"First things first, let's test out if it can actually change into the all-black motorbike," said Adam as he walked over to the ordinary-looking motorbike.

"Press the red button under the handlebar that requires the key in for anything to work" instructed Jaspal as he threw the key over to Adam.


Adam inserted the key then pressed the button, and instantly the metal exterior of the motorcycle began to move by itself as it flipped itself over to reveal a slender black chrome exterior that had no branding or licence plate and was much slicker.

"Great, this is better than I imagined and it only took a few seconds to change. All that is left is to actually ride it" stated Adam with an excited expression.

"Are you crazy, you don't want to ask how to ride it first before you ride it" exclaimed Elizabeth.

"Yes Adam, you should be careful and this is a manual motorcycle, so it isn't as easy to drive as you might think" advised Jaspal.

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'll be fine" reassured Adam nonchalantly as he pressed the button again to change the motorcycle back to its ordinary model.

Adam overall was pleased with the motorcycle, but the fact that it took 10 seconds to switch models and he couldn't by riding it while it switched were two things that he was disappointed about.

Adam got Elizabeth and Jaspal to turn around, and switched into the leather pants, then put the jacket on top of the t-shirt that he was wearing.

Adam didn't really care if they saw him in his underwear, but he would prefer if they didn't and Elizabeth and Jaspal didn't dare to turn around and peak after experiencing the suffocating and dominating effect of his killing intent.

"Let's go, lead the way to the car park that you mentioned" stated Adam as he put the helmet in the small storage that he had specified to Elizabeth.

It was larger than he had expected and he could hold things on the back of the motorcycle and also had a second larger storage compartment under the seat.

Elizabeth was annoyed by the recklessness and carelessness that she believed Adam was displaying, but Adam felt confident that with the knowledge he had gathered about motorcycles and how they were driven, he was ready to ride it.

Taking the motorbike off its stand, Adam wheeled it into the lift and squeezed it into the lift along with Elizabeth and Jaspar.

"By the way, Jaspal, how old are you?" asked Adam, who didn't get Jaspal's age and was unsure of how old he was.

"I am 25, so am a similar age to Elizabeth and not too much older than you" answered Jaspal who had found out Adam's date of birth from his passport when he had made the licence for him.

[I thought he was in his thirties. It seems the cost of seeking only knowledge for your entire life is your physical development and appearance] thought Adam to himself.

Jaspal wanted to be able to help Elizabeth as much as he could as it was the main purpose of his life, and knowing that he didn't have the cultivation talent or opportunities to be somebody she could depend on when it came to strength, his only choice was to become as knowledgable as possible and become an advisor that she could rely on.

'This Adam fellow isn't as simple as he seems and he is also progressing too quickly from what Elizabeth is telling me. But I can see that he doesn't have bad intentions towards Elizabeth, and if so, I will assist him and increase his strength as much as I can if it will increase the power and influence of Elizabeth and get her closer to where she wants to be and where her ancestors once were' thought Jaspal to himself as both Adam and Jaspal were attempting to gauge what each other were thinking.

Adam could see that Jaspar wasn't limited to only having large amounts of knowledge, but also seemed to have good reasoning and probably had a high Wisdom Stat.

[The perfect advisor. A weak, loyal nerd that is very wise and knowledgable] thought Adam to himself as he was pleased that Elizabeth had such a useful assistant.

Elizabeth led Adam to a small private car park that she had on the edge of her building that was against the main road and within it was a few completely black range rovers that all had tinted windows.

"What an imaginative taste in cars" muttered Adam sarcastically.

"Shut up, it's for business and safety purposes and not to be imaginative" refuted Elizabeth.

"Why don't you show us your motorcycle skills and show us that you can ride it," said Elizabeth with a mocking expression, believing that Adam wouldn't be capable of riding it.

Adam ignored her and got onto his motorbike as he leaned on one leg before starting the motorcycle.

Putting on the helmet, just to be safe, he wearing a set of protective leather wear and an extremely durable helmet, which along with his high resistance and HP, made it so that he didn't have much to worry about.

Inserting the key into his motorcycle, the engine began roaring and Adam following what he had memorised, squeezed the clutch lever in, then slowly eased it out.

He then pressed down on the gear shift and put the motorcycle into first gear, then turned the right handle, which was the twist throttle, and he accelerated forwards.

Adam made sure not to make the mistake of turning the throttle too much which would cause the motorcycle to stall, and if that occurred while he was moving, would cause him to flip over.

Adam was slightly unbalanced while on the motorcycle and quite stiff in its use, but after riding around the small car park and getting used to it, he felt comfortable within a few minutes. 

Elizabeth and Jaspal were shocked by how easy he made it look and were beginning to doubt whether he was lying about not knowing how to ride a motorcycle. But remembering how uncomfortable he was at the start, it was unlikely, and that meant that he really was able to learn how to drive a motorbike in less than 10 minutes.

"He is quite good isn't he" stated Jaspal.

"Yes he is and he might be the key that I needed to open the door to finally realising my dreams" agreed Elizabeth as Adam rode around the small car park.

He was slowly increasing the speed at which he was driving at, and with his Hunter's mind and Dual Wielding Mastery at 10%, he was replaceing the motorcycle quite easy to control.

Adam was enjoying the exhilarating feeling of driving a motorcycle for the first time, but after almost half an hour of driving around the area, he knew that it was time to stop.

He was confident that he knew all the precautions that he had to be aware of while driving on roads, so everything was sorted as he stopped in front of Elizabeth and Jaspal who stood there the entire time.

Taking off his helmet he had a gloating expression as he proved Jaspal and Elizabeth, that both believed he couldn't drive a motorcycle, wrong.

"Good job Adam, and you should be fine to go on the roads if you are confident enough. I guess this is farewell and I appreciate the help and method that you provided me previously" stated Elizabeth.

"Thanks, I also appreciate this vehicle and everything else you have given me today. I am gonna leave now and have other things to do, if you need anything just call me and if you can't replace me, I might be training somewhere and might not answer. However, if it's urgent, I am sure you can replace me" replied Adam as he put his helmet back n and drove out of the building and onto the main road.

Adam had a suspicion that Jaspar who was very sneaky and cautious put a tracker on his motorcycle, but Adam decided to leave it on for the time being as he didn't have anything to hide from them.

But in the future, if he needed to go rogue when on a mission or wanted to go somewhere that he didn't want them to know of, he would search for it and remove it or threaten Jaspar to remove it for him.

He didn't care if they found out where he trained as his master seemed like an ordinary crazy person if they didn't test him, so there wouldn't be anything special for them to hide.

However if there really was a tracker on the motorcycle that they gave him, it was a massive intrusion of his privacy and he would be angry and would also begin to lose trust in Elizabeth and her organisation, that he was beginning to trust.

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