The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel
Chapter 201: Spending time with Rin until...

(A/N I'm back!!!!! And I'll be returning to my usual posting schedule starting today. During my 'vacation' I tried to research some information about Bleach world to be more accurate, but while starting this arc, I was unaware that the Bleach wiki doesn't have information from the light novels, which is a pretty big deal.

First is that Isane wasn't lieutenant even 110 years before canon. Hanataro's brother was. Funny enough, he appeared in the manga in the background once, and later, he was revealed in data books which I also didn't read...

Also, apparently, Kiyone was sent to the 13th Division to help with Ukitake condition and originally was in Squad 4. So yeah, I made some characters older than they should, but since it already happened, I'm going to utilize it to the best of my ability. I even have an idea for Isane's backstory.

Sorry for the rant. I'm still a little pissed that I missed these details.)

(E/D: I got a baby parrot, now I can be a pirate. I got a baby parrot. I got a baby parrot. I got a baby parrot. I got a baby parrot...)

(Ryoto's pov)

Together with Jushiro-senpai, I will be departing to the living in about two hours. It leaves me with some free time for myself. I decided to spend some time with Rin. Since Yoruichi and Kisuke are busy with some things in Squad 2. Isane is also occupied with her responsibilities as a lieutenant of Squad 4, so that leaves Rin.

What happened to my responsibilities as a lieutenant? We don't talk about it. I don't have a lot of them since my Captain is very responsible, but... I avoid it if I can.

I was currently looking for Rin around the barracks. If I remember correctly, she is on cleaning duty today. Rin is surprisingly strong herself and is already a seated officer. She is 6th seat, to be exact.

It may not seem impressive, but not many Shinigamis climb ranks as fast as her. I am also an exception since, in the same amount of time, I became a lieutenant, but since I'm Head Captain's student, then I'm expected to be a genius. I am, after all, one of three people that learned under him, and he is known as the strongest Shinigami.

What I'm trying to say is that Rin is strong. She is even better at Kido than I am, and I'm not terrible. I had some problems because my Reiatsu is violent and hard to control, but hard work doesn't betray a man.

I'm not even talking about her Zanpakuto. I feel like it has a huge potential to be powerful. From what I know, its ability is to connect. The question is how much can she connect. I saw her slashing the limbs of the Hollows, and that forced it to move the limbs at the same time but is it possible for her to connect the limbs of two people at the same time or maybe connect two people in general, so if one was wounded, the other would be as well. Possibilities are endless, really, but I can only speculate since I don't know the limits of her power.

While I was deep in my thoughts, I finally found my lovely girlfriend. I decided to surprise her.

I used Shunpo to appear behind her, but as soon as I got close to her, I noticed a broom coming to my face. Catching it wasn't a challenge for me, but I was really impressed by Rin's reaction.

"It's not very nice to attack your boyfriend like that."

I said teasingly as I was still holding the broomstick near my face that almost managed to hit me.

"It's not very nice to scare your girlfriend like that as well."

She tried to sound angry, but a small smile that formed had on her face betrayed her.

"Especially coming from behind."

I smirked at her comment.

"Really? I thought you enjoyed it from behind~."

Rin turned red and tried to hit me with her broom, but I avoided every attack with a grin until I disarmed her and hugged her by her waist, getting our faces close.

"Still so shy after everything we've done?"

"That doesn't mean that it's not embarrassing when you talk about it out loud."

She turned meek real quick. Ha, it even rhymes.

"But I must say, you didn't change that much in the last four and a half years."

Hearing me, I could see some melancholy in Rin's eyes.

"It's almost five years since we got here. It's a long time, but it feels like it passed so fast... You know, I should be 22 years old this year. At this point, I should be in college together with Saki-sama and Aya, but I didn't even age a bit in the last four years."

True, it went by fast, but a lot has changed.

"But I must disagree with you, Ryoto. I have changed."

"And how is that?"

She gave me a quick peck on the lips.

"I fell in love."

I am not easily stunned, but Rin rarely shows her affection like that but hearing that always feels nice.

"I love you too."

Both of us enjoyed our hug until some passing Shinigami faked a cough to gain our attention.

Rin quickly let go of me to see who it was, and I did the same.

It was some random Shinigami that I didn't recognize. As annoyed as I am, I'll at least hear him out. I'm lieutenant, after all, and one of my responsibilities is to hear out my subordinates.

Before I could try to be friendly, he rudely started talking to both Rin and me.

"I didn't expect members of one of the 13 Court Squad to behave in such a way during their working hours!"

Yeah, I don't like him already, and he said just one sentence. It's not a good sign. But I'm surprised that he doesn't recognize me. Unless he is new, he should know who his lieutenant is. I usually don't wear my lieutenant armband around my Squad's barracks unless I have a formal meeting.

"What was your name again?"

He looked proud hearing my question.

"Listen and listen well. My name is Soda Nabuyuki, and I'm a newly assigned 20th-seat officer. Thanks to my genius, I finished Academy one year earlier, and I was given a seated position right away! Now that I introduced myself, I'll take your names so I can report it to the Captain."


He is delusional... or stupid. Everyone knows that snitches get stitches, and he just says to our faces that he is going to snitch. But that gives me an idea.

I must have grinned because Rin whispered to my ear, "Careful, your sadist is showing."

I wasn't aware that I'm a sadist, maybe a troll but not a sadist. At least, I don't think so.

"Don't worry, I just want to mess with this guy that thinks that he is hot stuff."

"That's what I'm worried about."

We were talking quietly as the guy whose name I already forgot was ranting about something, not noticing that we didn't pay any attention to him.

"You're right. I should be ashamed of myself. Let's go together to Captain Ukitake and explain to him what has occurred. I'm sure he'll reward you exceptionally for upholding order in our Division."

Hearing my fake sadness and mention of a reward made him happy.

Too easy.

"Let's go, Rin. We need to receive our punishment."

Rin rolled her eyes but followed nonetheless.


"Captain Ukitake, I have something to report!"

With great enthusiasm, the 20th seat announced to our Captain, who raised his head from his paperwork.

Rin and I were standing behind the guy who tried to get us punished, so I decided to wave at Jushiro-senpai with a smile, and I think he immediately understood what happened.

"Yuuki-kun, please don't mess with your subordinates too much."

The Shinigami became confused and looked between Jushiro-senpai and me. I probably had the biggest grin on my face, and since my Captain decided to spoil my fun, it was time to introduce myself.

"I forgot to tell you my name. Ryoto Yuuki, Lieutenant of the 13th Division. Nice to meet you."

It was at this moment that he knew he fucked up.



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