Reject Humanity, Return to Monke
Chapter 201 - Monke And Old World

For a single second, everything was silent. I, a human/gorilla hybrid, and Drake, a BAMF with his gauntlets in full view, stared stoically at the college students, who were beginning to panic.

"… We come in peace?"

At that single moment, everything went to hell. Screams echoed through the room as students began standing up and shoving their way out of each other to be the first to get out of the classroom.

The teacher was no better, following the students' example and nearly trampling over a poor girl with his formal shoes.

"Now how I wanted this to be the first meeting between the inhabitants of this world, or rather, Earth." I sighed, and Drake chuckled slightly beside me. In any case, why are they so quick to get riled up? Couldn't they just, I don't know, talk to us first?"

"And risk getting mauled to death by a giant gorilla? Yeah, right." Drake snorted as he entered the room. The room was now dead silent, with furious shuffling noises coming from outside as the students and teacher all rushed to the nearest exit point. "If you were human, maybe they would've had another reaction, and your intimidating figure ain't giving them a reason to stay."

"Touche." I rolled my eyes and followed after Drake. Behind me, Nicholas and Luke followed, wonder visible in their eyes.

"What kind of place is this?" Nicholas wandered his way to the window, his mouth hanging agape as he stared at the scene beyond. "Dear Xyneas…"

"What did you see, Nicholas?" Luke paced beside him and his mouth hung agape as well. "Dear Xyneas…"

I laughed at their expressions as they beheld the scene outside. Towering skyscrapers, bustling vehicles, and hundreds of humans all going about their daily lives. Well, until a loud alarm broke us out of our reverie.

"Well shit…" Both Drake and I sighed, while Nicholas and Luke tensed up in alarm.

"What does that sound mean, Jionni?" Nicholas narrowed his eyes at me as he grasped the handle of his blade. "From what I can gather, this is some kind of alarm, is it not?"

"Yes, this is an alarm." I nodded and facepalmed. "Which is an incredibly bad thing for us. This kind of alarm signals the local police force to respond post-haste. It's the equivalent of calling the town guards, but much faster and more dangerous."

"And why is it dangerous?"

"Because they have guns that are vastly superior to yours." I said, and Nicholas paled as he recalled the turret gun that was placed atop the ramparts.

"You mean that thing on top of the ramparts?"

"That, and more." He paled even more as Luke shivered slightly. "This is going to be a pain in the ass. Once they arrive, they're going to treat us like criminals and do everything in their power to either arrest us or kill us. I'm leaning towards the latter because I'm a giant gorilla that looks human."

Looking out the window, I heard the sirens getting louder every moment. Clicking my tongue, I gestured for the two humans to enter the Dungeon and wait for further instructions.

They nodded and quickly entered my Dungeon which was probably in another dimension, seeing that the entrance connected to an old classroom of mine before my death.

"Drake, I know that bullets won't work on you." Drake chuckled as he thumped his chest.

"Hell no. Never again shall I get scared by puny plastic that spews lethal bullets." Drake looked forlorn for a second before shaking himself off of his stupor. "That, and Truck-kun won't run me over again."

"I'm pretty sure a truck can fling you a few meters away, but otherwise, you would remain unharmed." Drake shrugged and snorted. As we chatted, the sirens grew louder, and I stared at him with a speculative look. "Should we greet them?"

"You sure you're bullet proof?" Drake asked, and I grinned.

"My System is slightly turning me into an OP bastard, so yes, I am now bullet proof." Both Drake and I snickered. "Although, don't go pointing a Barrett M107 at me. It might not kill me, but it would hurt like a bitch."

Drake winced.

"Yeah, that might hurt…"

We heard tires screeching and loud shouting from outside. Taking a peek through the window, we saw a sizeable detachment of police officers, all armed with assault rifles and pistols as their main back-up.

One of them held a megaphone and began shouting.

"This is the Massaware Police Department! We have you surrounded!"

"Ahh… Good 'ol US of A." I chuckled, and Drake rolled his eyes. "Anywho, what should we do? I doubt going out there is going to be a good idea."

"And have them come in and go for shoot to kill? Yeah, no. We greet them, then if they decide to shoot, we show them some of our… specialties, shall we say?" Drake grinned maliciously as he eyed the police force outside. "Besides, it's not like we're the only ones going to fuck shit up in this world. Didn't the entire surviving Dungeon Master population and their respective Dungeons get transported here as well?"

"… You make a valid point…" I hummed and cupped my chin. More shouting from the outside caused me to make a decision faster. "Alright, let's go out and introduce ourselves."




"Do you not need to wear armor?"

"No need. I want them to see me like this so they won't refute our claims. Who in their right mind would ever imagine a human/gorilla hybrid talking perfect English being true?" I rolled my shoulders and Drake rolled his eyes.

"If you get shot at the spot, don't blame me."

As the two of us neared the exit, we both bickered back and forth. After all the various things that had happened in Praeccathae, humans and assault rifles wouldn't scare us.

Unless they're packing grenade launchers, which I doubt they have, a barrett, which I also doubt they have, and magic, they wouldn't be able to get past my defenses. I'm also sure that if they indeed have grenade launchers or a barrett, it would at most hurt me and scratch my HP.

As we stepped outside, the police forces and everybody in the area all went quiet. After a few seconds of awkward silence, a shout came from behind the wall of police cars.

"See!? I told you!" Some light scuffling later, and the man who shouted was silently dragged away from the area by his friends or classmates.

"At least they evacuated the entire school before they announced themselves, otherwise, they would've barged in unannounced." I mused, and Drake shrugged beside me.

"Eh, true." Drake cracked his neck as guns pointed in our direction, assault rifle barrels mostly aimed at me, the most dangerous looking animal to them.

"So…" Drake raised his voice, garnering the attention of everybody in the area. "Uh… Jionni, help me, I got nothing."

"… You idiot." Judging by their shocked faces, my words sent them into a literal shock as they experienced firsthand a talking animal.

I slowly approached the encirclement with a cool face as the human police officers tensely reacted, fear and apprehension rising from within their core.

Once I got close, a little too close, judging by a warning shot that landed next to my feet, I stopped and glared at the man who shot the gun.

The man in question withered at my gaze and trembled, his gun and aim shaking as a result.

"So… I guess this is a new thing for you, ain't it?" Once again, they were thrown into a loop. The students at the back, probably otakus or pious researchers who wanted to use me as some kind of research study for their papers, all stared at me with wide eyes. "A talking gorilla. Very cool, huh?"

The silence was deafening, and I could see a bunch of students and passersby taking out their phones to record the incredibly mind-blowing event.

"Anyway, I just wanted to warn you that some things may appear on Earth. Some are hostile, some friendly. Might want to tell the higher-ups, kings, presidents, and generals, to get ready for some real mind-blowing shit." I looked at them and they stared at me like I was some kind of madman in a gorilla suit.

It was then that some imbecile decided he didn't like me and fired. A bullet hit my head, and my neck craned back slightly from the impact. The bullet, however, crumpled and fell to the floor.

"Oh, hey now, that wasn't nice." I glared at the man who shot, his hand trembling from the ineffectiveness of his weapon. "Eh, consider this a warning. I'm one of the nicer ones, but if you do this to another one like me, and they have a bad temper, all of you better be prepared."

Raising my hand, a golem made of concrete and pavement rose in front of the man who fired, sweat pooling beneath his eyebrows.

With a single step forward, the golem lunged, and the officer fell to the ground, quaking in fear.

The golem then stopped, before crumbling into slabs of concrete.

Everybody present looked at the scene with morbid fascination and fear. Me? I was having the time of my life.

'Goddamn, I am a fucking troll.' Cackling mentally, I enjoyed the faces of everybody here. 'That said, this might bite me in the back, but this is the only thing I can think of from the top of my head to show them that something huge is coming.'

"Anyway, that's all I have to say. Feel free to use the school, but the room leading to my place stays off limits… That is, if you still want to use the school, which I doubt you all will." I shrugged and turned around, hearing Drake laughing loudly as he eyed the faces of the officers.

"Come on, Drake Espinosa, let's go back." A teacher and some students from the crowd perked their ears up as they heard the name. Looking back, Drake saw familiar faces and stared at them for a few moments, before ultimately following me with a sigh.

"You'll get to see them soon, Drake… I think…" Drake smiled slightly as he punched me in the shoulder.

"Geez, what are you, some kind of big-brain planner?"

"No, I am smol-brain. That's why this is the only way I can think of that would give us the best chance to negotiate with those higher up in the food chain."

Both he and I laughed before heading back to the room where the entrance to my Dungeon lay stationary.

That said, I wonder if my old stuff is still in that place…? Wouldn't hurt to go check....

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