Salvos (A Monster Evolution LitRPG)
Chapter 418: Demon Slayer

418. Demon Slayer


Lofus yelled in pain as Avaritia raked his claws across her back. The Berserker’s eyes burned with anger, and she spun around with a backfist. The attack barely missed the Demon as he vanished with a laugh.

“Too slow!”

He spoke in a garbled voice. The shockwave from her swing alone nearly threw Saffron off her feet. But she caught herself, clinging onto her father. Crocus Merryster lay before her, a bloodied mess.

The man’s eyes cracked open as she tilted his head up, slowly pouring a vial of red blood into his mouth.

“Take this, please. It’ll help you.”

It wasn’t a healing potion, even if it might’ve looked like one to anyone who was watching. Not that anyone cared. To Avaritia, Saffron might as well have been a fly on the wall. He simply relished his rematch with Lofus and continued assailing her from all sides.

Crocus coughed, and Saffron steadied him. Her father blinked, looking up at her before shaking his head.

“This is…”


Saffron replied simply. She gestured towards Lofus.

“Her blood. I stole some from the healing ward just in case you might need it. Drink up. It’ll give you strength.”

Despite being overtaken by [Bloodlust], Saffron was oddly calm. Perhaps it was because she was just glad to see her father was alive. But Crocus shook his head. He pushed the vial away and gestured towards a body lying in the corner of the room.

A beast lay there. A monster that looked like a bear. It had two heads, once. But now it only had one.


“Zin Norwood. Give it to her.”

Crocus spoke simply as he pulled himself up against a wall. He leant there and gestured at the [Druid]. Saffron tried to protest.


“She’s stronger than me.”

He spoke over his daughter. Saffron bit her lower lip, glancing at the unconscious [Druid]. Surely enough, Zin Norwood was Level 136. Two whole levels above Crocus. While that might not seem like it mattered much, it did here. Especially when factoring in her age and experience.

Her [Bloodlust] was likely at a higher level. Her second Class was also probably close to her main Class’ level. It made sense why Crocus insisted on handing over the rest of Lofus’ blood to Zin.

“Give it to her, Saffron— all of it.”

The young noble closed her eyes. Her father… looked like he was going to be fine. And she had to trust him. Trust that he would be ok. She got back up— and stumbled as the room shook. She snapped her gaze to Zin and made a break for it.

The floor collapsed as Lofus bellowed, going on a rampage. The tremors grew more violent as her rage only empowered her. But it didn’t matter how strong the Berserker grew if she couldn’t hit Avaritia.

“Are you even trying? This will end no differently from the first fight if you keep this up!”

Saffron reached the [Druid]’s limp body as the room fell behind her. She stood on a small ledge, clutching onto Zin and uncorked the vial.

“Wake up, Zin.”

The young noble shook the other woman’s bear-like body. Saffron began to pour the entire bottle of blood down the [Druid]’s throat.

“And show this bastard why we’re called Demon Slayers!”

“You missed again, hah!”

Avaritia smirked as he sidestepped a deadly punch from Lofus. He slashed his claws across her stomach, and she stumbled back. He hopped back nimbly, grinning as he eyed her standing there. The Berserker was panting— the aura she exuded earlier almost gone.

She stepped forward with all the tenacity of a dying ember, yet she didn’t give up. Avaritia had to give her credit. She was substantially more durable than he thought she’d be. And her strength… well, the [Changeling] had always considered himself strong, but Lofus was on a different level.

He was glad he had the Boots of Alexander. To think that Gula and the others had planned on swapping around the Mythic Grade artifact between them. He yanked it from them before they could use it so stupidly, wasting its powers on the likes of that lazy Desidia or that needy Iivor.

Seriously, once he had it on, the other Dukes and Duchesses couldn’t complain. Of course not. Everyone knew he was never going to hand over a fun little trinket he acquired once he had it. Now, he was going to take full advantage of it to pummel this Berserker till she was dead.

His body blurred. He sprinted around Lofus as her eyes grew wide. She spun around just in time to see him standing there, claws raised— baring his razor-sharp teeth at her.

“Good try, but now you die—”

And Avaritia grunted as something heavy crashed into his side. The Archdemon of Greed went flying as a blurred brown figure pounced after him. He blinked as a single bear head sunk its fangs into his side, drawing his blood.


He stared, confused, at a pair of glowing eyes. Red, feral eyes. That of a monster. Wild, like a [Hellabomination]. He blinked once more as the beast let go of him and raised its claws. It swung down once— twice.

And he moved out of the way. Avaritia jumped to the side as he narrowed his eyes.

“What was that?”

It looked almost like the [Druid] he had taken down earlier. But it was much stronger. Much faster. Everything about it was different. It was like it leveled up over ten times since he’d torn its head off. Not only that— it was still missing a head.

Yet, it stood there, facing him with a low growl. Lofus stared at it, puzzled as well.

“You’re… that Vampire, aren’t you? Zin Norwood? Come on, we can take him out together.”

It replied with a garbled sound. No words. None that Avaritia’s [Universal Language Comprehension] could understand, anyway.

“A Vampire?”

And it finally clicked in the Demon’s head.

“You’re one of those so-called Demon Slayers I’ve been warned to be careful about in the Mortal Realm, aren’t you? I was beginning to think I’d been lied to, considering every single Human I’ve met so far has been so weak.”

He chuckled as he took on a wide stance.

“Maybe it’s time for one of you to give me a real—”

And the beast was next to him in a moment. Avaritia flipped away, wide-eyed.

“So fast…”

He dodged its flurry of claw strikes. He was still faster than it. And it also wasn’t that strong— despite having landed a handful of solid blows on him, she’d only injured him somewhat. That was as opposed to Lofus.

The Berserker swung for his head as he backed up to her. He pivoted around the transformed Vampire, letting the attack hit it instead. Lofus stopped just before its head. Avaritia smiled as he stood across from them, before lunging out.

“I’ll take you both on!”

“[Hero’s Slash]!”

Daniel swung up, sinking his blade into Desidia’s chest. The Demon stared in shock as his weapon tore through her skin like it was butter. The radiant light from his Primordial Longsword dissipated as he stepped back.

Desidia stumbled away from him as she clutched at her chest.


She coughed, and blood splattered out of her mouth. Her innards poured out of the wound— except, it was just a gooey black sludge. She wheezed, mouth bobbing up and down as Daniel moved to finish her off.

But a wind blade shot past him. He leapt back and eyed Iivor as the yellow-skinned Demon lowered his hand.

“So you survived that. And you’re stronger than ever. [Heroes] really do have an unfair advantage, don’t they?”

Daniel shifted his feet as he gripped his Primordial Longsword. He surged with power, thanks to [Will of the Hero]. Most of his previous wounds were gone— replaced with a newfound strength and speed.

It wasn’t as big of a boost as he’d normally felt when he employed the Skill, but that was because he didn’t cast it just on himself. It could be spread out through multiple people. Even an army— according to the legends told of the Immortal King Alexander.

Its effects would be vastly weakened. As it was now, Daniel only received a +10% boost to all his Stats. If it was just for himself, he’d have gotten +20%. But he couldn’t just neglect his friends.

He nodded at Edithe and Hadrian— both of whom looked rejuvenated and refreshed from his [Hero]’s Skill effects. Amanda was still unconscious. Daniel smiled before he stepped forward.

“Now it’s just you, Iivor. Give up now. I am offering you the same deal you gave me.”

“The same… offer?”

Iivor shook his head. He didn’t laugh, but he just gestured at his bleeding companion.

“Even with Desidia out of the picture, do the three of you think you can beat me?”

He spread his arms wide and challenged the three.

“Let’s see it, then.”

Daniel turned to Edithe and Hadrian. The red-haired woman raised her staff and shouted.

“[Patron of the Skills]! Daniel, you just have to—”

“Got it.”

The [Hero] leapt forward as he felt a rush of strength wash over him.

Temporary Skill [A Guardian’s Blessing] Obtained!

Temporary Skill [Aura of Greater Protection] Obtained!

Temporary Skill [Ray of Reibution] Obtained!

He knew what to do with the first Skill. He whispered, pointing at Amanda.

“[A Guardian’s Blessing].”

The former assassin shifted where she lay, but didn’t get up. It looked like she was a little bit better, though. Perhaps she would make it now. Shaking his head, the [Hero] focused only on the enemy before him. He stepped forward, thrusting with his Primordial Longsword.

“Take this— [Greater Aura Stab]!”

A white light shot out from the tip of his blade— like an extension of it. Reminiscent to the power of the Sword of Alexander. But the Demon created a barrier, blocking it. Iivor tilted his head.

“Is that your best shot?”

Hadrian appeared behind him.

“[Cleaving Blow]!”

His sword bounced off Iivor’s barrier, and the Demon laughed. A pule of air shot out, knocking Daniel back, and sending Hadrian flying.


Edithe yelled before her brows snapped together. Her staff was wreathed in whiite ribbons and motes of pure energy as she glared at Iivor.

“How dare you— [Vindication of They]!”

A white vortex shot out. A blast of wind. A tempest, concentrated only in that spell launching out at the Demon. But Iivor’s barrier held up against the spell. Daniel understood vaguely how [Vindication of They] worked, and unfortunately, because Iivor hadn’t actually caused that much destruction, her attack wasn’t too powerful either.

Still, he took his chance and stepped behind the horned Demon.

“[Crescent Fury], and—”

He unleashed the flurry of attacks— which Iivor once again blocked with ease— before drawing his sword back and pointed with his palm.

“[Ray of Retribution].”

That made the yellow-skinned Demon react. He leapt up with a burst of wind, narrowly avoiding the spell. He gritted his teeth, creating a pair of wind lances, spinning like a pair of miniature tornadoes in his hands.

“You Humans are starting to get annoying!”

Iivor hurled the attacks forward as Daniel deflected it, and Edithe dodged out of the way. The pair realized it— they could do this. They could actually win.

And a fallen figure shifted.

Hadrian gritted his teeth as he got back to his feet. Even with the additional boost from [Will of the Hero], it wasn’t enough. He couldn’t keep up with the fight at all. Edithe hurled her spells at Iivor from afar, and managed to avoid taking any significant blow, while Daniel was a [Hero].

…he still had yet to fully process that.

But the leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company wasn’t able to keep up with this at all. Still, he moved. He raised his sword and started back into the fray. Only to pause as he heard a murmuring.

“[Sleep is for the Weak, So I Shall Not Dream].”

And he spun around just in time for a blast of green aura to ripple into the air. A pillar that broke the ceiling and sent debris tumbling around him. The [Warrior]s eyes grew wied as he stared at Desidia, standing and flexing her muscles.

Daniel and Edithe went stumbling back as the ground rippled like a wave. Iivor smiled, greeting his ally.

“So you finally chose to wake up, Desidia.”

“That is debatable.”

She stretched as she looked down at herself.

“Regeneration. Super strength. The only downside is…”

The green-skinned Demon lumbered forward and brought her fists down to the ground. Hadrian saw her movements.

“...I’m really not that much faster.”

But she was still faster than Hadrian. The shockwave sent him flying back as she walked forward. Edithe turned and unleashed her magic at the Demon, but this time it was to even less effect than before.

Daniel ran at her, only to be swooped off his feet by a small cyclone. Iivor bared his teeth— annoyed, more than menacingly.

“You’re out of tricks, [Hero]. It’s over for you. And I will not offer you any mercy.”


The [Hero] struggled to break free from that snare as Hadrian rushed Desidia.

“[Valorous Charge]!”

And she smacked him aside with her tails, sending him flying. The [Warrior] inhaled sharply as his sword broke— as did his arms. He crashed and tumbled


Edithe yelled and gritted her teeth. She raised her staff, whispering to herself as Hadrian lay there, a limp and pulpy mess.


He bit down on a healing potion at his waste, breaking the glass as the liquid poured over his arms. He had to help them. They were being overwhelmed by the Demons. Edithe pointed at Desidia as the Demon towered over her.

“[Recall Skill…”

“You do realize nothing you throw at me can hurt me, right?”

The green-skinned Demon whipped her tails behind her back and raised a pair of clasped fists. Edithe backed up and pointed.

“[Vindication of—”

And Desidia swung down. She smashed the floor— causing a tremor that surpassed even the rumblings from Avaritia’s battle. The ground broke open as an entire section of the palace crumbled, knocking up a massive curtain of dust into the air.

Hadrian’s eyes went wide as he watched on.


He raised a hand as it was in the process of knitting together. And he stared at… nothing. Just a massive crater where Edithe had once stood.


His voice came out weak— hoarse. He didn’t want to believe it, but the redhead wasn’t there. Even Daniel couldn’t help but look on, despite being caught in a small typhoon.

This can’t be real, right? Hadrian’s vision blurred. He tried to work his jaw, but nothing came out of his mouth. Edithe was… was… gone. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he whispered to himself.

“I didn’t even…”

Iivor raised a brow as Desidia drew back, dusting herself off. The green-skinned Demon blinked and looked around. Her companion snorted.

“Now that you’re done messing around, just finish off the last of them while I deal with this [Hero].”


Desidia hesitated as she glanced around at the rubble.

“I didn’t kill her.”

And Hadrian paused.


Iivor echoed the same sentiment, narrowing his eyes.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I didn’t even hit her. She… somehow dodged it.”

And Hadrian’s eyes darted across the battlefield. So she’s alive?

“What’s wrong?”

A soft voice echoed through the battlefield. Hadrian raised his head, blinking as rainbow-colored butterflies fluttered down next to him. No— these weren’t butterflies. They were wisps of iridescent flame.

“Couldn’t keep up? Orgaf said you were strong.”

Iivor frowned, and Desidia just tilted her head in confusion.

“Who are you?”

Hadrian stared up at a silver-haired girl as she descended, carrying Edithe in her arms. She sported on an odd blue jacket— a familiar blue jacket— and she lowered her companion gently to the ground.

“Who am I??”

The silver-haired girl cocked her head as the Demons exchanged a puzzled glance. The iridescent flames jolted suddenly, circling around her in a wild aura as she bared her teeth.

“I’m Salvos.”

The flames calmed, and Hadrian blinked as a glinting sword appeared in her hands.

“And you guys just made a huge mistake.”

[Mage - Lvl. 141]

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