before coming here!' (Anna)

"So, you are the student named Fade… you seem quite ordinary to me, tell me how did you have that book corrupted with demonic energy in your bag?" (Raji)

While Raji was saying that, Fade's bag started to fly in the air, it opened and the Grimoire flew out of it, flew towards Raji slowly, and fell on the table in front of her.

"Amazing! Such amazing control over telekinesis! Oh my god this is amazing! As expected of the Great Mage Raji!" (Fade)

Fade totally ignored Raji's original question and started to ask questions himself instead, his face was becoming more and more excited with every moment.

"Are you ignoring my question? How manner less can you be…" (Raji)

"Kneel!" (Raji)

Raji's face turned cold and a huge pressure fell on Fade, making him directly kneel down, to the point that his face was kissing the floor now. The pressure from Raji's aura made even the air particles settle down, making it difficult to breathe, even though the pressure was not targeted toward Anna she could still feel a bit of it from afar.

'She has already figured out that Fade's bag had that grimoire the moment he entered this building it seems, at least I am safe for now, my guess was indeed correct.' (Anna)

"Tell me where you got this book or I would erase your existence from this world, right here, right now…" (Raji)

Fade was feeling fear more fear than he had ever felt, yet his excitement was not decreasing instead he was liking his idol even more now…

'As expected, she is even colder in person, aaaah! I love it!' (Fade)

If someone could see Fade's expression at this moment they would replace disgusted by looking at how perverted it looked right at this moment. But since his face is touching the ground there's no need to worry, only the floor is suffering here. (Two minutes of silence for the floor, Rest in peace)

"I-I don't know anything about this book, be-believe me I have never seen it before!" (Fade)

"Hoho, then how do you explain it being in your bag, if not for the fact that Ms. Anna had faintly sensed its presence in your bag while she was teaching your class, even I would not have found out about this." (Raji)

"This contains the demon version of the teleportation magic, if it gets activated by magic it could teleport more than a thousand people to a random location without them being able to resist it. This thing is clearly something which even an S rank individual can't handle… if this thing goes out of the 100 m range even I wouldn't be able to detect the presence of demonic energy on it…" (Raji)

With each word, Raji said her voice became colder and colder, if looks can kill, then Raji's cold stare could have killed Fade thousands of times by now. Alas, she can't kill a student of her own academy without having proper evidence, otherwise, the academy will be criticized.

The next thing Raji said made Anna and Fade horrified them:

"Bring this student to the experiment lab we will extract his memories and replace out about this.." (Raji)



Author Note:

Question of the day

Which person do you think deserves justice more?

1.  Jin – He is suffering from false accusations by Fade.

2.  Jiang – Suffering from losing everything to Fade.

Hidden Options:

3.  You – Suffering from reading about Fade.

4.  Author – Suffering from writing about Fade.

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