stakes - gambling with gods.
Chapter 4 Unveiling The Enigma

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Author's Note:-

So instead of regular updates i will only uploading two chapter a week each 3k to 4k words. please try to remain patient and also support as much as you can:)

One thing at last, i have uploaded how the crest of school looks like so please visit my instagram to see it.

My instagram -


"Hey there! If I were in your shoes, I'd hurry up and change into the uniform instead of lingering here, you know? And don't pay too much attention to Ayaan. From what I've seen in just half a day, all he does is laze around," chirped Charlotte, the smallest among us.

"Yeah, you better listen to her. She thinks she knows it all," Ignatius interjected with an arrogant tone.

Ignoring Ignatius' dismissive remark, I turned towards Charlotte with a grateful smile. Her chirpy personality and helpful nature instantly made me feel more at ease.

"Thanks for the advice, Charlotte," I replied, appreciating her friendly gesture. "I'll make sure to change into the uniform and not be late for my first day. By the way, where can I replace this uniform?"

Charlotte's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, mirroring her chirpy personality. Her words were delivered with an infectious energy, filling the room with a sense of warmth and camaraderie. It was clear that she genuinely cared about making everyone feel welcome and supported in this new environment.

"Inside your wardrobe, you will discover not only your uniform but also spare clothes," she cheerfully explained, her voice carrying a tinge of excitement. "The academy provides everything you need to make your stay comfortable and convenient. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if there's anything I can do to assist you. I am here for each and every one of you."

"I'll be back in a moment," I exclaimed. With a sense of urgency, I swiftly made my way towards my room. Not wasting a single second. Upon reaching my room, I swung open the door and entered without hesitation. My gaze immediately fell upon the wardrobe, its neatly arranged contents beckoning me forward. Hanging before me were three sets of the academy's uniform, identical to the one Ignatius had worn earlier. Alongside them, I noticed a pair of loose pants and a black t-shirt, serving as alternative options.

Carefully selecting one set of the uniform, I ensured that it fit me comfortably before returning the remaining sets to their rightful places. Time was of the essence, and I dressed swiftly, not wanting to risk being late for my first day. Adjusting my collar and smoothing out any creases, I stole a moment to glance at my reflection in the mirror. The uniform exuded simplicity and style, evoking a sense of professionalism and preparedness.

As I made my way back to the common room, I noticed Ayaan emerging from his room, already dressed in his uniform. Just as everyone gathered, Nork's voice echoed in my mind, a sensation I was still getting used to. "Shall I teleport all of you to the classroom?" he asked.

Before I could join the others, Charlotte interjected, "Let's meet in the classroom. Bye-bye," and disappeared in a flash of blue sparks and dust. One by one, we followed suit, transforming into swirling blue particles. "Yes," I finally replied.


The classroom:-

Similar to previous experiences, I stumbled forward as my body was abruptly pulled into a dazzling vortex of light. It took me a moment to regain my balance, and when I did, I found myself in yet another unfamiliar room.

As I took in my surroundings, I was struck by the medieval ambiance of the classroom. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting ancient battles and grand castles, while the sturdy wooden desks and chairs gave the room an air of antiquity. It was evident that this room was designed to accommodate a large number of students, with rows upon rows of desks stretching out before me, easily capable of seating 500 individuals.

The ceiling soared high above, supported by magnificent stone pillars that seemed to whisper stories of the past. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns across the room and adding to the enchanting atmosphere. A large blackboard dominated the front of the room, awaiting the teacher's instructions and teachings. I marvelled at the grandeur of the setting. It was a stark contrast to the modernity of the dorms. I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder.

Despite the spaciousness of the classroom, it remained relatively empty at this point. My gaze scanned the room, and I spotted Charlotte waving her small hand, seated in the front section alongside Elsie and Ayaan. Ignatius, on the other hand, was nowhere to be found among our group. It didn't come as a surprise, considering his demeanor and disposition. It was evident that he preferred to distance himself from us.

As I settled into my seat, surrounded by the vast expanse of desks, I couldn't help but observe the diverse group of individuals in the classroom. People of varying builds and ages filled the room, each carrying their own unique aura. However, my attention was drawn to Ignatius, who sat at the back of the classroom, accompanied by a group of similarly arrogant individuals. Birds of a feather, it seemed, flocked together all too easily. Their air of superiority was palpable, as if they considered themselves above the rest of us. It was clear that they had formed their own exclusive circle just after few moment.

As time passed, Charlotte continued sharing her experiences of her guide, I learned that's what they are called, with us, much like what the lady had done with me. However, her words became a mere background noise, flowing from one ear to the other without registering in my mind. The constant stream of information overwhelmed my senses, and I found myself drifting away from the conversation.

Suddenly, the tranquillity of the classroom was shattered as a surge of people flooded in. Their footsteps reverberated through the room, and the once-empty back rows quickly filled up. Some individuals took seats beside me, their presence adding to the growing anticipation in the air.

And then, just as the commotion reached its peak, a bright light emanated from the middle of the stage, capturing everyone's attention. I shielded my eyes with my hand, squinting as the light intensified, illuminating every nook and cranny of the room. Gradually, as the intensity subsided, a figure materialized at the center of the stage, causing an immediate silence to descend upon the room.

He stood tall and lean, exuding a sense of effortless confidence. With his dishevelled black hair and a casual demeanor, he appeared to be in his mid-twenties. Clad in a pristine white shirt and black pants, his attire added a touch of sophistication to his overall appearance.

"Hello, everyone," he began, his voice carrying a friendly tone. "I regret not being able to join you in person, but thanks to this hologram, you can see and hear me. I kindly request that you refrain from causing any disruptions, as I have the means to detect and address any issues swiftly."

His words hung in the air, commanding attention and respect from the assembled students, all that from just one sentence.

"I am Devon Sheppard," Soon his voice turned bit more friendly. "I am a deck and ability user employed by the prestigious Great Academy of Navia. It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to guide you in your magical journey here."

"I hold the esteemed power level of Tier-3 5-Star," Devon continued, his words punctuated by a sense of accomplishment. "Currently, my ranking stands at 7-Rare-1M56K099. It's quite an achievement, if I may say so myself. As for my subject, it is geography," Devon Sheppard announced, his gaze sweeping across the classroom, making eye contact with each student. "Geography is a fascinating field that allows us to explore and understand the world we inhabit. It encompasses the study of landforms, climates, ecosystems."

"Throughout this course, we will explore various aspects of geography, ranging from physical geography, which focuses on natural features like mountains, rivers, and deserts. It is not just about memorizing maps or capitals," Devon emphasized, his voice filled with conviction. "It is about understanding, appreciating the diversity of cultures and environments."

He took a moment to sigh, his expression tinged with a hint of disappointment. "Though I must admit, in this introductory geography course, we will mainly cover the basics of different geographical zones and touch upon a few key concepts. We won't be able to delve too deep into the intricate details and complexities that exist within the field."

His words brought a tinge of mixed emotions among the students. On one hand, there was a sense of relief that the course wouldn't be overly challenging, allowing for a smoother learning experience. On the other hand, some of us were eager to explore the subject in greater depth and hoped for a more comprehensive exploration of geography. For me I was in first group.

"However," Devon continued, his voice taking on a more reassuring tone, "That doesn't mean our journey through geography will be any less exciting or insightful."

"But before we delve into the subject of geography, let me pose a question that I'm sure has been on everyone's mind since your arrival in this new world," Devon began, his voice filled with intrigue. "Despite being told that you have lost your past memories, why is it that you can still recall certain things while others remain elusive? It's as if these memories are locked away, waiting to be discovered with a little effort. Almost like someone placed a seal on those memories, intentionally hiding them from you."

"It's not just the absence of memories that is intriguing," Devon continued, his gaze scanning the room, searching for signs of recognition in our eyes. "It's also the way in which you are able to utter thoughts that seemingly emerge out of nowhere, thoughts you weren't consciously contemplating at that moment. But remember if something captures your sudden interest, it's usually a sign that it will be beneficial for you. It's almost as if someone or something is manipulating your mind, selectively allowing certain fragments of your past to resurface."

"Not only your thoughts, but you may not realize it yet. However, as you spend more time here, you'll start to notice that even your emotions are predetermined. I'm not suggesting that they are being manipulated, but rather that they are fixed or predetermined in some way."

His words struck a chord within me, as I had experienced similar moments of sudden recollection or intrusive thoughts that seemed to disrupt my train of thought. It was a peculiar phenomenon that had left me puzzled. It was my choice of choosing academy over freedom.

The room fell silent, the weight of Devon's words hanging in the air. It was a revelation that stirred a mix of curiosity, confusion, and a tinge of suspicion within each of us. What was the purpose behind this selective memory loss and the occasional glimpses into our forgotten past?

"I propose a theory," Devon continued, his voice growing more animated. "What if someone or something orchestrated our arrival in this world with a specific intention? What if their aim was not to create mindless creatures devoid of memories, but rather to forge us into stronger individuals, capable of navigating this new reality without their direct guidance?"

A murmur of agreement rippled through the classroom, as his words resonated with our own observations and experiences. It seemed plausible that there was a greater purpose behind our existence in this unfamiliar realm, and that our memories were intentionally concealed to facilitate our growth.

"Before any accusations or speculations arise, I want to make it clear that you are not alone in experiencing this phenomenon," Devon clarified, addressing the concern that lingered in the room. "Every individual living in this world, including myself, shares the same condition. We have just accommodated to this phenomenon. That's why what I presented earlier is merely a theory, not a definitive statement."

His words served as a reminder that we were all in this together, bound by the same enigmatic circumstances. It was a reassurance that we were not singled out or targeted, but rather part of a larger tapestry of individuals grappling with fragmented memories and unexplained thoughts.

"While this theory raises intriguing possibilities, it is important to approach it with an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism," Devon continued, his tone measured and rational. "We must remain vigilant in our pursuit of understanding, questioning everything and seeking evidence to support or challenge our assumptions. The journey towards unravelling the truth requires patience, collaboration, and a willingness to embrace uncertainty. With that said let's start our first lesson."

Someone in the crowd dared to voice the longing that resided within all of us. "Can we regain our lost memories?" they asked, their voice tinged with hope and curiosity. Devon, caught off guard by the question, paused for a moment, his gaze turning back to face the eager student.

A sense of caution permeated the room as we awaited his response. It was a delicate matter, and Devon's words carried weight and consequence. With a measured tone, he began to address the query that lingered in our minds.

"If you're wondering about the possibility of regaining your lost memories, I must acknowledge that there is indeed a way," Devon revealed, his voice tinged with a hint of caution. "However, I must emphasize that the process is not without its challenges, and I wouldn't recommend it lightly. It can be an arduous and, in most cases, an unpleasant experience."

His words echoed through the room, punctuated by a collective hush that settled among the students. It was evident that the path to reclaiming our lost memories was not a straightforward one, and Devon's cautionary tone served as a sobering reminder of the complexities involved.

"Occasionally, there have been rare cases where individuals have managed to regain fragments of their past," Devon continued, his gaze shifting to encompass the entire classroom. He paused, allowing his words to sink in and the weight of their implications to settle upon us. The room was enveloped in a contemplative silence as we grappled with the choices and risks inherent in the pursuit of our forgotten memories.

"I urge you all to carefully consider the significance of embarking on such a path, because it's not the one you want to take," Devon advised, his voice infused with a blend of empathy and caution.

"Now, onto some good news. In geography I will teach you about the five Continents, the sea, and the Continents you are part of, The Eastern Empire."

The professor's voice resonated through the classroom as he delved deeper into the intriguing world of geography. With each word, our curiosity grew, captivated by the vastness and mysteries that lay beyond our immediate surroundings.

He began by unravelling the enigma of the world's shape, revealing that despite the passage of billions of years, its true form remained elusive. It could be circular, flat, square, or something entirely different, defying conventional expectations. The notion that the shape of the world itself remained a subject of speculation fascinated and challenged our understanding.

Continuing his lecture, the professor unveiled the existence of more than the commonly known five continents. While uncertainty shrouded their exact number, he emphasized that our focus would be on the four continents with flourishing civilizations. Each of these four lands possessed its own distinct culture, shaped by their unique worship of different gods.

On the northern continent, the divine presence of the god of light reigned supreme, casting its brilliance upon the inhabitants. In stark contrast, the southern continent was devoted to the worship of the god of the dark, embracing the shadows and mysteries that unfolded beneath its dominion.

The western continent, meanwhile, embraced the goddess of ice, their lives intertwined with the frozen essence that surrounded them. In this realm, the delicate dance of warmth and cold played out, shaping the very fabric of their society.

Finally, our current abode, the eastern continent, was deeply connected to the goddess of water. Her influence flowed through every aspect of life, shaping their beliefs, traditions, and even the way they harnessed elemental powers. Water, a symbol of fluidity and adaptability, was venerated in this realm, shaping the mindset and perspectives of its inhabitants.

With fervour and expertise, the professor shed light on the complex relationships between these continents. He highlighted the historical conflicts that had erupted between the northern and southern lands, rooted in their contrasting beliefs and deities. The struggle for dominance between the god of light and the god of the dark had left an indelible mark on their shared history, shaping the dynamics of their civilizations.

In contrast, the eastern continent held a nuanced view, considering the use of ice as inferior to their beloved water. This perception stemmed from their reverence for the fluidity and versatility of water, viewing the solidified state of ice as a mere reflection of its true potential.

As the professor continued to unravel the mysteries of the central continent, a hushed excitement permeated the classroom. He delved into the fascinating history surrounding this elusive land, revealing that approximately 13 billion years ago, each ruler of the existing continents received a divine revelation from their respective gods. The revelation spoke of the central continent as a repository of all the answers humanity sought.

The profound significance of this revelation ignited a fervour among the nations, sparking a race to be the first to reach the central continent's shores. Every continent began to build their own navy, driven by two primary motives. First, the desire to be the pioneers in uncovering the secrets hidden within the enigmatic land. And second, the urge to prevent others from reaching it before them.

However, as time passed and the vastness of the sea became apparent, the intensity of the naval warfare gradually diminished. The competition proved to be an arduous undertaking, with the immense expanse of uncharted waters acting as a formidable obstacle. The professor illustrated this point by highlighting the fact that even after billions of years, humanity has barely explored less than 20% of the vast sea.

As internal struggles and conflicts within the nations grew, the central continent's pursuit took a back seat in their priorities. The once fervent naval forces transitioned into using the sea as a training ground for their soldiers, honing their skills to be deployed on the mainland. It became a place where aspiring soldiers would likely spend a significant portion of their 300-year service in the army.

The realization of this transformed purpose of the sea and the central continent elicited a mix of emotions among the students. Some felt a tinge of disappointment, their dreams of grand naval expeditions and unearthing the central continent's mysteries dampened by the practicalities of the present. Others saw it as an opportunity for personal growth and preparation for the challenges they would face in the mainland.

Nevertheless, the allure of the central continent persisted, casting a captivating spell on those who yearned for knowledge and enlightenment. Despite the dwindling focus on the naval race, the central continent remained a symbol of intrigue, beckoning explorers and adventurers to discover its hidden treasures.

As the professor concluded his lecture, a sense of anticipation hung in the air. The journey ahead would be filled with obstacles, both physical and personal. But for each student sitting in that classroom, the central continent represented a chance to uncover the truth to every question they had now or they will have in future.

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