Reborn From the Cosmos
Arc 3-Initiate-Part 37

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 37

“You must tell us about the elves!” Oh, it’s the admirer. “Are they all as beautiful as your wife? And do they all have such strange coloring? When I first saw the new instructor, I thought she was plagued by some terrible illness.”

“Wouldn’t know, haven’t been around others,” I mumble off-handedly as I watch the one with designs on my life. He doesn’t look like much of a villain. With his well-combed blonde hair common to most Harvest nobility, common brown eyes, and short stature, he’s rather unremarkable.

The most noticeable thing about him is his clothes, but those are more a testament to his money than him. I don’t recognize the colors immediately but that could say more about my ignorance than the standing of his family.

It might actually be pretty high judging from the way Peter immediately holds out a hand to introduce him. “Lourianne, this is Lavern, second son of the Newster house. You might have heard of them. They are the largest traders of domestic goods in the kingdom.”

Pfft. That’s a nice way of saying they’re number two. The only reason the Guiness Company isn’t the ‘largest trader of domestic goods’ is because they make more money importing exotic goods though I’m sure they have plenty of domestic trade as well.

Ah. Think I know why this guy, or his family, wants me dead.

“Lady Tome. It’s an honor to meet you.”

“Pleasure’s all mine.”

“Lourianne was just telling us about the map she created of the Enchanted Forest.” Peter looks at the newcomer meaningfully. Maybe with a hint of disappointment? I only say so because Lavern swallows nervously. And oops, was that map supposed to be a secret? Thought they’d be waving the thing around to recruit people for an expedition already.

“Truly remarkable. The Enchanted Forest and the elven continent haven’t been explored for hundreds of years. There must be any number of treasures waiting to be discovered. It’s almost like the songs of old when our ancestors settled this land. Many a fortune to be made.”


Huh? Why are you two making it sound like those treasures don’t already belong to someone? It’s not like the elves are just going to let you waltz into their domain and take their things. Best of luck with that. Anyway, now that I’m sure I’ve found my target, let’s push some buttons to get him to show his cards. “The Guiness Company sure seems to think so. They were eager to get their hands on that map, haha.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, how much did they offer you?”

“You won’t believe this. They gave me 300 gold for those scribbles. Haha, isn’t that crazy?”

That did it. Both Lavern’s and Peter’s carefully crafted smiles shatter, their lips turning down heavily. “Lady Tome, I fear you have been horrifically cheated!”

“Really? I thought it was a good price. The only thing on there was the route I took to the border and a few of the dangers.”

“Only…” Peter shakes his head. It’s impossible to hide his frustration with me at this point. I don’t blame him. If I was the idiot I’m pretending to be, I’d want to slap some sense into me as well.

Lavern steps forward, forcing me to focus on him. “Please listen to me. This is a conspiracy by those Guiness. They have grossly undervalued your work. Few have survived a night in the Enchanted Forest and certainly none have documented their journeys. As the only route to the elven continent, any information that could aide in establishing a secure passage there is worth a fortune.”

I do my best to appear confused. “I didn’t…surely they wouldn’t try and hide something like that? It’s the Guiness Company.”

“Don’t let their golden crest sway you. They are all crooks, peasants who have used trickery and dark methods to buy their way into nobility. You cannot trust them.”

Heh, which successful merchant hasn’t had a few dark dealings? Hypocrite. But the whole group is nodding along with him. Great, all members of the noble faction confirmed.

“Actually, my own Newster family attempted to contact you in hopes of buying any information you had. I can only imagine through some deceit the Guiness family removed our couriers. With a second offer, they would have never been able to rob you in broad daylight.”

Did I get something like that? If I did, there’s a good chance I tossed it.

“We’re still prepared to pay you the amount you deserve if you are willing to sell your map to us.”

And now that you’ve stoked my anger against the Guiness, swoop in to take advantage of me yourself. Time for the finishing blow. “Eh. It’s fine, isn’t it?”

“Excuse me?”

I wave dismissively. “I mean, I already made a deal with them. It’d be bad if I were to go back on it. 300’s a good amount to get a few nice things and that’s the end of it.”

“Please reconsider. Between your knowledge of the Enchanted Forest and your wife’s connections to the elven continent, a partnership with my family could be incredibly profitable. We—”

“Oh, sure. Who knows, maybe if we run out of gold or something, she can do that. Hey, thanks for telling me all this. Won’t let the Guiness family cheat me again, that’s for sure, haha.”

Saints, he’s getting angry. “Why would you go back to them? I—”

“Why? They’re the best, aren’t they? The largest merchant family in the kingdom, period. No offense to your domestic trade but they’re the go-to for exotic goods so it only makes sense.”

Yup, definitely angry. A vein is throbbing on the side of his head.

Peter puts a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from doing something he might regret. “That is truly unfortunate to hear. I thought you’d be wise enough to look past the glimmering reputation of crooks and see the value in working with a reputable family. Nobility are the only ones with real honor. You are making a dangerous move by consorting with those of inferior blood.”

There’s the thinly veiled threat. Do you also want me dead? Is the entire noble faction my enemy? Geneva, you’re scanning their every thought, right?

[Of course.]

Time to make our exit. “Bah. It’ll be fine. Besides, I’m an initiate at the Grand Hall. What can happen to me here?”

“Danger can replace us anywhere.”

“Hahaha! That was a joke, right? You’re pretty funny.” I reach out and slap his arm, putting some strength behind it. It’s gratifying to see him wince. “It’s extra funny because you don’t look like a funny guy. Anyway, I thought this was supposed to be a party. It’s pretty dull. Where’s the music and the booze?”

I reach out and grab a drink from a passing server, taking a quick sip before spitting it back into the glass and putting it back on the tray. “Yeah, that swill isn’t going to do it. Did you just add some coloring to a bucket of water and pour?”

Peter scowls. “That’s—”

“You know what you need? Girls. No, not them.” I purposely scowl in the direction of the noble girls. “I mean women. Dancers. Preferably with, you know.” I cup my hands over my chest and waggle my eyebrows. “If you guys want to talk, why don’t we ditch this place and go replace a spot in the Myriad Zone? Now that’s a good time.”

“…perhaps you should indulge.”

“Eh? But it’s kind of rude to leave a party so early. And didn’t you want to talk to me? I mean, you invited me here personally. Escort and everything.”

This time his wince is harder. Physical pain cannot compare to the pain of having one’s reputation bruised. I can see some of the nobles at the fringe of my vision who’ve been doing their best to listen in whispering to each other. “I would rather you enjoy yourself.”

“You’re good people, Pete. No offense to you guys though. This is…nice.” Oh, that had just the right amount of mockery, disdain, and disregard. Everyone’s offended. “But you do you. I’ll see you later. Let me know before you throw the next party. I’ll give you some tips.”

Snickering to myself, I leave the ballroom amidst a sea of whispers. Outside, I tell Nomad to wait a bit before we take off and relax against the comfortable seats of the carriage. “Now then. I’ve identified my would-be killers and cemented my image as a simpleton amongst the nobility of the Grand Hall. A successful night.”

“That silly display had a purpose?”

“Of course it did. If they think I’m a fool, they’ll underestimate me and make maneuvering against them much easier. Which you knew because you’re always in my head. Tell me this. Can you still tell what’s going on?”

“A simple matter. At the moment, most of the party goers are discussing your performance. Words like ‘swine’, ‘pervert’, ‘lecher’, and ‘disgrace’ are being used quite a bit.”

“Oh no. The other kids don’t like me.” I snort. “What about the two stars of the evening?”

Geneva smiled. “Your little comment about being personally invited by Peter is not doing him any favors. He’s currently distancing himself from you. He’s very annoyed. Annoyed enough to seek retribution. If he weren’t an enemy, you would have made him one.”

“His sidekick?”

“Lamenting his bad luck that the key to the elven treasures lies in the hands of a ‘stupid, perverted freak’. He’s also quite consumed with a hatred of all things Guiness. I imagine it’s something close to your old rivalry with the Grimoires. Losing you to the ‘golden family’ makes everything ten times worse.”

When she puts it in those words, it makes it easy to sympathize with him. For a moment. The asshole did try to have me killed after all. Cuddling Bell, I kick off my shoes and put up my feet, listening to Geneva narrate. Waiting.

It takes quite a while. Geneva tells me the party is all but broken up when Peter pulls the young merchant aside. I listen with amusement as she narrates their interaction, going as far as to imitate their voices.

“The Tome girl is definitely going to be a problem.”

“Give me some time. She may be an idiot but even idiots can understand the sound of gold. A map of the Enchanted Forest. Saints! We need to get our hands on it.”

“What we need is to prevent the Guiness Company from establishing trade with the elves. Do you want to see this country with the knife-ears walking around everywhere? There is a reason all the races separated.”

“But there is still money to be made. My sources tell me that Marquis Guiness is acting on the belief that the elves are sitting on a deposit of xanderium. It’s that xanderium!”

“Tempting but a fatal trap. You asked for a single meeting. You received it. Now, it is time to handle her. With Lourianne Tome gone, the elf’s connection to the human continent disappears. The lost opportunity will hurt for a while but soon, you’ll see I am doing you a favor.”

“…I suppose.”

“Your men are still able to do the job?”

“Ah. They’re okay with arranging an accident but she isn’t easily provoked.”

“Indeed. Someone that shameless would hardly accept an honorable duel but everyone has a line that cannot be crossed. What do the observers say?”

“Surprisingly, she is a serious student, devoting herself to her classes. She only talks to one person. The girl is quite talented. A light affinity.”

“Someone loved by the saints. It would pain me to have to do anything too drastic but if it is the only way. Nothing permanent. Have someone on standby in the Myriad Zone. It’d be best if she disappeared in one of the hovels she seems fond of. Not another mundane. Get one of the hunters.”

“And when it’s done? They’ll—”

“Yes. We will take care of them.”

“As expected of the Pottoculli family. Perhaps we can also discuss blah blah blah.” Geneva opens her eyes as she relaxes. “The poor boy is about to devolve into a serious bout of ass-kissing. I don’t think you need to hear that.”

“No.” Pete, Pete, Pete. You were right. Everyone does have lines you don’t cross. People jerking around the innocent for their own selfish motives is one of mine. I’m no hero but I won’t turn a blind eye when it involves someone I care about. You’re going to target someone I think of as a friend? You won’t have time to regret this. “Tell Nomad we’re getting out of here.”

Now I know without a shadow of a doubt who is after my life and why.  It could only be money or power. A rival merchant house of the Guiness doesn’t want them making more money by partnering with my wife and Peter seems to be wary of the elves moving into the human continent.

What sticks out to me is that they are using third parties. Powerful houses have private armies, knights under their employ to defend their holdings and hold back their enemies. It shouldn’t be necessary to hire out the work and those professionals would be a much better option, both for quality and control.

Perhaps because their families don’t approve? That makes the most sense. If such houses really wanted me dead, second and third sons wouldn’t be discussing it in their dorm.

Oh, that leaves me with a few options. A few very fun options. “Okay. This is what we’re going to do…”

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