Reject Humanity, Return to Monke
Chapter 202 - Monke And Some Actions

Walking through the barren school hallways with Drake, we observed the various rooms that lay empty, save for some of the students' stuff that was left behind when they ran during the emergency.

"Damn, this place hasn't changed at all, huh?" I wondered aloud while Drake whistled, going through a poor lad's bag with furrowed brows.

"Well, didn't think one would be this bold to bring this kind of literature in school." Showing me the thin book, I smirked as I saw the incredibly lewd anime art on the cover page, featuring tentacles assaulting a woman. "Wonder what would happen if the teachers and his classmates saw this."

"Well, instant call to the Dean's office, that's for sure." I shrugged with a smirk, grabbing the book and pocketing it inside my inventory. "Yoink."

"Hey! That's mine!"

"And? Didn't I give you a bunch of ero-manga for you to read?" He lost the voice to complain when I brought up what I did for him. "Yeah, I thought so."

"Can I borrow that at least?" I nodded and he pumped his fist, which took a chuckle out of me due to how childish his actions looked.

"Anyway, I wonder if my old stuff is still here." I looked at the lockers as we walked through the desolate hallway. "I think mine was in this area. How about yours?"

"Weren't our lockers next to each other?" He raised his eyebrow, and I frowned.

"… Yeah, I think I didn't pay that much attention to you back when we were classmates." I gave him a shrug and he snorted.

"Yeah, with your broody, angsty personality back then, I could take a guess." I hissed, and he burst out laughing. "Although you are changing quite drastically from before, which you should take as a win."

I thought back to the residents in my Dungeon, Nicholas, Luke, the Shaiydons, the twin elves, the gnomes, Anduin, and Alice…


Thinking about them put a smile on my face.

"Yeah, you're right." As we walked through the hallway, I recognized the familiar locker with my name on it. "Huh, it's still here. I thought they would've cleared it out after my death."

"Don't they throw out the stuff inside those only during summer break?" Drake raised a point, and I cupped my chin in thought.

"Hmm… Fair point." Shrugging, I approached the locker and took a single glance at the lock. I sank into my mind to remember the password, fiddled with the lock and inputted the code I dug up from my mind.

With an audible click, the lock unlocked and I grinned.

"Well, let's see if it's still there." When I opened the locker, I saw the poster of my favorite anime when I was still living in this place. Grabbing the poster with a smile, I ripped it out of the locker wall and placed it in my inventory.

Reaching inside the locker, I grabbed some of the stuff I left behind before I died, namely, my phone, because I was running back to get it before I got stabbed. Tapping the phone with my finger, I found out that it had next to no juice left, sitting at an impressive 2% battery charge.

"Damn, that is one strong battery." I have no idea how long this phone has been in sleep mode, but I can say that the battery life is quite good.

Looking at the notifications, I saw only two missed calls and a bunch of texts. Inputting the password, I read each and everyone of them quickly, a frown forming on my lips.

"Can't even bother to remember my fucking name…" I sneered as I deleted every message those two assholes sent me after I died.

"Something happen, Jionni?" I stared back at Drake with an impassive look before sighing.

"Yeah, my parents. Turns out, they were angry that I died and flooded my phone with a bunch of nonsense." Drake furrowed his brows, and I clicked my tongue. "They didn't even remember my name right."

"Well shit… You think we can pay them a visit?" Drake's eyes lit up with malicious intent, a fierce grin forming on his face. Laughing, I patted him on the shoulder and calmed the man down.

"No need. Those two don't deserve the effort." I closed the locker once everything valuable inside was pocketed inside my inventory, namely, my phone, my diary, and some other useless knickknacks that I had grown attached to during my lonely life. "That said, if they show themselves in front of me, I will give them something to remember me by."

"Noice." Drake gave me a thumbs up, and we both laughed. Our laughter was cut short, however, as shuffling was heard behind us. "Well then, time to go."

"I still want to check my locker." Drake gave me a deadpan, and I shrugged.

"Sure, I'll hold them off then." The two of us separated, and I made my way to intercept the detachment force. It didn't take long for us to meet, guns pointed at me with their eyes nervously observing my every move.

"Sup." I waved my hand and every gun fired at me without remorse, the bullets impacting against my skin and fur, but not drawing blood and leaving no mark. "Close, but no cigar."

Smoke billowed from the barrels of their guns. Bullets dropped to the floor as the police stared at me in abject horror.

"F-Fire! Don't stop firing!" Shaking my head, I gave the officers time to reload before they sprayed me once again with ineffective bullets. Once the barrage was finished, I stood tall and proud, not a mark to show on my body.

"Y'all done?" I raised my eyebrow, and all of them took a step back. "Well then, my turn."

Cracking my neck, I placed one foot in front of the other before I instantly lunged at them. The officers screamed, but I was too fast for their normal human reflexes.

Bonking an officer on the head with my fist, the officer went down unconscious. The officer next to him I gave a cool smile, before flicking his face with my large fingers, knocking the man unconscious as well.

Two down, I looked at the rest of the detachment and saw about four more. The four officers all looked at me with fear, before one of them bolted for the door.

"R-Run!" His words caused the primal fears of humans to rise and gave way to their urges to surface.

"Hold up, we're not done yet." Flicking my hand upward, a huge wall of earth cut off their escape route, their eyes wide in shock and dismay. "Don't leave the party without accepting some desserts first, will ya?"

Rolling my shoulders, I took one step forward, and the officer turned to look at me with wide, constricted eyes. Grinning, I leapt at them and grabbed an officer's shoulder. He screamed and tried to push my hand away.

He did everything in his power to escape, but none of them even budged my arm for even a centimeter. Accepting his fate, the man looked at my towering figure, a terrifying grin glaring down from above.

"Night." I whispered, and slapped him unconscious, the man's muscles going taut in my grip as he went limp. "Now for the rest of you."

The officers all gulped as they accepted their fate with the monster in front of them, namely me.




Outside, I dragged the unconscious bodies of officers with a rope I had inside my inventory. All the people had their phones out and were recording the scene with morbid fascination. Their squad leader, presumably the one holding the megaphone, looked at me with terror.

"They aren't dead. Just unconscious." I spoke up, and everybody there clung to my words with hope. "Do this stunt against another one like me, and you might not even have corpses to bring back."

Placing the group of unconscious police officers in front of me, I stared at their squad leader with impassive eyes.

"By the way, tell your higher-ups that I want to have a talk with them. Maybe later in the day or tomorrow, you can let me know if you called them. In the meantime, I'll be chilling inside the school. See ya."

Turning back once more, I noticed some students looking at me with thinly veiled hope. Some were friends from back when Drake was alive, I think.

Heading back inside, I met up with Drake, who was reading what seemed to be another ero-manga in his hands. His eyes digested the literature with gusto, a grin forming on his lips.

"Oi, you horny but virgin bastard." I smacked the top of his head, which snapped him out of his trance.

"Hey! I was reading!" Drake pouted before he placed the ero-manga back in his satchel hammerspace. "Anyway, what happened? I heard gunfire."

"Well, they decided pelting some bullets at me was a good idea. I smacked all of them unconscious." I replied with an amused grin. "I also asked them to call some of their higher-ups. Who knows, it might be a bigwig, seeing that we're impervious to their bullets."

"Yeah, that might be a possibility." Drake muttered as he adopted a thinking pose. Smacking his head again, he glared at me as he clutched it hard.

"Come on, enough of that. Let's go eat first, and come back later. Hopefully, they'll have responded to my request." Shrugging, the two of us headed back to the Dungeon to get some grub to eat.

"By the way, you noticed them, right? My old friends?" I nodded and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry, if it makes you feel any better, you can go to them… At least when there isn't anyone around to see. That would be a disaster waiting to happen."

Drake snorted, and we both continued our way to my Dungeon.

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