Reborn From the Cosmos
Arc 3-Initiate-Part 38

Arc 3-Initiate-Part 38

The next day, I’m bright and early to Mana Work along with Geneva, Bell trailing behind us with her head on a swivel. With an active threat to my life confirmed, it’s best to have her close at hand. And really, there’s no point worrying about her drawing attention now that it’s out about my marriage.

Contrary to the first day, Mano tends to arrive earlier than everyone else, taking the extra time to meditate himself. A fact I’m counting on as I need to have a bit of a word with him.

His eyes open as we step onto the grass, smiling softly. “Miss Tome.”

“Oh, don’t let me stop you.” I wave for him to remain seated, crouching in front of him. “The first day we had a discussion about an exchange of favors.”

His smile widens. “Have you reconsidered my offer?”

“I have. Rather, I have a situation you might be able to help me with. I need information on the abilities of a one Peter Pottoculli.”

“The name doesn’t ring a bell so he must not be one of the more accomplished acolytes. It should be a simple matter obtaining the information. Shall we say, three sessions?”

I snort. “Please. I may be a beginner caster but I know the value of my elemental. She made me, a complete beginner, able to both feel and circulate my mana in a matter of minutes. Who knows what kind of breakthrough she can provide for you? One session, twenty minutes.”

“Done.” He shrugs. “Can’t blame me for trying. I should have something ready for you by the end of the day. Where would you like to meet?”

“You’re here early enough. Tomorrow. We can do your session at the same time if you bring me back something substantial.”

“I will be sure not to disappoint. In the meantime, would you like to join me? There’s no rule saying you must start training when the bell rings.”

“Why not?” Geneva proceeds me, sitting cross-legged on the grass beside Mano. I lay down with my head in her lap, letting her guide me into a state of complete concentration as I focus on moving my mana.


“Wait up, Alana!”

Saints, this girl moves fast. As soon as Mano dismisses us, she is already off the field, powerwalking to our next class. She gives me a look out of the corner of her eye. “Good morning, Lou. You don’t look any worse for wear after your party.”

“Heh. That’s more impressive than you think it is. Actually, that party is kind of what I wanted to talk to you about.” Ah, now that I’m saying it out loud, I feel a little guilty getting her involved in my problems. Only a little. It’s their fault for being assholes in the first place.

“I made a few enemies last night and there’s a chance they might come after you to piss me off, so, uh, happy Manaday?”

She comes to an abrupt stop, grabbing my arm to stop me as well. Hey, now. That’s a dangerous expression you’re wearing. Really hope that’s not directed at me. “Explain.”

“…practically everyone in this kingdom wants to use my wife as a bridge to get the resources of the elven continent. Of course, we want nothing to do with it. However, because we made a completely unrelated deal with the Guiness Company, a certain competitor feels threatened. The party was meant to be an invitation to join them. Since I’ve turned them down, I think they have the worse intentions for me. I have reason to believe they might target you to incite me into accepting a duel.”

I spill my guts. Hm? I’m a coward? No, no, it’s just that there’s no need to invite unnecessary dangers into my life. I know that look and Alana doesn’t seem the type that needs details sugarcoated.

She proves me right. Rather than panicked or angry, she appears thoughtful. “Do you know their family names?”

“Pottoculli is the leader and he has a lacky named Newster.”

“Neither are from the militant faction. Bunch of golden pansies.” She scoffs. “I’m not concerned about either of them. Like I said, they can’t use their influence to bully anyone here.” Her eyes soften as she looks at me. “You don’t need to be concerned about me.”

“I know you can take care of yourself. And it won’t be for long. I’ve got a plan.”

“…do you need help?”

“Hey. Why do you sound so skeptical? I’m reliable. If I say I can handle it, I can handle it. Geo, tell her.”

“Master Lou is quite remarkable when the situation calls for it.”

Alana looks between the two of us. She doesn’t look very confident in us. “You could have ordered her to say that.”

“What do you take me for!?”

“Whatever.” Alana starts walking again, waving a dismissive hand. “I’ll trust you, Lou.”

“Hmph. Putting on a tough face.” Geneva, go to the house. I’m sure you can set up a rudimentary alarm system. And tell the servants to be on the lookout for some unsavory types. I don’t want any collateral of any kind. This is going to be a flawless victory.

[As you wish, my summoner.]

As she disappears from my side, I motion for Bell to climb onto my shoulder as I run after my friend. I throw an arm over her shoulders. She glares at me but doesn’t shrug me off. “Hey, I might be missing at lunch for a few days. There’s something I need to do.”


Walking to the Gold Dorm, I see the sentries from last night weren’t a feature of the occasion. Two more stand by the door, looking more attentive in the daylight. Like before, I am carefully examined, though it doesn’t last as long. They clearly disapprove, frowning heavily on my approach. I ignore their unwelcoming gazes and keep approaching.

“Hold on.” One of them holds up a hand. “What is your business here?”

“Just came for a meal.”

“Who gave the invitation?”

“I shouldn’t need one.”

“I don’t recognize your face.”

Jeez, this guy is dedicated to his job. “First time visiting.”


“Lourianne Tome.”

His eyes are full of distrust as he pulls out a clear orb from his pocket. It starts to glow. Oh, guess that was an artifact. “Dorm mother, there is someone claiming to have right of access. Lourianne Tome.”

There is a moment of silence. Then a voice I can only describe as heavenly answers softly, “Permitted.” What the hell, is that thing connected to the Angel Dust realm? I’m having a hard time believing that voice belongs to a human.

The guard is clearly unhappy. He clicks his tongue while moving out of the way of the door. Not very professional of you. I make eye contact with him and stick out my tongue as I pass, enjoying his frustration.

Heh. I’ll be the first to admit I’m the pettiest person in the room.

Ah, just realized I don’t actually know where the dining hall would be. Bell?

“Coo coo.” [You want to go straight, master Lou.]

Following her directions, I quickly replace my way to the dining hall. At least, I think it’s the dining hall. With the lights turned down for atmosphere, the private tables with only six places, and the servers waiting by as the students make their orders, I think I might have entered a high-class restaurant by mistake. There’s even a minstrel for saints’ sake, playing a soft tune on his lyre.

Noble privilege. It never ceases to amaze me.

Shaking off my astonishment, I search the crowd for my target. Lucky me, he’s already seated. Grinning broadly, I move across the room and boldly take a seat at an already occupied table.

Peter looks up from his meal with some shock. To make things better, Lavern is sitting with him along with three young ladies. My plan works best with an audience. “Pete! How’s it going buddy?”

“…Miss Tome. What are you doing here?”

“Having lunch of course. What else would I be doing? Haha. Hey.” I wave down a server. “Can I get a menu over here? Thanks.” I set Bell on the table, ignoring the scandalized expressions around me as I lean forward. “So, how was the party after I left? I’ll be sad if you tell me things swung into a frenzy after I made my exit.”

“It was a pleasant evening. Are you here to see someone? Perhaps I can point you in the right direction.”

Wondering how someone with my low status can enter this building, huh? Hehe, this is hilarious. “Well, I’m here to see you, aren’t I? I mean, you did offer me an invitation. Let me tell you, those guards at the front didn’t believe me when I said I was your guest, haha. Took a while to convince them but hey, no one wants to cause problems for the Pottoculli family. Am I right? Thanks, pal.”

I take the menu while Peter stews in frustration. Poor man. I know you want to just throw me out on my ass but that’s not the way nobles do things. It’s all shiny on the surface and shoveling dirt in the dark. So, he has to swallow his harsh words despite me outright lying. “Must have slipped my mind.”

“No harm done.” I pause to put in my order then lean toward one of the ladies. She leans away from me which only makes my grin stretch wider. “Who wants to tell me what you guys do for fun around here besides standing around sipping bad wine?”

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