A group of dozens of monkey beasts, that all had varying strength levels that varied between LVL 14 and LVL 16, all rushed towards Adam's location from the trees.

Adam was instantly intimidated by the large amounts of monkey beasts as he realised that there was nowhere for him to run or hide from the numerous monkey beasts who had the terrain advantage.


He didn't have a weapon and looking around him, there didn't seem to be anything that he could use, as he prepared to fight against the monkey beasts using his fists and his summons.

"I have no chance of facing against them all at once and I will be cornered, I need to split them up" mumbled Adam to himself as he saw the shrieking monkeys swing towards him.

3 of the monkey beasts that were closest to Adam all swung towards him wanting to strike him with a downwards powerful hammer fist, but Adam didn't seem fazed by the 3 attacks.

Goblin Summon

Summoning his goblin summon, that was the summon that he had with the most Strength points and had a weapon, Adam ordered it to strike down the 3 incoming monkey beasts with its club before they reached him.

With an order that it had to follow, the stocky goblin held tightly onto its club and swung its club with as much power as it could, sweeping all the monkey beasts that were midair before him in a single strike.

The Goblin Summon's strike launched the 3 monkey beasts crashing into trees in the distance as the Goblin Summon's power shocked Adam,

Adam had come to realise that his summons all had the same amount of stat points, that were used in different stats, and the number of stat points they had was slightly above average for their LVL and slightly bellow his own.

However, he had underestimated just how powerful that made them and because of their unique body structures and attributes, they were much more useful than he had expected.

He had also come to realise that they were far superior to beasts at the same LVL as them as they didn't have a restricted mentality, like the beasts in the dungeon, and they retained the knowledge they gained each time they were summoned which increased their combat prowess.

Despite the powerful strike, the three monkey beasts were yet to be defeated and there were many more monkey beasts to deal with.

Leporidae Summon

Canidae Summon

Adam summoned the two summons he had acquired that had sharp teeth and or sharp claws to be able to deal the most damage to the monkey beasts, while he felt that in the current situation the Pythonidae Summon and the Primate Summon wouldn't be as useful.

The Primate Summon that he was yet to use wouldn't be of much use against the monkey beasts that were of the exact same species, and it was yet to experience any battles or retain any knowledge, while the Pythonidae Summon had quite restricted movement and wouldn't be of much use against multiple opponents.

"Don't take any damage and strike down any monkey beasts that attempt to attack us" ordered Adam to his summon as he formed a formation with his back against a tree.

The Leporidae Summon stood on his shoulder, while the Goblin Summon and Canidae Summon stood before him and struck down any attacking monkey beasts.

After seeing that their individual attacks from the trees weren't working, the intelligent and adaptable monkey beasts changed their strategy as they all formed a formation of their own on the ground.

Adam was pleased seeing that they had opted to give up on the single advantage that they had over him, as he changed his plan and decided to deal with them directly.

Grabbing the Leporidae Summon, that was small enough to hold in a single hand, Adam flung the small white hare-like beast towards the monkey beasts.

The Leporidae Summon was annoyed by the way it was thrown like a ball, but the forward momentum that the throw gave it increased the power of its slash, as it slashed down a monkey beast, leaving three deep claw marks on the monkey beast's neck.

"Attack" bellowed Adam as he charged towards the monkey beasts that stood on the ground with his Canidae and Goblin Summon.

After the monkey beasts decided to battle on the ground instead of attacking from the trees, Adam knew that he could win the battle with his summons as he began striking the monkey beasts alongside his summons.

Adam and the Goblin Summon dealt heavy blows that damaged and weakened the monkey beasts, while the Leporidae Summon and Canidae Summon would slash them down and finish them off.

Adam and his summoned summons were in perfect coherence with each other as they all covered each other's backs and worked together to massacre the group of 40 monkey beasts.

He was feeling an exhilarating rush of adrenaline, enjoyment and elation as he witnessed the power that he was capable of producing alongside his summons when they all worked together and covered each other's disadvantages.

Within minutes he had managed to kill all the monkey beasts alongside his summons as he collapsed on the ground soon after from exhausting his IESP and suffering some damage from the battle.

Activating the Ethereal Recovery Skill, Adam began recovering his energy and HP as he also realised that his progress speed was increasing and so was his skill in hunting beasts.

After 3 hours of using the Ethereal Recovery Skill, he had completely recovered his energy storages and lost HP and stood up ready to continue his hunting.

What he had gathered so far of Floor 2 was that there seemed to be a civilisation or group of monkey beasts in the centre similar to how the goblins were on Floor 0, and they were also willing to group up and were very adaptable.

The longer he faced up against the monkey beasts, the harder it would be to defeat them as they began to learn Adam's fighting tactics and how he attempted to deal with them.

Because of that, Adam had to make sure that he killed them swiftly and quickly before they were able to adapt and learn, and before they were able to retreat and return with more monkey beasts.

With that in mind, he had to be careful not to alert the monkey beasts as if it wasn't for his 3 summons activated at once, Adam knew that he would have been beaten badly if he was alone.

It was only because of the coherence that he and his summons displayed while battling together and their advantages over the monkey beast, otherwise, even with his 3 summons, the monkey beasts would have been able to overpower them with their numbers.

The main advantages and qualities of the monkey beasts were that they had balanced stats and could quickly adapt to most situations, but if they weren't given time to adapt, they weren't very difficult foes to take down.

Looking at his loot he found within his inventory, Adam could see monkey beast fur, monkey beast tails and one item that he could actually use.

"An E+ Rank Monkey Fur Coat, interesting" mumbled Adam to himself as he clicked on the item within his inventory to see its effects.

E+ Rank Monkey Fur Coat


Allows the wearer to increase all their stats by 1 point for 10 minutes

Seeing its effects Adam was shocked by how useful it was, but was disappointed to see that it was a consumable item, meaning he could only use it once.

"I will save it for when I battle against the Boss Beast of this floor and will give the rest of the loot to the Primate Summon to strengthen itself" decided Adam.

Surveying the nearby area, Adam came across a few monkey beasts that he swiftly killed by summoning his Leporidae Summon and launching it at the beasts.

He was beginning to realise that the closer he went to the centre, the more monkey beasts there were and the stronger they were becoming,

Knowing that, Adam similar to how he had targetted the weaker Goblin Guards on Floor 0, circled around the outer areas of the monkey beasts' territory.

Doing so, he was progressing rapidly and hunting using only his Leporidae Summon and his own strength, as he continued slaughtering monkey beasts on the outer areas of stage 2.

He only stopped to use the Ethereal Recovery Skill to recover his energy storages and HP that he would lose, and after an entire day of hunting within the dungeon, he had finally managed to LVL UP.

{LVL UP - You are now LVL 13 and have an increase in all stats and an extra stat point, where do you wish to spend your stat point} announced the system.

[Show me my status, then I will decide] answered Adam.

{Mortal LVL: 13

Dungeon Form LVL: 2

EXP: 0 / 3000

HP: 140 / 240

IESP: 29 / 29

EESP: 29 / 29

Strength: 25

Speed: 25

Intelligence: 28

Resistance: 25

Charisma: 5

Luck: 5}

[Spend the stat point on speed] decided Adam before then communicating to the system to take him back to reality after 24 hours of productive hunting within the dungeon.

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