The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel
Chapter 202: My future sister-in law doesn't approve my relationship

(Ryoto's pov)

Now that I've found someone to take care of Rin's duty, I got some time to spend with her, and what's a better thing to do than to relax under the tree with my head lying on her lap?

Rin was caressing my head, enjoying the feeling of my hair through her fingers.

We didn't need to talk about anything and just enjoyed each other's company. I better treasure these moments because I don't know when they'll end.

"Want to try our test now?" Zangetsu spoke inside my head.

Every day he was 'saying' something, and if I could hear it, he would let me train Bankai, which is essential since it would be a significant power boost. But I'm not stupid enough to bet everything on getting Bankai to get stronger. That's why I'm training other things like Kido, Zanjutsu, Hoho, and Hakuda. I also didn't stop training water and fire bending. Even though I can't use them, it doesn't mean that I can't train the form. I can't get rusty after all.

There is also one thing that I'm trying to train with little results, and I have high hopes that I'll succeed even if it takes a long time, but for now, I'll leave it as a secret.

"Sure, why not."

At this point, I believe he is just fucking with me, so I don't mind humoring him while I wait for Kisuke to invent the Tenshintai. Which allows forcibly materializing the Zanpakuto spirit to achieve Bankai in 3 days or less.

I'm impressed that I remembered that name to be honest.

"G**** ******"

It was the first time I heard something.

"What did you say? G-what?"

Hearing my question, there was silence until Zangetsu burst out laughing.

"Hahahahahaha!!! I can't believe it! Who knew that being patient would pay off? I lost the fucking bet, and I'm not even mad! Hahahahahaha!!!"

It was bizarre hearing Zangetsu that's happy outside of a fight.

"Tell you what, I'm so happy that I'll give you a reward. We'll start training something new the next time you'll visit me. I still can't believe it..."

That's great... strange but great. Zangetsu teaching me is never a bad thing, but right now, I'll relax before I need to go to the living world to meet the Quincies. I hope it doesn't go too horribly.

Before it happened, however, my rest was interrupted by someone who doesn't like me too much because I have three girlfriends, including her sister.

"Vice Captain, you shouldn't waste your time flirting with girls while being on duty!"

Kiyone wasn't the biggest fan of mine, but I can't blame her too much. She is just worried that her sister is in a relationship with a bad man. I can't say that she isn't wrong, but I'm not planning on making Isane unhappy. I may be a scumbag, but I'm a responsible one... or at least I'm trying to.

"I'm not flirting with girls. I'm enjoying my free time with my girlfriend, who you know."

"Are you cheating on my sister?"

"We are not starting this conversation again. I already told, Isane already told you, and even Rin here tried to explain to you that I, Isane, Rin, and Yoruichi decided to be in this relationship, and we all agreed to it. I'm not telling you to accept me immediately but at least respect Isane's decision."

I'm pretty proud of my speech. It turned out well.

"...You would sound more convincing if you weren't laying on Kujo-san's lap."

"But they are so comfortable..."

I started fondling them to showcase how comfortable they were.

I could practically feel the disgust coming from Kiyone.

"Ryoto, could you stop caressing them..." It was Rin the one who asked me this question even though she didn't seem to plan to move away from my hand.


I needed to show Kiyone the greatness of Rin's thighs.

(E/D: Uh... the number of misunderstandings. Rin and thighs... Oh, my God*Joseph style.*)

I don't think she gets it. Maybe she is too young, which is funny because she is probably older than me.


After spending some nice time with Rin, it was time to fulfill my duty as Vice Captain.

Captain Ukitake, I, and some other Shinigami arrived in the living world. The other Shinigami were only there for show. Something about showing that we have people to spare even for a seemingly unimportant meeting, although Quincy probably don't know that if things go wrong most of them will go extinct.

It probably won't end with only one meeting as Jushiro-senpai, just like me, doesn't like unnecessary bloodshed, and he will try to solve this conflict peacefully.

I just hope that they don't have sticks too far up their asses.

Right now, all of the Shinigami weren't using gigai as it wasn't required. Quincies are able to see ghosts, Hollows, and Shinigami alike, so being in gigai would only weaken our strength in a case of an accident.

It's important to know that while Jushiro-senpai is the main voice in negotiations, I am allowed to voice my opinion and contribute to the conversation.

I don't know why they allowed me since most people who know me are aware that I can be unpredictable, but I am also a lieutenant, and they expect me to be at least somehow responsible. It also could be Jushiro-senpai who spoke on my behalf, or it was only him who made this decision.

The meeting is being held in some small village. The funny thing is that Quincies, in the present time, were being paid for hunting Hollows.

Unlike in the 'present day', people widely believe in the supernatural. Yokai and other monsters may not exist, but people still try to explain the unknown in some way. Hollows can interact with the world of the living and even kill people, so some Quincy decided to monetize on this. Some become Onmyoji, others traveling monks, and others try to live their life normally.

The problem is that they kill Hollows. If they only defended themselves when they needed to, it wouldn't have been a problem but they went out of their way to fight monsters.

Soul Society believes that the living world should be left for the living, but just this is one of the expectations. When living people make stupid decisions Soul Society also needs to step in.

Well, let's see what's in store.

(E/D: I got a feeling that Ryoto will transform into CarryMinati and roast the s*it out of everyone.)



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