Reborn as an Extra
Chapter 56 Power Of Plot Armor-Turn Wrong Into Right...

"Bring this student to the experiment lab we will extract his memories and replace out about this.." (Raji)

"Wh-what? N-no you ca-can't do that to me, you will not be forgiven if you do such a heinous thing… I will complain about this… you would be punished!" (Fade)

"Heh, and who would be daring enough to punish an SS-ranker like me, hmph take him away!" (Raji)

After saying that Raji directly ignored Fade:

"I have more important things to do, an SS-rank gate has opened in the southern region, so I have to go there, after all, I can't miss this opportunity, those two must have already left by now, I shouldn't get too late…" (Raji) (She is talking about other two SS-rank individuals of the human race)

"But Principal, the final exams of the students are just in a few days… if you go at this time…" (Anna)

"You don't have to worry about what I do or I don't, more than that you should be focusing on how your class is gonna perform this year, after all, it would be a shame if your perfect record got broken just because of a single student, you can leave now…" (Raji)

For the first time since coming into the principal's office Fade's face became serious, after all, he can't let them see his memory otherwise they would know about the abnormality in his system, and he might end up becoming a lab rat, and would become experimented to death.

'No, no no! I can't let myself become a lab rat, I am a chosen one I am bound to achieve greatness in the future, I have a boundless future, I can't let my story end here, I must do something! But what do I do!?' (Fade)

"I-" (Fade)

Before Fade could say anything he felt his consciousness losing control over his body and he directly fainted, his body fell on the ground as if a puppet whose strings have been cut off.

'Chantless magic!?... As expected… an SS-ranker is no joke' (Anna)

Every time Anna witnessed Raji's magic she became more and more surprised, even the strongest of S-rank wizards can't use chant-less magic even for a very low-rank spell, generally, either there must be a chant or a magic circle to support the stability of magic, but this rule doesn't apply to an SS-ranker, they are individuals who have gained a small amount of authority from the world laws.

They can use magic below Master rank without any chant or magic circle, just with the authority they have gained by mastering the laws of the world itself.

'This is the main reason they call an SS-ranker a 'Demigod', truly mesmerizing' (Anna)

(Ranks of magic in this world –

Beginner Magic- G to E rankers use this type of magic

Basic Magic- D to C rankers

Intermediate Magic- B rankers

Advanced Magic- A ranker

Master or mystic magic- S ranker

Divine Magic- SS ranker)

An SS ranker would need to use either chant or a magic circle to cast divine or master rank magic, but magic below master rank can be cast instantly with just the authority.

Generally, all magicians can only cast the magic of the same rank or below by using chants or magic circles only, the other way is by using authority, and lastly you can cast magic higher than your own rank by either using an artifact or if several of the same rank mages gather and cast together they can cast magic of higher rank than them.


Just when Anna was about to take Fade out of the office and carry him to the experiment lab, the door of the office opened again, but this time it was opened slowly and respectfully unlike a certain protagonist who kicked it open without any manners.

A Man Wearing a dark purple suit with golden linings on it walked inside of the office, behind him Kira also entered the office now. Only god knows how Kira found out that the principal has summoned Fade and was going to do something bad to him, she has already prepared a way for Fade to escape this huge mess. (Of course, this is the power of plot armor)

Raji looked at the unknown man for a few seconds and said:

"Those purple hair and pupils, are you perhaps Aldif family?" (Raji)

"Sorry for the late introduction, I am Neo Aldif's eldest son, Shin Aldif. I am today here on behalf of my father. I have a message to deliver from my father, please give your precious time and listen to the message…" (Shin)

'Hmm, as expected of Neo's children their whole family has that aura of shrewdness around them, actually no human can compare to the shrewdness of the Old fellow, I wonder what he has to say too, even though he should have already left for the SS-rank gate in the south.' (Raji)

(Aldif family's head Neo Aldif is the third SS-rank of the human race besides, Link's father Ashtel Rex, and Academy's principal Raji Croft)

"hmm… say what you  have to say, but make it short I don't have much time for chit-chat." (Raji)

"Yes…" (Shin)

Shin brought out a letter from the inner pocket and slowly opened it with neat and steady movements as if he has practiced how to open a letter properly for many years. (Actually, that's true, he has indeed practiced that. Aldif family focuses on educating their children on proper manners and other kinds of stuff like dancing etc. Just like noble families used to do in the distant past.)

"Hah, what age is this, your family is still using letters, can't you just use a hologram directly… such pretentiousness, tch" (Raji)

Shin just ignored Raji's sarcasm and started to read the letter without any care in the world:

[Hello, Ms. Raji Croft]

[How are you doing these days, I have been looking for an opportunity to meet these days but I can't seem to get rid of my huge workload, so I can't visit in person, thus I am sending my eldest son to bring this message to you-]

"Don't waste my time just get to the point!" (Raji)

"Ye-yeah" (Shin)

Shin seriously scanned the content of the letter for about a few seconds then moved to the seventh page directly on which only a few words were written:

[Ms. Raji Croft, please don't harm that kid Fade he is an innocent and good child although he may be a bit manner nonetheless he is still a good person, my dear niece Kira has asked me to protect him after all, so go a bit easy on him. You see since childhood my niece Kira hasn't really asked me for anything, so today I am fulfilling my duty as a good uncle and helping to get her to wish fulfilled, so give me some face for the sake of old times and leave that kid Fade.]

[Neo Aldif, your beloved Senpai]

"Who the heck is your beloved!? That piece of old sh*t! even during the time of academy he was always like an old bully of a senior! If I get to see him now! I will kill him!!" (Raji)

"Not to mention he married before even asking me! He even has the gall to show off his kids in front of me!? Once I see you near that SS-rank gate we are going to have a death match! Just you wait!" (Raji)

Before anyone could say anything else, Raji started to levitate she directly broke the ceiling of the building and flew off in distance like a supersonic missile, the air currents created by her launch destroyed the whole building together with the principal office, if not for the fact that Anna protected them with magic shield all of the people in the building would have been killed by that shockwave.

While Raji left in her uncontrollable fury, Anna and others were now left behind in confusion, now they have no idea what to do with Fade anymore.

"Well, let's keep Fade in the student prison for now…" (Anna)

"B-but" (Kira)

"Kira you can still visit him in the prison every three days, and if the principal doesn't return before the exams we will free Fade then, as for that book… principal seems to have taken it with her, perhaps she's gonna put it in the association's treasure hall later, I suppose…" (Anna)

"Well, Sister Kira, since this matter has been solved why not we go and eat something nice later…" (Shin)

"O-okay, if you say so brother…" (Kira)

Kira looked at Anna's leaving figure, unconscious Fade was floating beside her, after a while when she could no longer see them, Kira finally left too.

And thus this incident came to an unexpected end due to the interference of Fade's plot armor, if it was any other student who was subjected to the experiment lab he would have indeed ended up with his memories being extracted and known by the teachers.

Yet here Fade is unaffected even after destroying an extra like Jiang's life and just suffering a few days in prison.

This is the dark reality of a protagonist.



Author's Note:

Ques of the day

If given chance, would you take plot armor, even if it will make your life miserable at times like a protagonist being hunted like a mouse by several dangerous big-shots in the world?

1.  Yes

2.  No

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