After the beast was killed, Adam saw his EXP rise by 13 points, instead of the 3 points that it would have been if he didn't upgrade his Dungeon Form to LVL 2, and also saw something enter his inventory.

Adam didn't need to physically loot the beasts after defeating them, which was a handy feature of the system, and the loot would automatically enter his inventory after the beast disintegrated, if there was any, unlike how it was on Floor 0 where Adam had to physically gather the loot.


{Would you like to collect this beast as your Primate base beast. YES / NO}

[Yes] answered Adam without hesitation.

He felt the Forest Monkey that he just defeated enter the beastpedia that was within his mind and was also notified that it had entered his beastpedia through his menu.

Checking his inventory, Adam found some useless beast fur and was planning to give it to his Primate Summon when he summoned it, but he had a few things that he was curious about to do with his new summon.

[Primate Summon. Does that include humans as well, because aren't they a primate to] wondered Adam to himself, who had quite a lot of knowledge about animals and their families after researching about them, subsequent to gaining the system and the Collector Skill.

He had killed a human before in reality, but he had never been given a Primate or Human summon, so he was unsure what the current situation was.

{Your Primate Summon does include and can acquire humans that are also primates, which would then be added fused with the Forest Monkey, which is the base beast for your Primate Summon} stated the system.

[So why didn't I gain a human summon after killing a human in reality] asked Adam, imagining being able to summon another human that would be just as powerful as he was.

{That is because the host can only acquire different species to add to the beastpedia through the dungeon, and any being killed outside the dungeon cannot be collected into the beastpedia} answered the system.

Adam wasn't disappointed by that revelation, but was still planning to acquire as many beasts as he could into his Beastpedia.

[Then why didn't I gain the summon for the Snow Leopard Boss Beast that I defeated] asked Adam as he remembered the painful memory of losing control to his Bloodlust characteristic.

He knew that it granted him incredible power and ability, but the consequences of it were also immense and he had to continuously suppress his Bloodlust characteristic, otherwise, the past event could repeat itself.

{That is because the host lost control and couldn't accept the beast as your base beast within your beastpedia, and also died before the system could offer it to the host} answered the system with a hint of mockery.

Adam couldn't help but swear in annoyance as he missed out on the opportunity to gain the ability to be able to summon a giant snow leopard, but he calmed down soon after knowing there was nothing he could do about it then.

"Thanks for your help and I will call upon your strength again in the near future" thanked Adam to the Leporidae Summon as he retracted it back into his beastpedia.

Remembering that the summons from the Collector Skill were intelligent and retained their memories from each summon, Adam wanted to rectify the way that he ordered them around carelessly and used them as pawns, knowing that they were becoming harder and harder for him to control as they got stronger and his charisma was yet to improve.

He could also only sustain the beasts for 9 minutes after summoning them, if they didn't sustain any damage, and he was realising that no matter how much his strength increased, he would still only be able to sustain them for the same amount of time with his energy.

{The host does realise that you can summon the same beast at a lower cultivation rank to reduce the amount of IESP used to summon it and sustain it} stated the system questioningly, as if it was basic knowledge.

Adam couldn't help but be annoyed at the system that always withheld important information and expected him to know it without ever being taught it, but he calmed down knowing that he was in the middle of a dangerous dungeon where he could be attacked by a beast at my moment.

[It makes sense. In the same way, I can activate the Dual Slash with a minimum of 2 IESP and can use more IESP through the skill to make the attack stronger, I can also summon my beast summons using only 1 IESP and they would be rank 1 beasts and I can sustain them with only 1 IESP per minute. While I can also add more IESP during the summoning and sustain it using more energy if I need to summon a stronger beast] thought Adam to himself.

That solved the issue with him being able to control his summons if he wanted to use them despite their strength surpassing his charisma, but Adam wanted to increase his charisma and be able to use beasts at the same strength as himself, as otherwise, they wouldn't be of much use.

However he couldn't help but wonder whether if he expended more energy, would he be able to summon beasts that were stronger than himself.

{No, currently it is not possible for the host to summon beasts that are of a higher strength LVL than the host} stated the system, answering his question, but hinting that it may be possible in the future.

He wasn't particularly disappointed by the revelation, as he wouldn't be able to sustain the summon that was stronger than him for long, but the fact that the system could read his mind and thoughts was becoming annoying.

[Stupid system] thought Adam to himself knowing that the system was within his mind and could read his thoughts.

The system didn't answer or say anything, but Adam had a feeling that he had annoyed the system, which was exactly what he wanted to do in return for every time that the system had annoyed him in the past.

Adam's questioning of the system and gathering of information was cut short as he sensed a few monkey beasts coming his way.

Knowing how capable the monkey beasts were, Adam prepared himself to face them as he covered his back against a tree so that his blindspots couldn't be exploited by the monkey beasts.

It was three monkey beasts coming towards Adam together as they screeched angrily and jumped around him, looking for the right opportunity to attack.

With the tall trees that many branches and vines attached to them, the monkey beasts could manoeuvre above Adam's head quickly as he attempted to focus on the three monkey beasts at once, that were in sync with each other and swinging above and around Adam.

Their teamwork was much better than the Canidae beasts and although the Canidae beasts had a closer brotherhood than the monkey beasts, as the Canidae beasts were less comprehensive and adaptable to different situations.

Jumping down, they all attacked from different directions, with one attacking the front of Adam and the other two attacking his sides, swinging down in a similar way to the other monkey beasts and launching themselves feet first towards Adam, wanting to crash into him.

However, despite being cornered by the attack, Adam wasn't overwhelmed and summoned his Leporidae Summon that pounced at the monkey beast attacking Adam's left side and slashed it apart, while Adam managed to block the other two monkey beast's attacks with either arm.

As the monkey beasts bounced off Adam's arms and jumped back to get back into the trees, the Leporidae Summon had already slashed apart the monkey beast and managed to slash another monkey beast before it could get back into the trees.

"Good job" praised Adam to his Leporidae Summon as he shook his arms that had been damaged by the attacks of the monkey beasts and the one that he defeated previously.

If his back wasn't against a tree, Adam was sure that with the power and force behind the monkey beasts' attacks, he would have been sent flying.

Not only did the tree stop him from being launched backwards, but it also supported his back and arms against the impact and lowered the damage that nearly broke his arms.

The two monkey beasts left were shocked and intimidated by Adam and mostly the Leporidae Summon, that was the bigger threat, and despite their animosity towards Adam, they retreated without thought.

Adam wanted to order his Leporidae Summon to chase after them, but there was a range to how far he could be from his summon and he also didn't want to waste his IESP that he had to conserve.

Retracting the Leporidae Summon that he had made his key weapon against the monkey beasts, as he didn't have a weapon to wield himself, Adam noticed that the beasts within a dungeon also held hatred towards Adam's summons, which must be because they were formed from his energy.

Adam sat on the ground against the tree wanting to recover his lost energy and HP before the monkey beasts inevitably returned to him.

He activated the Ethereal Recovery Skill as he felt as though his soul had left his body, as it rapidly circulated and absorbed energy to recover his HP and energy, but he instantly stopped the skill when he heard monkey beasts approaching his location.

He could hear and sense that there were many of them approaching his location, which must have been bought back by the two monkey beasts, but he had nowhere to run to or hide within the dungeon as he prepared to face them head-on.

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