stakes - gambling with gods.
Chapter 3 Arrival And Introductions


Zack's Pov:-

I stumbled forward as my body was suddenly yanked through a blinding vortex of light. My surroundings had disappeared, replaced by an unfamiliar room. I stumbled for a moment before regaining my balance. Blinking my eyes to adjust to the new surroundings, I looked around and found myself in a different room.

This room was small, but it was advanced. There were sofas, a few tables, and a couple of bookshelves. One wall had a giant screen, displaying the Academy's crest. The screen flickered, and as I was examining my surrounding a childlike voice announced that we had arrived at our destination directly into my mind.

My heart raced as the voice suddenly echoed in my mind. I looked around, trying to replace the source of the voice, but there was no one in sight. It was as if the voice had appeared out of nowhere, which made me uneasy.

"Who's there?" I thought, feeling my voice quiver with fear. The thought of someone or something invading my mind without permission was terrifying.

As I stood there, trying to make sense of what had just happened, a faint whisper tickled the back of my mind. "Do not be afraid, Zack. I am your guide. Name's nork.", the voice said, its tone soothing and gentle.

I relaxed a bit, realizing that the voice wasn't there to harm me. "My guide? Guide to what?" I asked, I curiosity piqued as I remembered the lady saying this device will help me.

"To the new world, of course. You are a new recruit, and I have been assigned to assist you," the voice replied.

I breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that I wasn't alone in this strange new world as I seemed to remember nothing of my past except some things that were coming and going, like I knew what a watch or sofa or screen were or how to use but, not a single memory of using it or how I came to know them. It was odd.

"As you can see, your room is on the rightmost corner of this hallway," Nork explained, gesturing towards the door. "This will be your personal space for the duration of your time here at the academy. The common room, on the other hand, is where all the groupmates can gather, socialize, and relax. Each group consists of five members, and you are the last to arrive."

I walked into my room as nork continued to speak, taking in the sparsely furnished space. Compared to the advanced technology and sleek design of the common room, my personal space was quite basic. However, it had all the necessities, including a comfortable bed, a sturdy desk, and a small wardrobe. I noticed that the room also had an attached bathroom, which was relatively normal in comparison to the other high-tech features of the academy. The bathroom contained a bathtub, a shower, and a full-length mirror.

"As for the training room," the nork said, bringing my attention back to the conversation. "It's directly connected to the common room, opposite of your room, assuming you'll be spending a lot of time there. It's divided into five section each one for each member. Each of the five sections is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and simulation programs to help you hone your skills and prepare for your duties as a member of the academy."

As I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment. I didn't have any memory of what I looked like in my past life, and now, as I examined my new appearance, it was all so unfamiliar.

I stood tall; my slender frame accentuated by my small shoulders. Jet black hair cascaded in a messy, unkempt style, adding a touch of rebelliousness to my appearance. The depth of my brown eyes revealed a piercing gaze, as if I had the ability to absorb every detail of my surroundings. A strong jawline and a chiselled chin contributed to the rugged, masculine quality of my face.

As I continued to study my reflection, I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Who was I, really? These were questions that I knew I would have to replace the answers to if I was to make the most of his second chance.

I decided to explore the rest of the dormitory, hoping to replace something that would make up for the lack of amenities in his own room. As I walked back into common room, which was shaped in form of hexagon, I noticed other rooms each at the end of corner.

I walked towards room exact opposite of mine, which nork introduced as the training room. I went into that direction hoping to replace someone out of other four who lived here.

Suddenly, I heard a voice behind calling me. "Hey, you must be the new guy."

I turned around to see a tall, strong looking guy with short black hair and piercing black eyes. He was wearing a black t-shirt and loose pants, and he looked like he was ready to go onto hit gym, coming out of room adjunct to mine.

"Uh, yeah, that's me. Ni.... Nice to meet yo.... you, m.... my name is zac.... zack" I said, My voice slightly trembled as I extended my hand for a handshake, replaceing it strange that the name didn't feel unfamiliar or odd as I said it. The sense of intimidation from the other guy's presence lingered, creating a mixture of unease and curiosity within me.

"Oh! WAIT THERE, I will call the others," Ayaan exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm. He swiftly made his way to each door, knocking and announcing my arrival. As I stood in the common room, waiting for the rest to join us, Ayaan returned and took a seat on the sofa.

"Hello Zack, right?" Ayaan asked, his friendly smile putting me at ease. I nodded, sitting down beside him.

"My name is Ayaan," he introduced himself, extending a hand for a handshake. I gladly shook it, appreciating his warm demeanor. "Nork must have already filled you in about this place, hasn't he?"

I nodded again, recalling the information Nork had shared earlier. "Yes, I guess. He told me where my room is and mentioned something about the training room. He was going to explain further, but you found me first. Is there anything else I should know?" Zack asked, his curiosity piqued.

Ayaan nodded, a slight grin on his face. "Yeah, there's one more important thing. Our classes start today. Nork didn't mention that, did he?"

Zack's eyes widened with surprise. "What? But I just arrived! How can the classes start so soon?"

Ayaan chuckled, fully comprehending Zack's astonishment. "You see, the academy operates with a continuous influx of students, commencing new classes on a daily basis. There's no grand opening ceremony; instead, you are promptly introduced to your dormmates and handed a schedule. It's a vibrant and bustling environment, with millions of individuals constantly arriving and departing. Rest assured, feeling overwhelmed is a common sentiment among newcomers. However, the academy has an efficient and streamlined system in place. The classes are meticulously crafted to accommodate the perpetual flow of students. While it may appear chaotic initially, you'll soon adapt and replace your footing. And as a matter of fact, I arrived less than half an hour ago."

Zack took a moment to absorb the new information.

In those few moments, the doors swung open one after another, revealing the remaining residents of the dormitory as they made their way into the common room. Ayaan wasted no time introducing everyone.

"Guys, this is the last member of our group. His name is Zack," Ayaan announced, gesturing towards me. "Zack, meet Charlotte, Elsie, and Ignatius."

My eyes scanned the room as Ayaan introduced each person. I was immediately struck by the unique qualities of each individual.

Charlotte, a petite girl with a youthful appearance, stood at about 5'1" (155 cm) tall. Her pale blonde hair cascaded in loose waves just below her shoulders, tied up in a simple ponytail. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with innocence and curiosity; her face adorned with a gentle smile. Delicate and heart-shaped, her features included a small nose and full lips. Freckles lightly dusted her fair complexion, adding to her charming appeal. Her slender build hinted at her youthfulness, with a small bust and narrow hips.

Elsie, on the other hand, was a commanding woman in her mid-twenties, towering at an impressive height of 6'2" (188 cm). Her confident and authoritative aura was evident in every deliberate movement she made. From her sharp and angular features to her piercing blue eyes, Elsie exuded a regal quality. Her straight, prominent nose and full lips often settled into a serious line. Her dark chestnut hair fell in loose waves down her back, impeccably tied in a coiled bun. She effortlessly emanated a sense of power and grace.

Lastly, there was Ignatius, a tall man who exuded an air of arrogance that seemed to dismiss everyone around him. His sharp features were set in a perpetual scowl, suggesting that he considered himself above others. However, there was a complexity to his demeanor. Despite his dismissive attitude, Ignatius couldn't help but steal glances at Charlotte. At first glance, his glares might be mistaken for anger, but upon closer inspection, it became clear that there was something more to his gaze.

Ignatius' deep green eyes seemed to light up whenever they landed on Charlotte. His gaze lingered, as if he wanted to capture every detail of her appearance. There was an intensity to his stare, a silent message conveyed without words. His intentions were shrouded in mystery, leaving all of us curious about the dynamic between him and Charlotte. Perhaps he was silently assessing why such a small girl had been assigned to his team.

Though of varying ages and body types, they had one thing in common, their attire-a well-defined uniform that Ayaan had previously mentioned to me. Ignatius had worn a sport straight scarlet cotton trousers that extended just below, offering glimpse of laced-up shoes. These trousers were complemented by long, thinly crisscrossed rosewood socks and a simple belt. On top, he had an almond-colored short-sleeved shirt that hang somewhat loosely over his trousers. This shirt was covered by thick jacket, which was fastened up to the top button. A light tie with a scarlet and rosewood check pattern adorns the center of the jackets.

As for the girls, they had donned a scarlet box-pleated skirts that fall slightly above their calves. These skirts were paired with regular socks and rosewood-colored pumps. Similar to the ignatius, the girls wear short-sleeved shirts, which was loosely draped over their skirts. They also had longer jackets, along with ties that featured a modest scarlet and rosewood polka-dot design. All three jackets proudly displayed the school logo, which was a bird surrounded by thick red vines.

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