Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 417: Love and Fury

417. Love and Fury

Gula went flying as Kaitlin’s blade struck against the barrier. The impact knocked the Demon to the ground, sending debris and dirt into the air as the earth broke beneath her feet. She looked up and clicked her tongue as she saw the knight falling under the flare of the rising sun.

“[Sable Slash].”

A black blade cut through the earth. A precise line that split open— like an earthquake had broken apart the ground. Gula’s barrier flashed, holding up against the attack for a moment. Then there was a crack. The sphere began to break apart as Gula’s eyes widened.

Is this for real? What is this power? The Archdemon of Gluttony never expected for there to be a [Warrior] this powerful amongst the Humans’ ranks. She’d heard of Kaitlin Darkhelm. The Commander of the Vaun Qieur Empire’s Swordsguard Forces. But Gula had dismissed the Human from her level alone.

After all, Kaitlin was only Level 163. Around the same level as Orgaf, Thief of the Golden Scales. She certainly wasn’t on the same threat level as Helena Warshade. And yet, here was the knight, completely overwhelming Gula in battle.

The Demon yelled as she vanished. Teleporting back into the air, she spread her arms wide as a dozen spheres appeared above her head in a semicircle. They launched out one after the other as she screamed in a guttural voice.

“Try and cut this down, Human! [Fractal Orbs]!”

Gula had to shake away those needless thoughts. It was disrupting her concentration. The only reason why Kaitlin Darkhelm seemed like she had the upper hand was due to the fact that the Archdemon of Gluttony wasn’t adept against handling [Warriors] or the like.

She created two portals as the Commander of the Swordsguard Forces sprinted through the exploding spheres, raising her shield to take the brunt of the attack. An impenetrable defense— but useful as an offense too. The [Fiend] slammed the portals together as Kaitlin leapt at her.

The knight recoiled as she slammed into herself. A tinny grunt left her visor, and Gula took this as her chance to unleash her magic at the Elite.

But before she could even reach for the mana strands in the air, a volley of spells struck her back. Gula recoiled and spun around, facing the army as they loosed more magic and projectiles at her. She cursed and pointed at them.

“You annoying pests—”

And her eyes widened as a single-armed man flew through the air, swinging at her. There was a flash of silver— a crescent blade swinging at her like the moon itself.


Gula couldn’t teleport away in time. The blade tore through her chest as she vanished a second later. Marwin, the Silver Swordsman, landed next to Kaitlin as he gave her a nod.

“We’re here to help you, Commander Darkhelm.”

“Good work, Marwin.”

The knight straightened and stepped forward. Both the Silver Swordsman and the Elite stared up at the panting Gula.

“We can’t let this Demon take any more innocent lives. We have to end this here.”

“Understood, Commander Darkhelm.”

Gula herself didn’t hear this conversation, too fixated on the constant salvo launched at her from the tens of thousands of gathered Humans. How many had she killed? Not enough. They were overwhelming her. Not just her— Libid too.

The [Fiend]’s eyes flickered to a [Jinn] as he flew away from a blast of lightning and fire. She called out to him, and his gaze snapped towards her.


Her voice was soft, yet audible to him through all the fighting. She held his gaze as, for a moment, there was a lull in the battle.

“We have no choice. Do it.”

And the [Jinn] nodded. Libid flew up into the sky as the armies concentrated their attacks on him. His body burned brilliantly— a black fire that seemed to cast a darkness instead of light. His voice echoed throughout the battlefield. Heard even from the city of Alyras.

“[Flames of Passion, Give Me Strength].”

Kaitlin Darkhelm paused, turning her focus from Gula to the floating [Jinn].


“What is going on?”

Marwin blinked, confused.

“[I Will Answer His Wishes and Burn the World to Ashes].”

It looked like Libid’s body was breaking apart as his incantation continued. Gula sneered as she watched the army begin to hesitate. The [Jinn]’s flames grew wilder and wilder, smearing the sky like the darkling clouds of the Netherworld.

Gula didn’t want to resort to this, but they were left with no other choice. Libid wasn’t the highest-leveled Demon of the Dukes and Duchesses, however he had something special that made him the second strongest behind Ira. While Gloria had two Grand Skills, and Gula was Level 150, Libid had the most destructive Grand Skill of all. Unfortunately, it came at a cost.

“[Because, For Him, I Will Suffer Hell].”

Libid’s words broke apart as his body finally ripped in half. His ethereal form faded as an inferno exploded from his core. It was a vortex of black fire. Solid. Like a wall of storm. It expanded quickly as even Gula moved to avoid its smoldering heat. A hurricane of fire descended on the army, accompanied by a shrill wail.

It sounded like the wisping flame. Like the roaring firestorm that was unleashed. But Gula knew— she understood— that those were Libid’s own cries of pain.

Amanda stared in horror as Daniel collapsed. For a moment, the world froze. Her mind processed what had happened. Flakes of white aura wisped off the [Hero]’s body as the radiant armor protecting him shattered. He collapsed into a puddle of blood, dropping his gray-white longsword.

Iivor lowered his hand and bared his teeth as Desidia yawned.

“Now, who’s next?”

And Amanda’s world shattered. She screamed as she raised her double bladed dagger, while Edithe and Hadrian readied themselves.


The former assassin moved. Desidia took a single step in the span of time it took Amanda to appear next to Iivor.

[Savage Step]. Her gaze burned with fury. With hatred and anger. She struck out— a single precise blow that would’ve ended anyone lesser.

“[Pinpoint Strike].”

But a wind shield appeared at his back. Her dagger glanced off the solid air as Iivor craned his neck. He flicked a finger, sending out another wind blade at her. But she was faster.


She rolled out of the way and circled the yellow-skinned Demon. He barely moved. He turned to follow her as she spun around, producing a second, smaller dagger from her pockets. She lashed out Iivor with both of her weapons, two attacks at a time, repeatedly, both from different angles, all aimed for his vitals.

“[Dance of Daggers].”

His wind shield appeared each time her blade came close to his body. He scoffed and swiped out with an arm as a gust of wind burst out. She leapt back with another [Savage Step] as his spell barely grazed her.

“Come on, do you think you’ll be able to beat me at your level? You’re barely over Level 120—”

He started, only to be interrupted by a shout.

“[Frostflame Vortex]!”

Edithe lowered her staff and run up to Daniel as her magic engulfed the Demon. When the fire and ice dissipated, Iivor stepped out of it unharmed. She gritted her teeth, producing a healing potion.


Desidia stomped up towards her as she fumbled and dropped it. The green-skinned Demon nearly slammed into Edithe, but Hadrian intercepted her. He threw his entire weight to her side, knocking her off balance as she scowled.

“Get out of my way, you damn nuisance!”

She swatted Hadrian aside as Edithe blasted out with fire. Desidia walked through it with a grin.

“Come on, do you think that’ll hurt me if it can’t even hurt Iivor?”

The Demon stepped through the flames, and the red-haired woman bit her lower lip. Edithe quickly pointed at the downed [Hero].

“[A Guardian’s Blessing]! Daniel, you’ve got to—”

And Desidia picked her up. The green-skinned Demon laughed as Edithe struggled in her arms.

“I will squash you like a bug.”

She squeezed, and Edithe screamed. The Aura of Greater Protection protecting her flickered. The armor given by Zin Norwood began to fail. Desidia just hugged Edithe close to her rotund body. Her tails whipped behind back as she smiled.


And Amanda jammed her second dagger into the Demon’s back neck. Desida stumbled forward, blinking as she dropped Edithe to the floor. The [Rogue] leapt away, and Iivor sent wind blades after her.

“Don’t lose your focus, Desidia. These mortals are weak, but they are annoying to deal with.”

He brought both his arms up and pressed his hands together. A compressed ball of air formed before blasting out. The gust of wind knocked Amanda back as it cut through her protective garbs and artifacts. She clutched at her shoulder, leaping back protectively over Daniel’s body.

She looked down, seeing the young man’s body twitch.

“Get up, you idiot…”

The former assassin whispered before dodging a flurry of attacks from Iivor once again. Meanwhile, Edithe and Hadrian were flanking Desidia— the two Humans throwing everything they had at the Demon. But it wasn’t enough.

It was quite obvious: they were going to lose this battle.

What am I doing? Amanda wondered as she was caught briefly by one of Iivor’s spells. The attack sent a splattering of blood out, painting the walls as she ran around the room with [Savage Step].

It wasn’t enough to win. Despite her best efforts, she could only land small, inconsequential strikes on both Demons. The very fiber of her being told her this was pointless. That she would die. Yet, she fought on, not understanding why.

She never understood why she pushed herself so hard for Daniel.

But she did. And, perhaps, that was her folly. Maybe this was her final death sentence.

Amanda stumbled as she tried to dodge another wind blade. The spell caught her this time— not a grazing blow. But a direct strike to her chest. She recoiled as the air left her lungs, coughing out blood.


She was knocked back against a wall, her vision fading as she looked up at the fallen [Hero].

“ so stupid…”

Sighing, she closed her eyes.

Daniel saw nothing but darkness. His body was numb. He only heard the muffled sounds of fighting around him. He lay there, motionless, barely able to think.

He didn’t understand what was going on— his mind in a haze. Yet, something compelled him to get up. Still, he refused. It was nice, here. Everything felt so nice. It was like he was lying back in his bed in his own world under the cool hug of his air conditioner.

No troubles. No worries. No responsibilities. Just a carefree life.

Then the cool air vanished. A warmth wrapped around him, and the numb feeling replaced with an uncomfortable feeling. He didn’t like this. His body hurt. He could feel his fingers twitching. He wanted to open his eyes. But his body was in so much pain, tears began to stream down his cheeks as he inhaled a sharp breath.

He would’ve just given up. If even breathing hurt, then there was no point in living. But a voice called out to him. One which gave him a single order. The only thing he heard amidst the fighting.

Get up.

Daniel’s eyes cracked open. Why? he asked. Why did he have to get up? What was the point? Why did anything even… matter?

But something else took over him. A desire. A need. He couldn’t fail here. He had to fight. It was an impulse. Something he’d learned to become overtime.

If the question was, ‘Why should he fight?’ then the answer was simple: because he was a [Hero].

And Daniel groaned, raising his Primordial Longsword. The pain dulled. And power surged through him.

“[Will of the Hero]!”

A white light washed over Edithe, Hadrian, and Amanda. It gave them strength. It closed their wounds partially as the [Hero] got to his feet. He looked up at the Demons as a white aura wisped off his body.

Iivor narrowed his eyes, and Desidia blinked. She’d been looming over Hadrian and Edithe, before stepping back.

“What is—”

The green-skinned Demon started. But Daniel moved. He reached her swiftly— his speed far greater than what it was before. And he swung up at her before she could react.

“[Hero’s Slash]!”

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