Adam was glad after hearing about her past which not only proved to him that she was more capable and worthy of working with him, but also revealed to him her reason for wanting to succeed.

With such a big weight that she was carrying from her ancestors, Elizabeth had great ambition and drive and was exactly what Adam needed from a partner.


It also showed him that the world wasn't as big as it seemed and he was lucky to have made his first step into the underground world of cultivation with a steady foundation and partner.

He was also beginning to realise that New York wasn't as big as it seemed and the large families of new york that each governed one borough would have spread to the rest of the country and the world if there wasn't something stopping them. Which showed him that they weren't the only cultivation families he had to be wary of and there were stronger and more influential cultivators out there in the world.

However, he made sure not to think too big yet with his current strength which was measly in comparison to the large families, let alone any bigger organisations.

"So why don't you tell us about your past and who you are" stated Elizabeth.

"Nah, I don't feel like it" answered Adam who didn't want anyone to replace his aunt or his friends who he knew that even with the Hunter's mind were his weakness.

Even though his Hunter's mind tried to cut his ties with others that would hold him back, he wasn't willing to do so with his friends and mostly his aunt.

"How is that fair" complained Elizabeth who knew she had no way to force Adam to do so.

"Life is unfair, so deal with it and unfourtanetly you can't kill me, so you won't get any information from me that I don't want to give you" stated Adam, teasing Elizabeth who was becoming annoyed.

"However I will tell you a few things so that you feel comfortable working with me. I have no affiliations and don't have any family, I also do not know any other cultivator other than Chase and live an ordinary life. It was only recently that I began cultivating" informed them Adam, not wanting to ruin the partnership they had created.

"But that is all the information I am comfortable revealing and should be enough to allow you to feel safe and secure while working with me" stated Adam.

"If that is all, I am a busy man and do need to leave. I appreciate the custom vehicle, but I do think my favour was enough to pay for this vehicle and its maintenance fees. If you need anything be sure to call me okay" said Adam as he prepared to leave and take with him the vehicle and the clothing set that was prepared for him.

Elizabeth couldn't help but think that Adam was crazy with his easy-going attitude that could suddenly switch to one that was of a paranoid killer and along with that was him always being busy and doing something.

"Okay, but make sure you be careful and you better not go around killing people or threatening to kill me again" scolded Elizabeth after seeing that Adam had returned to his easy-going self.

Adam wasn't crazy, but when his Hunter's mind, which would lie dormant in most cases that it wasn't needed, suddenly kicked in, he would become completely different.

"I will try not to, but do you have a car park in this building for me to try out this vehicle," asked Adam.

"Why do you need to try it out, it is just like any motorcycle and you should be comfortable riding it if you were able to get a licence" stated Jaspal.

"What if I don't have a licence and have never ridden a motorcycle before," asked Adam with a wry smile as he scratched his head.

"Why the hell are you asking for a motorcycle if you have never ridden one before and don't have a licence" screamed Elizabeth in annoyance.

"Do you know how much money I spent and how much time Jaspal spent designing and putting it together?" exclaimed Elizabeth.

"Don't worry I can learn, and as for a licence, how hard is it to get a fake one?" asked Adam, not wanting to go through the long process of taking lessons and taking tests in order to get the licence.

He had already made sure to memorise all the theory and knowledge part of the licence and knew all the safety guidelines and rules that one must know in order to get a licence, and also learnt quite a bit about motorcycles and how they were driven. All that was left was for him to experience it first hand.

"The money isn't the problem, but you need to give me some time to get it done through my contacts and until then, you shouldn't ride the motorcycle" stated Elizabeth sternly not wanting the motorcycle to get destroyed in an accident and also not wanting for Adam to be hurt or arrested because of it.

"I have heard about you from Elizabeth, as I am her advisor and helper, and I thought something like this would happen with what she had described of your personality" stated Jaspar as he withdrew some papers and a card from a folder that he had prepared.

"All I need is some identification of yours and a picture of your face and I can have this completed within the hour," said Jaspar with a blank expression.

Despite the brains he was showing, he wasn't arrogant and was calm as he acted respectfully before Elizabeth and her partner.

"Thanks a lot, it seems you are a great asset and maybe are the real brains behind Elizabeth's operations" thanked Adam, praising the intellect of Jaspal.

"I knew that Elizabeth was too stupid to make plans like that" mumbled Adam to himself jokingly, getting on Elizabeth's nerves once again.

Adam went back to his apartment and brought back with him his passport that he had renewed recently along with his aunt's as they had both expired, and after his licence was completed, he was excited to test out the motorcycle.

On his way back to his apartment, he had something that he wanted to ask the system.

[System if the intelligence stat has nothing to do with the actual mental capacity of an individual, is there a stat that can show the reasoning ability of a person] asked Adam as he sat in the back of the car that was driving him back to his apartment.

Adam had come to realise that the system would adapt and change to suit him and was there to nurture him and help with his growth by any means necessary. He was able to get past the system's annoying nature sometimes and was beginning to learn the different ways the system worked and acted in order to help him.

{Ding, a new stat will be introduced. The Wisdom Stat. The Wisdom Stat along with the Luck and Charisma Stats are special stats that cannot be increased using stat points and require special items, events, circumstances or rewards in order to do so} announced the system.

[So what does the Wisdom Stat cover] asked Adam, wanting to get all the information from the system before he forgot and the system withheld it from him.

{It is a measure of a person's common sense, their ability to discern other people's motives or feelings and their ability to make rational decisions. Although it is not a direct measure of who has more information or knowledge stored within their mind, it shows who is more likely to make a correct decision. It doesn't increase with the cultivator's strength and their rationality, which the Wisdom Stat represents, is only increased through experience} explained the system.

[System show me my status] ordered Adam.

{Ding, the host's current status is:

Mortal LVL: 16

Dungeon Form LVL: 2

EXP: 0 / 6000

HP: 270 / 270

IESP: 32 / 32

EESP: 32 / 32

Strength: 28

Speed: 31

Intelligence: 31

Resistance: 28

Wisdom: 10 (5+5)

Charisma: 5

Luck: 5}

[Why does it say 5+5] asked Adam.

{5 is the average wisdom level that is expected of an experienced adult and that is the wisdom level that the host was at before integrating with the system. However with the Hunter's mind, the host is capable of displaying double the rationality that one would expect from an average adult, that is if the Hunter's mind was in full control and not being suppressed by the host} answered the system.

Adam was glad that the system had added another stat, but remembering that the Status Peering Feature cost 100,000 system points, Adam knew that he wouldn't be able to see people's wisdom points for a long time.

After Jaspal had forged a fake licence for Adam and somehow hacked into the city's database and added it in, Adam had everything he needed to finally be able to ride back to his master with his own vehicle.

He couldn't help but praise Jaspal's usefulness and his intellect as he had helped Adam massively with the vehicle, licence and everything else that he had done.

"You do realise that just because you have a licence now, it doesn't mean you can actually ride a motorcycle" stated Elizabeth with a hint of mockery in her voice as she ate her food in the underground lair.

"Well we will see about that and I will show you that I can, I just need an open area to try it out first" refuted Adam, confident that he would be able to ride the motorcycle with everything that he had memorised.

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